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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I sold a tent I had advertised on cc.com to a boy scout leader from south carolina who found the cc.com listing by using some search engine. He signed up and everything just to contact me regarding the tent!
  2. She's got a big mouth? You think she is "Ray" posing as a Muffy? You have a thing for weird sea creatures? I don't get it. p.s. When I originally read Muffy's autosig, I thought it said "A woman's place is on my face". Just thought I'd share...
  3. "How much for the little girl? The women? How much for the women?" " What?" "The women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters. Sell them to me. Sell me your children!"
  4. I'd be interested in heading up there if I could get a few Seattlites together to split gas. Anyone interested in carpooling? JayB?
  5. Damn, I'm sorry I missed the Monday night show. I'll make it to the SAM show though. Anyone know what the ticket price is?
  6. If you wear sz 38.5, you're in luck: Great deal at Sierra Trading Post
  7. Go to a store and buy "Portland Rock Climbs" by Tim Olson. Stores: Powell's Books (you should go here) REI (if you are THAT sort of person) Climb Max Mountain Shop (I think that's what its called) Portland Rock Gym US Outdoor Store etc... Climbing areas: Rocky Butte (within city limits, but you might get a disease) Broughton's Bluff Carver Cliff Beacon Rock Rooster Rock and, oh yeah, someplace called SMITH ROCK???
  8. Alpinfox


    You guys should go to Araya Thai (across the street from Thai Tom). It's better and less crowded. Pretty much all vegetarian though... Anyway, I'll see ya at the MB tonight.
  9. Alpinfox


