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Everything posted by tomtom

  1. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    Canucks could be a tad less smug and self-congratulatory Canadians lie about their weight.
  2. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    The house is an asset; any mortgage is a liability.
  3. Once you start spelling Rainier correctly, we'll start spelling Cliogear correctly. mmkay? http://www.cilogear.com/60lws.html
  4. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    Tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy! She wants the folks who will eventually pay a large percentage of the mortgage interest on purchase of her investment properties and capital gains on sale to go fuck off. Not even willing to offer a reach around.
  5. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    In general, the rental market goes with median income. People don't borrow money to pay the rent (or not for very long), they pay out of current income. Supply is also a factor, but by they speed at which they've been throwing up houses, condos, townhouses as well as rental properties, there are plenty of places to live. Here's someone else's opinion: http://www.seattlecondoreview.com/2007/11/so-right-now-we.html An increase in rent from 935 to 1160 over 6.5 years only represents a 2.7%/year increase. Which is pretty much in line with inflation.
  6. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    Hard to say, given the recent blip. You certainly don't know one way or the other, just like the rest of us, chowderhead. Name calling by Tvash. Oh gosh. How mature.
  7. tomtom

    Missile Command...

    Prices haven't bottomed out yet.
  8. Oh please. We outgrow that phase just as men outgrow that "all that matters is her tits" phase. Ummm. We don't actually grow out of that phase.
  9. The more you wait for your car, the less you will drive it, which is better for the enviroment. Please do not respond to this posting. Click here if you wish to unsubscribe. © 2007 smart ASS. All rights reserved.
  10. Hey, don't forget to flip more shit my way for no reason.
  11. That, by far, is the best example of unnecessary corporate welfare. Go Sonics! And take the Mariners with you!
  12. Makes you a switch hitter. Definitely improves the odds.
  13. I note that you didn't deny it and I recall you as being pretty far to the right. An independent moderate looks far to the right to someone as far out in left field as yourself. I won't deny that.
  14. You're suggesting we eat babbies for breakfast with ketchup? Wow ... No. One way to look at the problems in the housing market is that people bid too much for their houses and had to borrow in excess to pay for it. If they could have been forced to pay less, through gov't price controls, then this crisis could have been averted. What do 'babbies' have to do with this?
  15. I never said I wanted Bush to run the economy; however, you probably voted for Bush twice so why are you now invoking his incompetence? It's quite simple. You keep saying that there needs to be more gov't control of the economy. Bush, as President, is in charge of the executive branch of gov't. So more gov't control means more power for Bush over the economy. Also, your speculation on my voting record is just that. You have no facts.
  16. I didn't claim any expertise but I don't need any to know that you are trying to spin the facts: the housing bubble is just another layer to the crisis. It is in fact a gigantic castle of cards that is teetering after decades of rampant speculation and growing debt, all enabled by lack of transparency, and government credit policy. You're suggesting price controls on the sale of private property?
  17. Why don't you stop regurgating the free market bible, and address what is being said to you? No "enforceable contracts, notion of patents, and all of the rest of it" were broken in this case, yet we have to pump trillions of dollars (in one form or another) of public money to bail out the greed pirates or they'll take us down with them. Your quasi-religious incantation to "volontary exchanges" won't change any of it, so quit pretending that this situation resulted from someone breaking the existing rules or that "helping the market function better" and getting rid of a few bad apples will take care of it. And you haven't answered the question "Why do you want Bush running the economy?" As head of the executive branch of the gov't, that would be his responsibility.
  18. The Mountaineers are renovating one of the old Navy buildings in Magnusson Park to use as a new clubhouse. After renovation, the building will still be owned by the city but leased by the club. As part of the renovation, the Mountaineers are building a climbing plaza on the south side of the building. This will include a climbing wall as well as a free standing boulder. The climbing structures are being built by EntrePrise. This too will be owned by the city. After completion, the Mountaineers will have first right to reserve the plaza, but it will be open to the public otherwise.
  19. If you preheat your thermos with boiling water, your drinks will stay hot longer.
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