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Everything posted by ivan

  1. shouldn't you be in class mister 5 minute passing periods every hour
  2. pretty sure pat at least can't flip you shit for your attempt at mark twainsian dialect
  3. damn, and here i was all ready w/ my "kunta-kinte deserves a coupla second chances after 400 hundred years" verbal attack...
  4. were you looking for someone to stick up for (alleged) voter fraud just b/c it was done by a democrat?
  5. an even more monumental act of rock defacement!
  6. doesn't seem to matter what pair i wear, they're fucking fucked w/n 2 weeks of being in the valley
  7. i woulda figured a damn yankee to be more confrontantional...
  8. "the people who cast votes don't decide elections. the people who count votes do." - uncle joe
  9. pretty certain i couldn't even tr an index 5.10
  10. aren't n koreans, as a general rule, some skinny ass motherfuckers? them somaliis too. legendary reputation for awesomeness they enjoy!
  11. seems like the logical extension of creating a health "enemies list"
  12. da'lright, fine! in honor of my personal jeebus, warren harding: please to note the stigmata which accepts a 5 liter burgundy bladder behind it, and the paper-mache skin of the books of john n' job
  13. indeed. shitbags come in all sorts n' stripes - i've known more than a few skinny cock-suckers who, to use the hicks-ien construct, were "little more than feverish egos sucking on the nation's subconscious and making us pay a higher psychic-price than we know"
  14. and seriously, ggk, have you spent any time in the south? not to be snarky, but jesus-fuck, half the reason i chose to move west was to have a hope in hell of being able to run a mile in tropical conditions w/o heaving back up all the sweet tea n' hush-puppies i'd just sucked down 'dat shit is muuuuuuuggy back there! you noticed the fattest states are southern ones? think it's just that southerners don't give a fuck as much as fucking yankees?
  15. perhaps if fat fucks had more guns? if gym instructors had more guns? if brocholli had more guns?
  16. ivan

    forcing abortions

    in the old testament days we'd get to stone the insolent wench and her baby!!! NOW all we can do is get (eventually) stoned w/ her trailer-trash baby
  17. ivan

    forcing abortions

    meanwhile, i can't even force my daughter to eat her goddamn dinner...
  18. ivan

    forcing abortions

    in north korea, baby abort you!!!
  19. yet doesn't any attempt to do so invite the "social engineering" criticism? as if ignoring folks and encouraging their untimely demise isn't itself an example of said phenomenon...
  20. that's not the kitchen!!!
  21. melting down santa though would be a major setback in the war against christmas though
  22. but, given that assuring access to healthcare is a fundemental requirement for a civilized nation, aren't you going to be the first to shit kittens when nefarious government agents call for "social engineering" by demanding excercise, control over diets, and the right to deny care to those deemed "unfit?" you sure ever phatty out there just "doesn't care" about his health? no role for genetics? where they live (christ, good luck staying in shape in alabama in the middle of summer!)? their job? access to whole-foods n' la fitnesses? i mean i like to hate a man as much as the next guy, and fatties can't hardly chase you down, but seeing as how skinny folks drop dead of cancer n' heart problems too, i'm not sure that these guys should be public enemeies #1...
  23. more like "not retarded" what empire has ever disproved machiavelli?
  24. 'cept he actually got a positive score on the SAT verbal section and's okay w/ boys kissing sigh...you really think mccain or mittens woulda been even remotely better? the foreign policy differences between our two parties may be well indistinguishable (the last election cycle's debates bore that out pretty well), but at least their social ones are... one fight at a time?
  25. a fun historical challenge: name a liberal (? shit, any flavor!) democrat from the last century who DIDN'T use military force at some point? drones are so liberal it hurts - conservatives favor the heavy-fisted, all-in-yer-face approach, it suits their style for sure - liberals savor more the ninja solution, so svelte n' deniable...
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