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Everything posted by ivan

  1. epics are easier to remember
  2. you'll like that belay more now bill, should you return - moved it a bit down and right so you can stand on a decent ledge...
  3. looks like i could make about 18$ if i went n' did some cleaning on dod's jam
  4. does watching harold n' kumar escape guatanomo count?
  5. i would never equate the words "quick" "read" n' "jayb"
  6. so, it's not the religion of middle easterners that's the problem, its the people themselves?
  7. secular or not, i'd be wary of speaking to any turk 'least that's what this guy would say
  8. ivan

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    nail'n'palin is on cc.com?
  9. more cowbell?
  10. w/ your wide open mind i'm sure you'll learn a lot i like how the foundation story of both islam and mormonism is virtually identical
  11. fallacy??? thought we were channeling jim morrison - should i switch to a different channel? i guess i shoulda offered to rape me ma on second thought...
  12. had the same at uva - doubt you'll learn more than you do just be being observant and reading - what's to say? islam's the same as all other pie-in-the-sky philsohpies - crazy, certainly, but not outrageously so in the practice of the live'n'let'live majority...
  13. you're saying i should kill my parents? ok!
  14. sumthang 'bout slayer n' hippies just don't mix
  15. shit, i watched it - i'm convinced! now, who should i kill to make this all right?
  16. wtf is even produced in az other than cranky conservatives? i've been boycotting them already...
  17. well in that case.....
  18. i know what col walter e kurtz would say
  19. what do you think her chiropracter would make of that? dr layton? paging dr layton?
  20. on the plus side, this thread has somehow gotten "peace train" lodged into my cerebellum
  21. you missed yer calling...not sure what it shoulda been, but something...
  22. global warming will be your friend?
  23. they are speakers of the savage slavic tongue, methinks
  24. oleg = epic magnet! seems liek every time i've been around those gullies this time of year they've been scar as phuck...time to move on over to rainier!
  25. that guy is my hero - seriously still, not as cool as that guy who climbed the sunshine route in cowboy boots over 3 days, cutting steps w/ his bowie knife, only to fall down the pearly gates on the other side
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