    Hey BP, You in town right now? Wanna go to Stoner Gardens and then head to Mars Bar later? -P
  10. Hey Adam, In the picture on the right, did you photoshop out the rope over the snow or is the rope running behind a bulge?
  11. Yeah, it's a bit much for cutting and pasting, but I found the demographic info about climbers the most interesting part. 90% of climbers who did the survey were male. Most climbers are Male!?!?? What a surprise! Sausagefest Slovenia had a (modestly) higher percentage of female climbers, so if you are wookin' pa' nub', you might wanna get yerself over there. Here is an interesting tidbit: In the poll we asked the climbers which climbing activities do they participate in. We gave them four options to choose from. Here are the frequencies: Climbing activites Number Percentage Free climbing 902 95% Indoor climbing 675 71% Alpinism 554 58% Ice climbing 338 38% As can be seen from the data above, a very small percentage of climbers participate in just one activity. The climbers were able to choose any combination of the climbing activities above: Climbing activites Number Percentage Free climbing + Indoor climbing 281 29.49% Free climbing + Indoor climbing + Alpinism + Ice climbing 206 21.62% Free climbing + Indoor climbing + Alpinism 136 14.27% Free climbing + Alpinism + Ice climbing 105 11.02% Free climbing 72 7.56% Free climbing + Alpinism 65 6.82% Free climbing + Indoor climbing + Ice climbing 33 3.46% Alpinism 19 1.99% Alpinism + Ice climbing 12 1.26% Indoor climbing 8 0.84% Indoor climbing + Alpinism 6 0.63% Indoor climbing + Alpinism + Ice climbing 5 0.52% Free climbing + Ice climbing 4 0.42% Ice climbing 1 0.10% Indoor climbing + Ice climbing 0 0.00% Another tidbit: 30 % of the population climb less than 50 days per year, 20 % climb between 50 and 70 days per year, another 15 % climb between 70 and 100 days per year. 14% of the climbers stated that they climb 100 days per year and the rest stated that they climb more than 100 days per year. Such a level of activity is of course possible only because of free and indoor climbing. The average is 78 days per year with a relatively large coefficient of variation 0,7. I was surprised that people climb so much. Apparently nearly 30% of climbers (who responded to this poll anyway) climb 2 days/week or more on average throughout the year. I definately climb more than that, but I thought I was unusual.
  12. Oh! I posted a different picture than I had originally planned.
  13. Climb: Lillooet-Synchronicity, Honeyman Falls, Cherry Ice Date of Climb: 2/8/2004 Trip Report: After a late night of drinking and shuffleboard at the "Big Time" brewery in Seattle, I drove up to Lillooet with dbb and Ken4ord from Seattle early Saturday morning. We climbed Honeyman Falls. It was pretty wet in spots, but we found a relatively dry and good-quality ice path up. We had a little trouble finding a way to rap down; it seems that most people walk off to the left down an old trail/road back to the car, but we left our packs at the base and wanted to climb Cherry Ice as well, so we eventually found a rap down. Being a novice ice climber, I led Cherry Ice and dbb and Ken4ord soloed it. Here is Dave leading on Honeyman p1: That night we attended the 2004 annual Lillooet Ice Fest which consisted of getting drunk with a bunch of geriatric dart players in the Canadian Legion Hall and then oohing and ahhing over some slides that Don Serl showed off in the basement. Following the slideshow, a pole-bouldering competition broke out with top honors going to Fern: Upon leaving the Legion Hall, we noted that my car had been tagged by the mysterious "Sheep Fucker" grafitti artist. He must have known there were three of us: We then retired to our Mile0 hotel room where we each enjoyed a tepid shower and wondered at the function of this knob on the wall... "But this one goes to 11" A painfully early wakeup eventually led to a breakfast at The Reynolds and a relatively early start on Synchronicity. We shoveled out a bit of a spot on Hwy99, parked my car, and headed straight down to the river to the log crossing. I am not a fan of log crossings, having had a couple of unpleasant adventures with such in the past, and was not looking forward to this part of the climb. However, the crossing proved to be quite secure albeit a bit of a workout. The workout continued in the snowy gully of the approach and we eventually arrived at the base of the first pitch; a pair of short WI2-ish steps. We discussed soloing this pitch, but I voted against this idea, so dbb led the first pitch, I followed, and Ken soloed the first pitch. I guess he felt pretty comfortable with that because he decided to solo the next pitch too. Here is Dave leading that one: I led the next pitch, which Ken also soloed, which brought us to the penultimate pitch of the climb, the WI4 (or 3+) pitch seen here: This pitch was a little rotten and fairly sustained. Ken soloed that one too. He is visible at the very top of the pitch in the photo above. One more short, but steep pitch, "The Forest Pitch", and we were at the top. This route, rising from the river all the way to the canyon rim, is certainly a classic - 5 pitches (or so) of quality ice climbing in an outstanding setting! Its such a wonderful climb, that all three of us are considering giving up our US citizenship and moving to Lillooet. Ken4ord, playboy that he is, has the names and numbers of several of the dart-playing vixens who offered to take him in, so we will have some initial support. As for our Canadian citizenship application, I plan to staple this photo to the front: Approach Notes: The direct and secure log crossing to Synchronicity (as opposed to the long death march through snow-covered talus from the bridge) is the way to go.
  14. Open any folder, then click Tools, Folder Options On the "View" tab, scroll down and find "show hidden files and folders". click on it to select it. Also DESELECT "Hide protected operating system files" Those two changes will allow you see all of your files. Enjoy your newfound power!
  15. I thought I posted this earlier, maybe a moderator clipped it?
  16. Yeah, what a fucking moron! Everyone knows slovene... In a bit more constructive vein, could someone with access to the site please cut&paste the results here?
  17. Hey D, What problem is that in your second pic? The one in the buttermilks... and what is it rated? That sucker is STEEP!
  18. Alpinfox


    Official site: http://www.kucinich.us/ not to be confused with http://www.kucinich.com I bet the Kucinich campaign would like to buy that website out... I read an NYT article about Kucinich a while back and don't remember much except that he had a lot of hippie-esque views and occasionally consulted with a crystal healer in New Mexico or something like that. He is unelectable.... or is he? How the hell did he get elected in Ohio? Not exactly a stronghold of crystal-power-believers.
  19. ScrambledLegs - What? MattP - Nice one, but you need to clean your print/slide before you scan!
  20. This picture was taken with an extremely shitty camera. But it's still pretty. Sarstrugi above Denali Pass:
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