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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    to the christians

    In Syria we could get Johnny Walker Red, Cheep Vodka, warm beer, and ouzo. The ouzo was second to the scotch but the variety was nice.
  2. Ditto on the cheers to your wife. Thanks for the pics too.
  3. Bug

    Driving Pickets

    I have been known to carry an extra tool of the light hammer variety in certain "tween' conditions. For awhile I used a Forrest hammer with the recurve pick. Now I have a Raptor that Pax sold me for an arm and a leg. I also shorten my main leash a little so I can set the pick deep, hang on the leash (with my crampons helping) and then bang that picket in hard and deep. But so far, no go. The guy's been out like a shot every time as was described earlier. But it works in my tests!
  4. Bug

    to the christians

    Pilate tried to rid himself of the matter by offering the choice to the Jews to let one criminal go free. It was the Jews who chose to free a murderer rather than Jesus. But to answer your direct question regardless of it's intent, The Romans thought that Christianity was a renegade sect of judaism and they feared another rebellion. They would have gladly killed Jesus if they thought he was a potent political threat. They balanced that against the prospect of creating a martyr and tried to free him thinking his own would kill him soon enough.
  5. Bug

    to the christians

    The Jews killed Jesus because they were the chosen people. Christians still honor Jews as the chosen people by canonizing the Old Testament. It is my understanding that it had to be God's chosen people because if they couldn't get it right, then no one else could be expected to get it right. Or in other words, we all would have done the same thing. jmace, I opened my original post with a prop for education plus some other reforms. Laws definately should be a last resort.
  6. Bug

    to the christians

    Why did they kill him then?
  7. Bug

    to the christians

    AFAIK, this is not known to be true. It's an idea people are studying, and the mere fact that scientists are studying it has led many to believe it's true. Believe me, we'll all know when they find "the gay gene." Can you imagine the media frenzy? "How could God make people gay and then condemn them for how he made them?" I grew up in Montana where it is OK to do sheep but not men. The gays I knew did not volunteer.
  8. Bug

    to the christians

    Islam is so close in its escatology that there were several Ecummenical Councils convened to CREATE definitive differences. The Quran is a parrallel to Christ, Muhammed to Mary, and so forth. If the early councils had not closed the Bibile to layety, we would not be having this discussion. Islam, was effectively the original post Nicean Protestantism. Where is Mary Magdelin in all of this? I smell a fish.
  9. Bug

    to the christians

    First, most Christians do not like my stand but most Jews did not like Jesus so take it all with a grain of salt. Abortion should be addressed through education and support of birth control. This would have to be coupled with reforms in Public health care and welfare. Huge issue. Not simplistic. Do I think abortions are OK? No. Do I think they should be illegal? Some of them. From here it gets really sticky but I have a really freaking HUGE issue with people who use it repeatedly as birth control just like I have a really freaking HUGE issue with people who think they can tell a raped woman she has to carry to term. Gays are mostly that way due to genetics. The church is behind the times scientifically but they will adapt. Anything that changes rapidly, cannot withstand the erosion of time. We are in a particularly fast changing period and the old ways seem too slow to change. They will. The church is behind the times scientifically but they will adapt. Anything that changes rapidly, cannot withstand the erosion of time. We are in a particularly fast changing period and the old ways seem too slow to change. They will. Cheers. I like your post.
  10. We are so screwed. Quick. Join the Republican party now before the brownshirts start knocking.
  11. Just don't carve her name in it.
  12. It's almost Valentine's day. He is in his basement carving a giant heart in a slab of granite with his bosch.
  13. HA! I have told Jamin he is welcome to come out with me. My critiques of him are meant to inspire an awareness of safety considerations and I am willing to back that up by showing him what I can under controlled conditions. You are welcome too.
  14. Changed to Swan Slabs in Blodgett. I have a partner but one more wouldn't hurt.
  15. Fred Burr anyone? I am going up to look at the 2's and 3's Sunday probably. Have rack & rope. Need partner.
  16. Olivia has her heart set on Rainier. June 27-30.
  17. what a joke...gym 5.9's require NO arm/finger strength...only feet... True with good technique. False for a newbie who does not yet have the technique down.
  18. I once sat on a prominent rock on the point of a ridge and gazed out over the valley in awe and wonder. I looked down between my feet and there was a carmex jar. I opened it to find a nice little bud. Ever since then, I have gone to the mountains to find Carmex jars.
  19. Back to the topic then,.... Who was that guy who hung out at Devils Lake in Wisconsin until he was 90 something? I met him once. Frayed old purple rope with way too many years on it. He was top roping a 5.8 without any problems. It reminded me of mountain goats that live their entire life in one square mile. They do the same moves so many times it is, like riding a bike. Bwaaaaa ha hah haa
  20. I don't think you'll tell me when its over.
  21. Sure. Sorry to be so lame. I glanced at the thread and went to the first text. In my haste I did not see your link. I am such a bad person (hang head). How about starting an anger management thread?
  22. Just wait till she blossoms on the rock.
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