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Everything posted by Bug

  1. C2C from Ingalls would be a hump. The snow will be very soft all the way. The ridge is long and you have to cruise. The descent just keeps going down and going down. Remember the right turn down the gulley at the the black tower (7K?). It will point you straight at the Longs pass trail and save some time. The main trail continues down left and drops you about 1/2 mile downstream of the Longs pass trail.
  2. Guys, This is a young man seeking good info. Try to resist making him sift through the BS.
  3. The waste could be placed at Yucca Mountain repository in Nevada where the feds have spent billions building a complex only to have the state delegation get cold feet. As for uranium, it can be reprocessed multiple times, all the way to bomb-grade and beyond. Then, we simply shape it into a W88. A win-win. Yucca will not solve the Hanford site problems. Nor is there a viable solution for disposing of or storing heavy water that is highly caustic. There will be hell to pay when the Columbia river dies off from the leakage of caustic heavy water and the ocean within 500 miles of its mouth becomes a death zone. Right now a human cannot even walk within 1/2 mile of the "storage facility" without suffering certain death. If you took off at a dead run toward the center, you would be dead before you got there. These little facts are not widely dispersed but ask anyone who grew up in the Tri-Cities about the stories. But who cares right? That is for our great grandchildren to sort out. I'm sure they will be able to move to a new planet. If we took those billions it would take to build new nuclear plants and put it into developing solar or Hydrogen, we would not need centralized energy companies anymore. Oh the horror. What would the stockholders do?
  4. If it is the one I am thinking of, it is up by Como pks. We hiked up the Como lk trail and camped at a lake up a ways (6 or 7 miles). Then we hiked/climbed the banana couloir with sharpened stacks for ice axes (soft snow). The approach was easy trail to moderate talus. No bushwhacking per sey.
  5. Thank you Ronald Reagan for lowering our taxes and introducing user fees up the ass.
  6. Check the weather link in the sticky post in the Rainier forum. The freezing level is at 9000 at night now and moves up to 14500 Friday through Sunday. Any beta you get now will be almost useless in a week. Check the Rainier blog after things freeze up again.
  7. I prefer Rat creek. Start left of the downfall and veer left up and over the obvious cliff band. Then traverse into the basin and move up and left. There is one patch of slide alder to cross 1/2 way up. After that, get up to the base of the cliff and stay on the game trail all the way up.
  8. You totally misreperesented Banks Lake. There was no mention of the rattlesnakes seething out of every crack. Only a slight mention of the ball-bearings encoutered on every route. Licken from lack of use. Local fishermen who would just as soon cut up a 206'er and use em fur bait.
  9. Email sent. Contact me via PM if you did not get it please.
  10. Bug

    Gas-out June 29th

    Hey here is a stupid idea. How about driving a smaller high mileage car? Ride you bike more? Walk more? Buy fewer new cars? Turn your thermostat down? Insulate and weather strip? Oh sorry. I forgot. We have a right to be gluttons.
  11. 1st Ave. Ripple and a hooker for the same price as a microbrew.
  12. "Over the past few years I’ve had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory. My mind isn’t going—so far as I can tell—but it’s changing. I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading. Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling through long stretches of prose. That’s rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages. I get fidgety, lose the thread, begin looking for something else to do. I feel as if I’m always dragging my wayward brain back to the text. The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle." That's how the republicans keep getting the votes of the middle class and lower.
  13. OK you guys. Take it offline.
  14. Soloing has nothing to do with ego for me. There is no one else around. No one else cares. I don't solo to pump my ego any more than I walk through an alpine meadow to pump my ego. It is all about being someplace cool in the simplest possible (and still reasonably safe) way. There is a lot of talk about "Chest-beating" on this site and certainly there is a lot going on. But there is also the occasional occurrence of a reasonable conversation between climbers who are really excited about a particular climb. They describe it in tones that are raw. Saying something was "really hard" does not imply that they are really cool. It is about the route being expressed in english by someone who is not necessarily a poet. The same often goes for soloing. It is something different from roped climbing.
  15. Knarl. Descend Rat creek instead. You stay in the bottom of the drainage trough the meadows under the Mole. Then stay right along the base of the cliffs on a game trail. Cross the slide alder low andn regain a little altitude then descend talus and various mellow bushwhackings. At the last basin above Icicle creek, vear right ad a little up to the top of the cliffs on the right ridge. Descend left and steep down through the obvious gulley. Swim Icicle at high water or hike to a bridge.
  16. Bug


    Live happily ever after?
  18. 226 221 218 216 218 214 214 Shooting for 185.
  19. yeah, you do break a lot of it Easy there. I'll eat smoked oysters and elk steak and get ahead of you.
  20. That's harsh. I am starting on my second wind.
  21. If he passes you the bong, tell him Bug says "Hi".
  22. Thanks AOC. I'll be up there next Sat with my 12 yr old daughter and party.
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