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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. From PATHS OF GLORY two anonymous French WWI soldiers talking the night before tomorrow's assault on a heavily fortified German position 1 - I'm not afraid of dying tomorrow, only of getting killed. 2 - That's as clear as mud. 1 - Which would you rather be done in by? A bayonet or a machine gun? 2- Machine gun, naturally. 1-That's my point. They're both pieces of steel ripping into your guts... only the machine gun is quicker, cleaner and less painful, isn't it? 2 - What does that prove? 1- That proves most of us are more afraid of getting hurt than getting killed. Look at Bernard. He panics when it comes to gas. Gas doesn't bother me a bit. He's seen photos of gas cases, but it doesn't mean anything to me. But I'll tell you something. I'd hate like the devil to be without my tin hat. But I don't mind not having a tin hat for my tail. 2 - Why's that? 1 - That's where your brains are. Because I know a wound to the head will hurt more than one in the tail. The tail is just meat, but the head-- the head is all bone. 2- Speak for yourself. 1- Tell me this. Aside from the bayonet, what are you most afraid of? 2- High explosives. 1- Exactly. It's the same with me. Because I know that it can chew you up worse than anything else. Look, it's like I'm trying to tell you. If you're really afraid of dying... you'd be living in a funk all the rest of your life... because you know you've got to go someday, any day. If death is what you really fear, why should you care about what kills you? 2-You're too smart for me, Professor. All I know is nobody wants to die.
  2. I'll get you some free passes if you want. What nights do you dance there?
  3. I tried to offer some pointers, but they just
  4. Oh hey! I just found another picture from last year's ropeup in my "archive": CLICK HERE FOR PICTURE - (NSFW apparently) Pansies.
  5. This is old news. Just check match.com.
  6. A troll??!?!? SHIT! Please please please delete those PMs I sent you.
  7. Ah the venerable poop frisbee technique. Mt. Stuart has been festooned with many a poop.
  8. I hope you dispatched your Thai food leftovers off the side of the ridge rather than leaving them on ledges? Nice trip report.
  9. Sounds good. This climb is still on my "to do list" after one failed attempt due to weather. Can't really glean too much info from your photos, but that's OK - keeps some element of adventure going.
  10. Extra tall gaiters are recommended. In fact, hip waders would probably not be too much.
  11. Yeah? Well I found this cool picture on the interweb: This one is pretty cool too:
  12. Where are all the Trip Reports!!?!?! Get on it people! Some of us must live vicariously through you!
  13. Olympia Climber was born a poor black child. And I hear Steve House lives in Bend!
  14. Pandora (and Fred Beckey) eat condiments:
  15. Does it come with a slide alder-wacker attachment? Some kind of large spinning blade of death on the front? That would be cool...
  16. Hey AlpineSuperDaveOsborne! What did YOU do this weekend?
  17. It's just like Messner used to say, "If you bring bivy gear, and your Segway battery dies, you will use it".
  18. That is so fucking sweet. Bet that thing could make it up the W.Ridge of Forbidden too.
  19. Yes. but I bet you've tried CraigsTits:
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