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Everything posted by ivan

  1. crappy conditions for ice here in camas at the moment
  2. ivan

    Big Walls

    you forgot 1(a) - along the way, rob a bank in order to fund yer vagabond lifestyle
  3. i was already assuming i'd have killed my partner for them - if i'm solo and the unthinkable st famine's day sets in for the smokes, i'm sure i can make an acceptable substitute out of the cyanide n' nitro.
  4. extra batteries for the mp3 pornography nitro tauntaun and light saber cyanide tablets for when all of the above fail
  5. wise king do not grieve it is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning for every one of us living in this world means waiting for our end let he who can achieve glory before death when a warrior is gone that will be his best and only bulwark
  6. i could sweat at absolute zero my mitts were pretty damn wet from day 1, from a combination of sweating, pouring snow, the fact the mitt shells were not sealed tight above my wrists, and a million handplants in the powder while slipping about - coulda dried them against my body that night, but i was too happy being drunk too care...
  7. i assume you have already made the appropriate sacrifice to whatever pagan god you pray to for the divine intervention?
  8. dude, where's the pix of the ripped anchor? now that's some shit to see, as well as hopefully the giant shit-stain in yer pants!
  9. you were too busy trying to make a #3
  10. rollicking redneck time, hooooly shit batman! - brawling in the bar-room 60 feet above the deck, boys booting over the railing before dawn, olympic turd tossing off the cliffs - snow so fine and deep a snorkel not a bad addition at the seattle train-station at 0643 perhaps the finest bit of the whole trip - fresh off a talk on the tragic lack of down-jackets amongst the downtrodden who flock about the station-house rather like wharf-rats on a half-sunk hulk, we imagined a charity to right that wrong: "puffies for panhandlers" 20 minutes later i'm laying about the cushy chairs, putting out the vibe, when things go south out on the street - a homeless gentleman awakes next to his new squeeze, who he shakes up and attempts to commence amorous activities with - she has no need of his essence though, and roundly tells him to fuck off - nursing an unknown hangover however, our primed protagonist does not hear her - a few seconds later she produces pepper spray and fills his face from a foot away - as a hundred god-fearing would-be train-travelers look on in an array of horror and delight, she stalks off into the predawn madness of ice and cold and he, screaming, slouches towards the bathroom to spend the next half hour vomiting pepper-chunks rather like a firehose - almost made the train being an hour late worthwhile
  11. take it back to rei - i'd be less than 100% satisfied
  12. "eat cock, ass-eyes" "lick sac" "ron paul!!!"
  13. "eat cock, ass-eyes"
  14. nahhhh, no way he climbed this thing or he'd still have the poison oak scars to show for it!
  15. no, i'm not saying that. obviously our soldiers are good at killing people and have been for a long time. the sick fucks at sand creek in 1864 oughta be a fine example of that. I don't follow the logic. If dehumanizing desensitization techniques are effective how could they not play a role in what soldiers do today, irrespective of past atrocities. yes, dehumanization is effective - it has always been done and will continue until pigs learn to play poker listen to bob dylan's "w/ god on our side" - our society has always revered those who kill in the name of the state and held them out as examples to be followed, especially if they can turn the killer instinct on/off at will and go back to being peaceful - george washington, john paul jones, audy murphy, ira hayes, stonewall jackson, sgt. york, joshua lawrence chamberlain, william t sherman, stephen decatur, teddy roosevelt, yadda, yadda, yadda. again, society sends mixed signals. be peaceful, but also be ready to be a stony-eyed killer when we want you to be. is that even a bad thing? sometimes motherfuckers do have to pay, eh? i'm speaking out of my ass of course, but if my experience roaming about the east coast and europe the first half of my life is representative of the rest of the world, i bet there are more monuments in this world to state-sanctioned killers than healers.
  16. instead of bitching, i'm going to climb "stone soup" yer turning into a 1-trick wonder son! need to finish my other line on that side so you at least haven't somethign else to be a passive-aggressive whiner about.
  17. socialization is complex, no? while simulatenously making society in general more peaceful through the means listed above, it can also build-up the ability to be more warlike when the bugle is sounded. democracies are usually pretty peaceful, but historically they've been pretty good at kicking ass when required, yes?
  18. -as humans have evolved, they have become both better at killing each other and in preparing themselves to kill each other On the contrary, Steven Pinker argues eloquently in his latest NYT bestseller book that at the moment we, as a species, are the least violent we've ever been. i didn't say that we're killing each other more, just that, when we decide we want to kill someone, we're really, really goddamn good at doing it and yes, historically, by many standards, we're living in the most peaceful era ever - not exactly a glowing recommendation for hopping in the delorean, gunning it up to 88 mph, and going backwards now is it?
  19. no bitching out of season!
  20. you wasted your chance to show off your preternatural skill at haiku, grasshopper.
  21. no, i'm not saying that. obviously our soldiers are good at killing people and have been for a long time. the sick fucks at sand creek in 1864 oughta be a fine example of that. more like saying that it's not the military so much as society in general that prepares people to kill. obviously the military builds on that burgeoning skill, and for good reasons - soldiers who won't shoot straight are just as useless as ones who can't, no?
  22. - humans have been killing each other since caine and abel -humans have been desenstizing themselves to kill since then too -as humans have evolved, they have become both better at killing each other and in preparing themselves to kill each other -therefore, complaining about violent video games, a product of human evolution, is pretty much just complaining about the weather or any other natural phenomena that said, we are to some extent masters of our own evolution, and we have worked out some reasonable restraints on our primal instincts: sports, international treaties, internet porn, rule of law, etc. sure, banning violent video games might fall into that category, but you're still fighting an uphill battle.
  23. It appears that you are not appreciating the role of repetition and ever more graphic images in desensitization. more like pointing out that it's evolution in action - sure, you can bitch about it, but that's the nature of life. it's not rose water flowing through our veins...
  24. "Indeed, today many video games are actually replicating military training and conditioning kids to kill" manufacturing contempt what about the kids in the 50s playing cowboys n' indians? i don't think the modern game industry is doing much more than making a buck stoking a fire that was already burning...
  25. ivan

    Red Dwarf

    planets come in 3 sizes: wee not so wee and fucking huuuuuuuge!
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