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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Happy Birthday Snuggles!! WoooHooooO! Birthdays ROCK!
  2. he could be szyjakoski for all we know Oh wait... "nice" posts... nevahmind..
  3. icegirl


    well, don't say you didn't ask for it http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum50.html
  4. that web site SO ROCKS! How cool is that bus! Dang, I shoulda just got me one of those babies when was homeless
  5. I wash my hands of this whole thing... You all figure it out. Have fun.
  6. uh, this is NOT a newbies only oriented climb. This is a PUB CLUB GOES CLIMBING. It is all about convenience for after work. It is for all abilities. FWIW, when the girls that have been going out on wednesdays want to "step it up" as you put it, they know who to ask...
  7. get a guidebook Rudy, see World Wall I at Exit 32 and the Mt. washington area at E. 38.
  8. I'm still not sure I get this. I don't think I've ever encountered an ice climb where I'd be happy having no protection on my hands (even if just for abrasion protection) Of course I am not a hard-woman climber like some... Are we talking waterfall ice here? or indoor/outdoor gym walls for practice?
  9. ?? always try to go gloveless? on ice/mixed? I'm missing something here...
  10. the majority of the people posting on this thread and those who may actually show up if it's feasable time wise (driving, after work) may differ. This is not about the climbing areas (i am not debating the superior nature of index if crack is your thing), you all can climb at index any day you want, this is about hanging with yer homeboys/girls outside of a pub for some after work climbing on a tuesday evening... FWIW, both 32 and 38 have some rather stiff climbing available to those who want it.
  11. uh, are you climbing without gloves? leashless in the gym? chalk?
  12. icegirl


    they will fall into a coma... and we can stealthily escape, tiptoeing away, on our rubber soled slippers... shhhhhh......
  13. somebody discipline the child! where is my ruler!
  14. I'll be selling "who want's to belay will strickland" raffle tickets at the girls climb this afternoon... Maybe that will up our numbers First time climbing outside girls get one ticket free... Guys with wigs don't count...
  15. at least Gore climbed rainier....
  16. hey, who let the baby into the bar lastnight anyhow?
  17. uh, yeah...
  18. look, we gotta make it convenient, it's a tuesday night for goodness sake... I hear we might have a guest climber... Yo! Will Strickland, what time does your plane get in?
  19. the days are getting shorter, it's time to have a last "pub club goes climbing" before the rain sets in... I figure people need a little notice for something like this, so how about August 31st... This is NOT in any way trying to compete with the love fests... yo dave, whadda ya think?
  20. R. you are SUCH a troll...
  21. Don't flatter yourselves
  22. Opera?
  23. Alpine Kitty goes Motor-bikin' http://www.youthofbritain.com/chillout/
  24. I LOVE My plastic boots. They so rock, they never blister my heels, they always keep my feet warm on those sub-fucking-zero-dinner-plate-fest-in-the-making mornings, they climb just fine for my ability level, yadda yadda yadda.... Koflach Vario's here too, got em on sales cause i have pigymy feet... If I got another pair, I'd probably go with the Lowa's just cause they are lower volume, and a bit more sensitive. Yes. I have leathers. Nice ones. They still don't stay uber warm like my puffy fluffy down pillow feeling koflach's. Of course maybe i just have issues with cold feet.
  25. Why thank you Dru. What is up with that... It's not spray.... Or is it... maybe I should look closer...
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