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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. So why didn't any of you take a few minutes to move the blocks? Is this not practical for some reason?
  2. I thought of a really good one last night but can't remember it now? Lowe Memory?
  3. CBS, I don't see much erosion between those bolts and that tree. As for your second point, a sling birth hitched around a tree doesn't do much (if any) damage. edit: that was accidental, I swear. The one time I climbed at Erie, I remember there were three or four anchor stations (two bolts each) within about 25 feet of each other along the top of some short slabby wall to the climbers right of the powerline wall. All four climbs could have shared one single anchor setup a little higher up.
  4. I dunno about speeding tickets, but I never paid a parking ticket I got in Vancouver about 3 years ago. No redcoats have knocked on my door yet. Who knew that you had to put money in the meter at 8pm on a Sunday evening!?!??
  5. For all you other FredHead's out there, HERE IS A NICE ARTICLE about him. It's from a couple of years ago, but I just came across it. GO FRED!
  6. Another 5-star post from Jason. Thanks for instructing us gumbies.
  7. The biggest issue for me is the pictures. I think it's a real shame that all the pictures in all of the old trip reports are screwed up. People put a lot of time and energy into making those TRs, and they are the best feature of this site, so I'd make that a priority. I don't really have a right to complain since I haven't donated any money (though I will when I get a job), but that's my biggest complaint. Thanks and Cheers!
  8. If you are talking about "F", I think that is Sloan or White Chuck, but I'm really bad at these things. edit: I guess I'm a little late. Was this picture taken from Johannesburg? Eldorado?
  9. or Mammut Matrix or Kong Gi-GI I believe all of the autoblock devices work better with skinnier ropes; I know the Reverso does. Fat ropes, 10+mm, create a lot of drag which means a good workout for the belayer.
  10. Lubed ? cramPond's Cold Cream?
  11. I thought someone might be interested in this: LaFuma Extreme 800 Sleeping Bag Synthetic Insulation 46-degrees $45 1lb 7oz
  12. Now available at Pro Mountain Shorts over Polypro!
  13. CBS - Kills Threads, DEAD!
  14. For climbing recommendations, buy these books: and Keep in mind that based on the lack of snow we've had thus far this year (25% of normal), May this year may be more like July conditions in normal years. For partners, make a post in the CLIMBING PARTNERS forum when it gets closer to May. Where are you coming from?
  15. Petzl Spearmint 'biners?
  16. HB Deep Woods Off-sets?* *contains 10% DEET
  17. Alpinfox

    pig avatar

    And where is Assmonkey? I miss assmonkey. And Bug? And ExtremoMtnDude? And lI1|1! ? And Ropegun2002? And Anodder_otter? And Harry_Pi? And NOLSe?
  18. I've got a pair of leather belay gloves that fit me really well, and I've climbed in them a few times with pretty good results. Large edges and hand jams are no problem; small crimps don't feel very secure, so you ain't climbin' hard, but at least you are outside! Pour hot water and a package of jello into a nalgene. Put nalgene in insulated bottle jacket or whatever OR calls those things. Stays hot/warm for hours. I've only done this for ice climbing, but it would be nice for cold rock days too I guess. Warms the hands and the insides. A thermos full of Hot Toddies would be good too. I've gotta try that. I saw RuMR at Smith once with a little portable propane heater.
  19. Based on the title of the thread, I was expecting something else.
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