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Everything posted by ivan

  1. of course not! on the other hand, he does have a helluva lot of homeboys in his rolodex w/ ample supplies of pliers, blow-torches n' whatnot to go get all medieval on the enemies of 'merica as the occasion merits...
  2. b/c i hate the fucking new york fucking yankees.
  3. ivan


    have the drones achieved self-awareness already?
  4. our secret prisons are better than their secret prisons!
  5. machiavelli can never die!!! [video:youtube]
  6. ze red devil (and 2 goddless hun-hounds) all packed and perky for a big-wall trip before an emergency appendectomy porked it in the posterior on the verge of 200k and no longer bleedign oil all over the place
  7. so long as the replicants are happy to keep pushing all the minorities n' women in the nation towards our camp w/ this bat-shit crazy behavior, i say bully, bully, bully for them!
  8. "VAWA" - sounds kinda like a chick w/a busted mouth trying to say....
  9. are they not both nation-states? boom, there's your justifiable comparison right there. snakes n' humans both have spinal columns too, don't mean that a comparison between the two means they're exactly the same goddamn thang...
  10. my point exactly though this morning i did break down and throw the whole lot of my stinking socks n' soiled drawers into the hopper... the first washing after that month in the valley this past summer
  11. i always told meself that, if i had a wife, i'd have to beat her...yet this one has proved too difficult to rationalize such brute behavior towards though, what w/ the regular home-cooked dinners after a long day at work, hummers n' hotdogs on a regular basis, and keeping the kidoes out of my shit - now if only i could get her to do my laundry...
  12. let's get to brass tacks: is "tard" or "raytard" or "weapons-grade retard" the same as the clinical "retard?" or is it more like "ghey" vs "gay" no need for me to see said video - obviously, if democrats are for it, republicans are temperamentally required to despise it - a retarded situation for sure
  13. boy, did we have epic failure in trying to climb the dog spine today - i need to stop arriving at trailheads to hung over to see over the steering wheel - we missed the proper start by a half mile at least it musta been
  14. and thank god he has no gun to cape your ass (and is 1000 miles away - and very lazy....)
  15. is it time for a "whataya tell a chick w/ two black eyes" kinda joke now or what?
  16. sounds like the local camping options suck though? we got access to some condo fo'free in the city of sin meanwhile
  17. too mother-fucking mean looking to be strictly scenic - more proper for a snuff-porn submission
  18. where should i avoid during the rendevouz? does that thign go the whole week, or just a weekend?
  19. perhaps you can manage a frame or two of a turbine-mangled peregrine there dave to set it proper in the thread?
  20. the little death that brings total oblivion? cheerist, can i get that at a discount in cases, sammy?
  21. yet i love to fear and fear to love
  22. how would one even measure that? would reckon anyone running a solar panel might be able to look through records of their output over the years, seems like you'd need an awful big # of such folks though to draw much in the way of grand conclusions... would increased cloud cover help cool the earth by reflecting sunlight? or would trapping the air below the clouds offset the advantages of such reflection?
  23. funny, this is usually how republicans approach cock-sucking too
  24. ivan


    explains how josh can go through girls like tissues
  25. josh taking the chippendale thang far too seriously i see - christ, was all that ghey-sex ya'll had 2gether how you managed to throw yer hammie out?
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