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Everything posted by ivan

  1. hmm - gotta think that somelke 85% of the teenage guys i teach are playing "call of duty" and fantasizing about zombie-apocalypses and not too far away from pissing on their own first kill...
  2. interesting - wouldn't have though that - got any beta on it?
  3. agreed there, jay, and why i said this on page 1
  4. yes yes, we should leave it to presidents and other such leaders instead. ha! you might also point out that taking a frenchman's advice on how to make war is like taking a catholic priest's advice on how to babysit little boys.
  5. Does anyone who is too dumb to spell a word in the title of their own thread still have a right to use it? ain't you a cunning linguist!
  6. a fine illustration of clemenceau's observation that "war is too serious a matter to leave to soldiers."
  7. quite possibly his best role (either that or chet from wierd science)
  8. I hear ya. KKK asked me to climb with him once, but the caveat was he wanted me to pee in his mouth. Suddenly...my calendar was full. Gee, that's almost as funny as your threats to rape FW and his family. You're a barrel off laughs, you fat, worthless fuck. you sound like you got some stress to work out - hey man, the afghan war ain't quite done yet if'n you hustle down to the recruiters!
  9. ivan

    Name change

    shit, throw in 5$ and you can automatically increase yer post count to 100,000!
  10. indeed, little bitty drink of water like that! all 250+ of my bubble gum ass took a good long fall onto a smaller nut than that this summer and made me a True Believer must be nice to float like a butterfly so innocently like that - sigh....
  11. i heard god was a civil engineer?
  12. bernard fall was badass! i was raised on "hell in a small place" and "street w/o joy."
  13. it's a well known that, from the beginning, engineers were a bunch of dreary fucks
  14. indeed, let's leave 10 years ago already! i'm certainly no holier than these guys - i wouldn't be suprised at all if, in some parallel dimension, i was doing the same things as these dudes - the serene placidness i enjoy daily is undoubtedly the result of a conscious daily routine of long naps and tall glasses of burgundy, both of which seem in short supply in the typical war-zone...
  15. what seems lost here is that this video is fucking peanuts compared to many other pearls of the past decade - jesus christ, the kids up at ft lewis just pled or were found guilty of doing far, far more sinister shit than pissing on some dead dudes who very likely deserved their untimely demise. g-bay-prison-sex-fuck-fest-ice-cube-dead-dudes-stacked-in-cheerleader-pyramid-redneck-bitches-pointing-their-fingers-at-yer-little-naked-prick-pix ring a bell? as for the sense in taking the video, uh, they're, ya know, called jarheads, right?
  16. you said "trim" [video:youtube]
  17. ivan


    gotta be aussies? looks like a sweeeeeet porta-party to me.
  18. not to tar all the christian folk w/ the same brush, mind ye - dog bless the amish for example, who no doubt must have the smallest carbon foot-print of all americans!
  19. well, since you asked - i'm reading an interesting history of the french foreign legion at the moment ("our friends beneath the sands") - just read a chapter on a very obscure campaign in the late 19th century when the legion confronted a west african kingdom who's name escapes me currently, but was nicknamed "the prussia of west africa" for their intensely militaristic organization and aggressive habits - apparently had a huge force of female soldiers that the legion regarded as superior even to them anyhow, nice bloody kingdom w/a penchant for aztec-style treatment of prisoners - the throne room, for example, was apparently of great dimesions, and the floor was tiled with the crowns of the skulls of executed prisoners - the king, who did ultimately meet his demise at the hands of the legion, liked to execute folks by burying them neck-deep in the sand, then letting the ants do the rest good enough for you for now?
  20. ummm, what AREN'T they angry about? for followers of a pretty mellow hippie dude, they sure seem aggro at all hours and in any weather - perhaps it's b/c the old testament w/ it's meth-head raging god taxes their reading abilities so much they never can quite make it to the second half where He has a kid and chills the fuck out?
  21. If only it was just four stupid jarheads.... These guys just acted out the attitude of a huge portion of our population. The problem goes much, much deeper than the idiocy for 4 individuals. 'course, that just leaves you w/ an indictment on the whole human race... this is a little closer to form... i think doug the marine's post above is about the same tune too, eh?
  22. Well, the extreemist christians have blind devotion and extreem hatred on their side. Rational thinkers don't make the best soldiers so science is lacking there. stalin and mao and robespierre sure seemed to find enough to get the job done?
  23. If only it was just four stupid jarheads.... These guys just acted out the attitude of a huge portion of our population. The problem goes much, much deeper than the idiocy for 4 individuals. 'course, that just leaves you w/ an indictment on the whole human race...
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