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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Uh oh.... what are the rules for moving a pub club's day vs. location??? Omigosh... it's the keeper of the rule book... now we are all in trouble
  2. argh.
  3. Two adult males, one tall (with key to building) one short. No bigfoot. No crackhead, No stupid kids. Just a couple of assholes. amazing.
  4. Thanks for the tip... (on the Mythos) Yeah, that's pretty much what my cop (and lawyer) friends have told me. They got VERY clear pictures of the hosers.
  5. Hey, why aren't you at pub club? If I find out who they are, they'd better watch their step...
  6. The saga continues. The security videos show that it was someone with access to the building (i.e. friends of someone who lives here, or someone who lives here) That's not terribly comforting. Oh Joy. They are turning the videos over to the police. I asked to view them first, so I know who to shoot on sight.
  7. Heheheheheh... electrify... yeah... Sorry I won't be at pub club tonight, too much stuff to catch up on since I spent the day dealing with window replacement, police and insurance. Last time I interrupted them, I stopped at home just long enought to take a shower and head to work, when I came back down to my car they were running away with a bunch of empty jewel cases and the faceplate to my stereo. (twice in 4.5 years - this is starting to suck) Hmmm... I was lucky I was not packing, I probably would have shot them I was so pissed (and hit a neighbors car or something stupid) Once a long time ago when I was into diving, someone broke into my canopy (back when I had a truck) and stole some scuba tanks. The loosers took them into the local dive shop, where I had to argue with the owner about the fact that the serial numbers matched my police report. Give them back! Give them back!
  8. Thanks for the kind words... Misery loves company. I checked with the local used gear shops, and they kindly took lists, but I'm sure it's all in a dumpster... (and of course it was trash day today - DAMN) The Mythos hurt the most. I'd finally gotten them broken in.... Fit like a glove... I LOVED those shoes. Boyfriends come and go, but a nice set of mythos are forever, or something like that Yeah, I'm guessing it's shy of my deductable, but I'm going to try to hit up my home-owners and see what they say, since it was in my condo's LOCKED garage... Grrrr....
  9. If you happen to see some crack junkie out selling the following equipment, please kill them for me. All the following in a non-descript dark blue bag, that looked like it would be holding stinky gym clothes. No fancy markings or anything. *3 pairs of shoes (Mythos, Syncros, and older style cobras) all size 36*A well used gri gri*A brand new reverso*Chalk bags (one fuzzy white and cream, deer print, one maroon and gold harliquen print) *Size XS metolious fully adjustable harness (black and maroon) *a few locking beiners. OF course the whole kit is probably in a dumpster somewhere.
  10. I had to promise that barmaid that I would call ahead of time next time (4 maybe 5 weeks from now) so she could call in reinforcements... (not kidding, and yes, I will take care of it... ) You know CC.com is getting big when the bar staff ask to be notified in advance...
  11. Does that mean you are coming to pub club??? (sorry, topic drift I know - couldn't resist)
  12. maybe if you wear the corset, also...
  13. Same... See ya there! Can't stay out late, though, gotta work EARLY...
  14. Mazama... Twisp... Winthrop (if you've got money)
  15. icegirl


    Okay, that was too funny... Some of those pictures bore a striking resemblance to Janice Joplin....
  16. I agree with Jon in regards to having nap/bed time available after workouts. Nothing sucks more than having to finish a work day with depleted stores... After years of working out, here's my .02... mornings are good for running/cardio (as long as I run before I'm really awake) I lean towards afternoon/evenings for weights and climbing, BUT, when I used to hit the climbing gym at 8ish, it was VERY hard to get motivated. Will do nordic track, stairmonster, or road bike in a trainer and sit ups/push ups, if I don't get out and am feeling like too much of a slug to go to the gym or am trying to avoid doing some work around the house. Put in a DVD and tune out the world.
  17. Allison, no worries, I got your back sister! We can take her.... (only if you share though)
  18. Spring is here!!! No weather excuses.
  19. Late is good
  20. So, friday then?
  21. Yes, Friday Emergency Pub Club is a good idea... Trask: Only if you are buying
  22. 2.50 pints isn't half bad. . . I'm with Allison on this one... Northend Northend Northend Northend Northend Northend Northend NorthendNorthend Northend Northend NorthendNorthend Northend Northend NorthendNorthend Northend Northend Northend [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: icegirl ]
  23. All this talk of pubbing is making me thirsty... We may have to call a second pub club this week for those local folk with nothing better to do (I guess that is the one problem with talking about next week so far in advance)
  24. 74th street has very good salads... (yeah, I know, what a chick thing to say, but it's true!) BUT, the pints are not as cheap as at the Park Pub... (unless they've got a Tuesday night special that I don't know about)
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