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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    The cc.com of....

    awright, finally let's get some genuine theology rolling here One of the worst problems with the fundies (not you, bug) is their sick over-emphasis on the Pauline letters and Paul's whip-cracking harshness. If the fundies had just a shred of the mercy shown in Matthew, America would not be nearly so riven with vitriol. i can read all the letters and i know they are words in english but i have no idea at all what you just said. thus spoke ma brotha.! Neitze, the great atheist, said, "Never was there so great a persecuter of Christians as Saul until Paul." As you crash against that wall over and over, do you ever wonder why you chose to return?
  2. Bug

    The cc.com of....

    Sport climber/Trad Climber
  3. Well, I don't know about "inconsiderate" but in general, outdoor users have cleaned up our acts a LOT in the last couple decades. I'm sure there's plenty here that remember the days when it was common practice to cut up trees for firewood and bedding, bury your garbage behind rocks, put your shit in a nice little bag and huck it off the cliff.... etc. We used to shit in a paper bag, light it and throw it off the wall. Now we don't. The AP never gets it right.
  4. J.P. Morgan and the Government report. This is a product of the right wing press.
  5. The Best? Maybe in your mind. I did not learn to climb in a gym……I don’t know those signals…. What I do know is that what ever I say…..my belayer needs to know what I mean…..would you agree? I was climbing St. Vitas Dance (spelling???) in Squamish a couple of years ago the party in front of us were conucks….they were not using signals that I recognized. The leader would say “secure” when saying off belay. Are you telling me that that guy is full of crap because he did not use what you are used too? That’s what I thought. All areas of climbing are different friend……. Say whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Just don't call me a vagina.
  6. Bug


    Historically speaking, unions have been a huge benefit ALL workers. But Jimmy Hoffa didn't polish the image. Union heads have become the "Bruthas" of corporate Heads. They fight on different sides but basically seem primarily concerned with power. The littl eguys are just pawns. They need to be cleaned up.
  7. o fair. I'm at work and don't dare open it.
  8. Oh, specifically, "Slack" is the time proven term to use in the instance you present.
  9. OK. Nevermind. Or just consider that I mean this in general. It is not directed just at you although you presented an easy target. I am talking about the general divergence from established signals that have been worked out for many decades under all conditions and proven to be the best, to a new set of signals that were developed for use in a gym. Or any new set depending on your mood. Or someone elses mood. What is the compelling reason to change the system that has worked for so long?
  10. This started in the Clinton Years. FYI, the upper and lower lakes are the same elevation when the upper is drained. How weird is that? The dam is broken. This was covered in Revelations.
  11. Bug


    I think i love you... If only I would have known that you are that easy........ But he has it backwards. My Margarita doesn't chase anything. It's the main course.
  12. Bug


    NO. That's the problem. Politicians work for the corporations that give them the money to run big marketing campaigns. Just try to run against that machine.
  13. Bug

    The cc.com of....

    Jesus threw the Pharisees (fundamentalists) out of the Temple for making the Book/code more important than the message. "GOD HATES YOU!" was on one of the signs at a Gay soldier's funeral. How ironic.
  14. Bug


    Follow the money.
  15. Bug


    Anyone who thinks this is a "Republican" problem is ill-informed.
  16. Bug

    The cc.com of....

    You will all rot in HELL for worshipping false idols like your computer. Wait, that's me. Oh well, it is by grace alone.......
  17. I taught both of my girls how to ski for the first year. They were skiing easy intermediate by the end of the season. Mer was 3-4 Olivia was 5-6. It was ALL about the hot chocolate the first few times. Read "FUN" at all costs. I did not use straps or connector or anything of the sort. Just really short skiis and the softest, well-fitting boots I could find. This was hard for Mer as she was SO small. After the first few linked turns they were hooked. Then we went to Silver Mnt in Idaho. You can rent a house with a hot tub really cheap or book well ahead at one of the hotels at the base of the Tram. $54 a day per child included ticket, 4hr lesson and lunch. More importantly, it was actual instruction, not just babysitting on skiis.
  18. Thanks for the pics! Great job! Makes work a little easier to endure.
  19. So we are throwing away all "conventions", Right? No more "Off Belay"? No more "Climbing"? Just make up something new everytime you go out. Bad plan Kevbone. Someone is going to die.
  20. Yeah. Screw the old fart system. Mattp doesn't know shit. Neither do all us other old fogies who wandered aimlessly for the last 35 years or more. We all knew the standard signals. It didn't get discussed more often than not. It just went the same way. JT, the Valley, Red Rocks, Ak, City of Rocks, Indian Creek, Bitterroots, Sawtoths, Devil's tower, Suicide, Tauquitz, Tetons-even with Europeans so it must be stupid. Just because people have used and tested the old system for centuries (Chamonix 1786), in wind, whiteout, freezing and thawing, around corners and under overhangs with and without rope drag don't mean shit. Lets change it to Gym speak because we can carry radios now. And these new kids are climbin 5.15. They MUST know better. Like I said, this is going to cause a death.
  21. it depends what the meaning of the word "IS" is. Glad my humor didn't evade you.
  22. Bug


    Who said that? It wasn't me. You are using absolutes that remind me of the Bushites. The arbitrary point (unionization)you picked is more then 100 years into our industrialization. Why do you need to have everything be OK right now? At what cost will you try to force this? Economics involve the redistribution of scarce resources for a desired outcome. Because I do not share your timetable I am evil? I have been involved in 3rd world economic development. I have sweeted beside them and seen them rise out of mud floored shacks to apartments. Sub-standard by your estimation I am sure. Now they are sending their children to school. There is much more to come. And they had to kiss the devil (large corporations) for awhile. It takes time and patience. This is NOT the same as giving in and giving up. Take a deep breath. I'm breathing fine Bug. My apologies to you, but I took this comment the wrong way apparently: "These people had NO hope before they were being "exploited"." I just don't see why it seems your are belittling (with quotes) what is exploitation? What EXACTLY was their situation before they became industrialized? Subsistence farmers? I don't know, perhaps KK will step in an school me. I'm not just talking about China here...all of SW Asia that has "sweatshop" type stuff going on. Don't apologize to me or I will be offended. Open communications are a good thing. Emaotion is a part of us and is all too often subjugated by social norms. That is why I love the internet. We can do this. exploitation is not exploitation if it is the oly path to a better life. This isot Machiavellia. It is a process with the US standard in mind. Well, i Africa it is becoming China that gets top billing. I am not against unions or working HARD for better standards. We just can't get there without building up to it. I have felt the way your words suggest you feel. I do not trust corporations and I never will. Unions will come because as the workers become better trained, it is not economically viable to fire them and hire more starving peasants. This has worked out in many places. Efforts to hasten the process toward equality with us are often destructive to the goal.
  23. Bug


    Who said that? It wasn't me. You are using absolutes that remind me of the Bushites. The arbitrary point (unionization)you picked is more then 100 years into our industrialization. Why do you need to have everything be OK right now? At what cost will you try to force this? Economics involve the redistribution of scarce resources for a desired outcome. Because I do not share your timetable I am evil? I have been involved in 3rd world economic development. I have sweeted beside them and seen them rise out of mud floored shacks to apartments. Sub-standard by your estimation I am sure. Now they are sending their children to school. There is much more to come. And they had to kiss the devil (large corporations) for awhile. It takes time and patience. This is NOT the same as giving in and giving up. Take a deep breath.
  24. Bug


    Your words are your own. You are wallowing in selfrightuosness.
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