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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug


    Make him buy his own damn shoes. That's cheap.
  2. Bug

    The True Patriot

    Yeah. They work a lot harder and are probably smarter. But I still agree that they are overpaid.
  3. Bug


    Yeah. What he said. And another thing, you poo-heads, The entire debate between Marxism, capitalism, democracy,,,etc., is very narrow. It all comes from the period we refer to as the "Enlightenment" when all European scholars were reading each other's work for the first time. Wow. Imagine that. So they came up with a whole list of theories that were germain to Western European industrialized 18th century culture. What was Africa up to? South America? What was left of the Aztecs? How about those savages on the plains of north america? Our world is so limited by what we think we know - which is really so little of what man has learned in the last 100k years. Now we are on the verge of destroying our only planet and we still think we are in a position to look down on previous societies. We have information but lack wisdom.
  4. Bug

    The True Patriot

    According to Forbes, Paris earned $6.5 million in '05 and $7 million in '06. The celebutante has amassed her personal fortune mainly through licensing deals. Her name is attached to a perfume, watches, nightclubs and a new videogame. She's also a reality TV fixture, B-list movie starlet and bestselling author. Call them her day jobs; at night Paris gets paid big bucks to show her face at of-the-minute clubs, commanding up to $300,000 per appearance abroad. She boasts the most Web hits of anyone else on the Forbes Celebrity 100, although she's also the only lister with her own highly publicized (and downloadable) porn tape. So, she's probably earned more money at this point than you will in your lifetime. Who's the deadbeat? What a crock of poo. So you are trying to tell us that the fact that she was galavanting around with movie stars, spending millions of her daddies $ on dresses, cars, boys, parties, and jumping i front of every camera with a "Hilton" sign on her, is personal fortitude? Get a clue. If she didn't start out with the name and the free millions, she would be a nobody with a list of sad addictions.
  5. Bug

    New Female Posters

    When in doubt, lob a grenade.
  6. Or Mt Bug. Take your pick. Drip.
  7. Yeah. I'm guessing about mid April.
  8. Bug

    New Female Posters

    Ooh, ooh, pick me....
  9. Bug

    New Female Posters

    "Hello! Welcome to cc,com. Are you a virgin? Do you have any STD's? How tall are you? You're not fat are you? How fat? OK. I'll settle for that. When can we meet?"
  10. Bug


    Go to Amazon and look up "Rush".
  11. Bug


    When did you get back from Iraq?
  12. Bug


    And there is nothing worth saving at the poles right?
  13. Bug

    To the fathers......

    Either that or he's partying too hard on New Year's Eve. :-) (I've got two kids born in Oct, and no, my bday is not in Jan) I didn't ever give my conception much thought. In fact, I tried to avoid the subject. But when my ex became a l&d nurse she was playing with the little wheel that predicts the due date and was running it backwards to see when some of us were likely concieved. Mine landed right on July 4 which also happened to be the exact day my ex was born. Now that is cosmic. To this day, she thinks she owns me.
  14. Bug


    Sprawl is progress? How much more progress can we take before there isn't anyplace to plant food? Look around you. We are past a sustainable limit and the planet is showing signs of cutting us off.
  15. You're in Bozeman where they hide their women in caves. Lie low.
  16. Thanks. But my daughter's b-ball tourey is in Wenatchee so it might be a long commute.
  17. Thank you. This last post provides useful information like "the ice has fallen down". While your opinions on ice climbing and what "you think" I should do may very well be valid, I have no way of assessing the value without any information outside your post. For all I knew you may have been a crack-head who stumbled onto this site and started spraying. You're not. Right?
  18. I think everyone who posts in this thread should be required to post a self pic with sexual overtones. Moderators? Can you start filtering please? I am trying to find my pink G-string now. Oh,..... damn. I'm wearing it. I wonder how long that's been there?
  19. Uh, this is the ice climbing forum. If you don't like ice climbing you will probably not have anything useful to say here. While I too like rock climbing in the sun, it is very worthwhile to me to be out in the mountains climbing a peak where there are no cars and few people. That will mean taking ice tools for at least a couple more weeks. So it is still useful to get out and scratch around to stay tuned if at all possible.
  20. Hm. Thanks. That is useful info.
  21. These obviously fell off the top of someone's car. PM to identify.
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