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Everything posted by ivan

  1. how else am i to drown me sorrows? and i only smoke when i'm awake...and not at work...or hanging out w/ the fam...or too poor to buy t.p....
  2. goddamit - why can't I be a decent free-climber!?!
  3. ivan

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    it annoys me that you seem to think history teachers can't seperate their personal politics from their instruction - i've taught w/ dozens of folks who have very strong politics, right and left, none of whom are looking to create legions of minions
  4. i have about as much money as the typical 18 yr old - does that count? i think i even got some misspelled cred too!
  5. i will be content to maintain my streak of nothing beyond E1++
  6. fork yeah! - did you piss off satan 'fore snapp'n'this'un? is there any unsatisfying fashion to scale der monkey-wand?
  7. jeebus! i'm pretty certain i woulda kept the 20$ though, if only as a down-payment on the bottle big enough to make me forget seeing such a thing...
  8. when waiting on ben, it's generally a good idea to bring a book, a tall frosty drink w/ an umbrella sticking out of it, and a benevolent sense of patience! good jorb dood! i admire how you always get the shit done w/o missing a chance to sniff every flower upon the way!
  9. epic!
  10. but on the other hand, i bet the walk down off the top of the wall was an ecstatic one! was the triple overhang as much a via ferrata as it is today? i think i place maybe 2 pieces of my own on that thing!
  11. you mean we actually can't bomb them into sanity?!?
  12. it may just be that dem muslims are fucking retarded
  13. i don't - spare me the exhaustive google search - what epiiiic thing happened in wily-coyote land in days gone by?
  14. but then i'd, like, have to drive all that way, and, like, walk up a steep hill n' stuff! am looking forward to spending some more time at index this summer though - still have a number of the aid-classics to do their first though...goddamn i wish it wasn't 3 1/2 hrs away!
  15. epic! fuck no we're not cutting my rope - watch my dumb ass walk this plank!
  16. epic!!! 'specially when the cigarettes (least the ones that hadn't melted in the rain) ran out
  17. all this rationality is gonna give the interwebs a bad rap, dammit!
  18. oh, i imagine there are other ways to see it more quickly, plus pink elephants having parades on the summit n' whatnot
  19. excellent gay-dar joe! shit, i've never noticed that face but it's plainly obvious now - luckily that freaky shit is in the out-of-bounds area! the norseman's boyfriend?
  20. ivan

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    i seem to recall it was more of a "get out of najaf and into new orleans" kinda thing, dood
  21. holy fawk that's disturbing!
  22. is that you john wayne? is that me?
  23. i don't think i even understand the question what are either of the places you mention?
  24. you met him yet? know any of his background?
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