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Everything posted by Bug

  1. A 2 yr old taught herself to ride a bike. You must have high expectations if that kind of tenacity is not respectable.
  2. When I was teaching my 4.5 yr old how to ride a bike without training wheels, my 2.5 yr old insisted on the same. Except that she would not let me help her at all. "Leave me alone!" She would get on, crash, pout, get on, crash pout,..... on and on. By the end of the day both were riding pretty well.
  3. I was ito a DYnafit setup off this board for under $500. Boots, bindings, skiis. Check it out for light weight, performance, and crampon compatibility.
  4. Gone are the days of the gas-mask with a bong attatched. But half the fun was the process. There is such a thing as overkill.
  5. I'll take the 10, tw0 13's and two 16's
  6. Posers. You guys are so lame. You have probably never sprayed anything.
  7. Muffy seems a little off tonight don't you think dear? Yeah. She's probably on acid again. Pass the peas and we'll start pinging her.
  8. Once a great while ago, I was a very mischevious boy. When a friend gave me some peyote buttons, I carefully picked all of the white hairs out and chewed them thouroghly and swallowed. I was told that I would puke when my enzymes were activating the uh, active ingredients. So I decided to sit in my father's study near the bathroom and read. I picked up the Hobit for the first time. I was almost half way through the book when I realized I was very, very high. And of course, I was not Bilbo after all.
  9. Fear of losing computer prviledges, fear of losing TV priviledges, fear of not being complimented. These are all very real fears for a child and neccessary tools to teach a child about consequences.
  10. It's a fine line.....
  11. Bug

    The Nothing Thread

    She would be just like Muffy then.
  12. One peice means warmth and no snow up the back but for a girl potty breaks are complicated.
  13. Bug

    The Nothing Thread

    If you were God, (NO! You definately are not), How would you design a woman?
  14. He is...... knowledgable about alpine. These are all good tips. Add to that, wear a helmet. I also often use my ice ax to glissade steep snow that might end in a cliff. It is fast and can be safe if you are good at it. But then you have another item on your back. Footwear is an issue. Are you comfortable climbing 5.6 in your approach shoes/boots? What will you wear on the descent? More baggage. You have to move fast and efficiently. That is why climbing well below your gym grade is important. But if you get off route, guessing becomes the game. Lastly, you will have the most fun.
  15. To make my ex-wife stop calling.
  16. Bug


    I had an oven burner pop and shoot a flame at me. I wasn't on drugs either.
  17. There was another thread last winter on this topic. For the sake of comfort I like the overbag idea. The VBL's are stickiy if you get too hot. Of course for a long trip, that is a LOT better than getting cold due to less loft from condensation. But another consideration is, when and where are you going. It has to be pretty cold around here to need two bags.
  18. Pfff well my god has super powers. what now?! mk, but would you mind if we switched to a bong? pipes suck :\ I got you all beat. My GOD made, and created all of your gods and can make any of your gods do anything that my GOD wants. So there; stuff that in your pipe and smoke it! My universe does not require your god in order to exist. Therefore, by principle of Occam's razor, your god is irrelevant. Your ignorance does not affect my reality.
  19. These are shaped skiis too. $80 for the set.
  20. Bug

    The Nothing Thread

    Minx can start channeling "her". Couldn't get much more puffy.
  21. That's it. I'm cleaning my closet right now.
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