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Everything posted by ivan

  1. like all the ideas - keep'em comign if'n you have others - design me a full day, preferably not a freezing cold one, it being spring break afterall
  2. dog spine tomorrow geoff? 4 day president's weekend for this here shiftless governmetn employee!
  3. that ain't no shit, neither - gotta get me a paper route or sumthang...
  4. is camping in the park itself allowed? make any sense to just camp in an area w/ abuncha options w/ a sleepign bag and a big old bottle?
  5. i like to practice my mantra. i find, when i don't practice my mantra, i tend to get a little cranky.
  6. sick, the desert sands look like glaciers
  7. interesting, you start the lead by penduluming into the crack?
  8. my first trip to vegas for the delights of sandstone spring break i got 7 days, and a partner who whines once we hit 5.9 i have no guidebook currently the solar slab routes look great, and figure 2 days spent there to be a good deal what else? heard it's the spring rendezvous, so the less apt to be crowded the better - the more multipitch the better, and adventure climbing always a plus most importantly, for a man leaving the enlightened genius of post i-502 washington state, where's a man to score his climbing medicine, fresh off the plane?
  9. well put - seems quite rational to me, albeit not my cup of tea - the only way you maitain a dictatorship is by doing crazy shit, so crazy becomes only logical all despotisms eventually crumble though, so now, next week, or next century, n korea will get to shake the magic 8-ball of revolution - i suspect that, like most cultures, they'll return to what's familiar and comfortable though, and that the result won't be ragingly dissimiliar from the current regime they tolerate. revolutions ain't good for much more than requiring cartographers to occasionally rename the shit on their maps
  10. a helmet and/or a kevlar umbrella would be good too
  11. like jello, there's always room for bacon...
  12. "The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums." i guess we always need something to fear? quite the long list for us as a country: redcoats, frenchies, slaves, injuns, iraqiis, persians, pirates, mexicans, catholics, jews, chinamen, japs, anarchists, italians, socialists, communists, faggots, fascists, atheists, cubans, chicanos, russians and now rotund ko-reans who we outnuke a thousand times over, yet no doubt can still be reasonalbly construed to pose so mortal a threat we must accelerate our preparations for Total War immediately! i'm sure i'm missing somebody in there though...
  13. n korea is, remember, a very small country that, even it dedicated itself entirely to building nukes, would still not be a fraction as menancing as the soviet union was we doesn't the MAD scenario of the cold war still work here? sure, it makes sense to try to dissuade n.k. from building them, but as that seems only to cause them to cheat and us to get nothign for our money, why not just say fuck it, and maybe send li'l kim a vhs-copy of "atomic cafe" to remidn him who he's thinking about fucking with?
  14. would turned 204 today, and based on this quote, woulda been the typical cranky old man about the state of the nation "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the (Civil) war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."
  15. ivan

    the shooter

    often the very land the soldiers had just subjugated, the original manifest destiny!
  16. ivan

    Gun Control

    incidentally, saw a crazy docu on the tsunami last week: "tsunami and the cherry blossom" or some such - highly recommend, if only for the first 5 minute hand-held video from a group miles in from the coast who catch the total destruction of their city in detail, including at the end an entire nursing home, w/ all the old ladies n' rescue folks riding hte range before your eyes...
  17. ivan

    Gun Control

    watching the most recent episode of walking dead at the moment and it don't look like mass disasters in hollywood at least go peacefully japan's plenty different - strict gun laws, yes? a culture built on conformity. tsunami destroyed everything that could be looted anyhow. nuclear melt-down probably helped folks stay in-doors too as for blaming, i don't understadn japanese culture well enough to know what that would look like, but i'd be suprised if there wasn't much monday-morning q'b'ing going on.
  18. ivan

    Gun Control

    didn't seem to do the trick in new orleans?
  19. actually that's my shitty handwriting, though i think it was a word-for-word copy of what you wanted i'll take whatever poisons you have on your person whatever day the fates are pleased to push us together on
  20. ivan

    A Scout is:

    if every bum had a gun, there would be fewer bum fights!!!
  21. but or-e-gone is huuuuge! groovy, groovy weather all weekend, sunday particularily - right frosty at night but shorts n' t-shirts if you wanted in the popular spots today
  22. my 2nd ascent of the whole thing this weekend, and a smash n' grab on a saturday at that did the first 4 pitches as a block, cheat-sticking through all the bullshit to keep it clean - the powderhound had the last, which i misremembered being more free, but he got'er done lickety-split regardless as the light faded and i did the hanging-jitter-bug to pogues tunes on the juke-box zebra zion as the cherry on top for sunday after a good evening of burgundy binging and camel-sucking, watching old boy cook up his chili and have many a good gut-chuckle over all the draws we bootied along the way that day gear notes for plw: -2 3's n' 4s for the exit pitch - cliffhanger for 2 cruxs on p1 - offset blue/yellow metollius for p1 nice - whole lotta cheat-stick'n on p 3 n' 4, but better than nailing in mud or wringling in bullshit just to reach a beautiful 1/2 incher
  23. ivan

    A Scout is:

    this former girl scout got picnic lunch wall as a smash n' grab this weekend, w/ zebra-zion as the cherry on top the day after
  24. ivan

    A Scout is:

    the "great society" wasn't a total bust, and to what extent it was, i'd blame the cock-sucking conservatives that made johnson so determined to "win" in vietnam, which ultimately scuppered the program - no vietnam, and it woulda been "johnsoncare" progressives got us to the moon, didn't they? ended a race-war of south african proportions before it could get going. did in fact transform the vast inequities of the era of the robber-barons (even if you and your ilk have done a fine job of reversing that with the church of deregulation) "bullying" fans of the kkk, now that's rich
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