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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. yeah yeah... laugh all you want
  2. Some of our climbers are underage, I don't want to promote anything illegal.
  3. Being that this week was a boisterous success, we are already planning ahead for next week. Remember, this is for all you newbie girls, basic skills are all that will be needed (how to get into your harness, shoes, tie in, belay) We will be doing all the rope set up (leading, anchors, etc) and take down. You will not be judged on your knowledge or ability. We are not going to require you to pass any tests. Consider it like a Stone Gardens climbing party. Unless you want to do more (or have the skillset to do more) all you are gonna do is climb climb climb... Although we are not going to the "coolest" places in washington, we are attempting to go to places that have a good number of climbs in the 5.6-5.9 range, so that everyone can get in more than one or two climbs. Bring: climbing shoes, harness, chalkbag, water munchies, helmet would be nice, Good shoes to do the short hike up in (sandles don't quite cut it). Flips flops if you want something cooler and easier on/off while climbing Mosq repellent Some warmer clothes, as the sun goes down rather quick when it goes down there. Last week: http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum44.html This week: http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum46.html PM me or email Me (laura) with questions... ljjames(at)mac(dot)com
  4. Being that this week was a boisterous success, we are already planning ahead for next week. Remember, this is for all you newbie girls, basic skills are all that will be needed (how to get into your harness, shoes, tie in, belay) We will be doing all the rope set up (leading, anchors, etc) and take down. You will not be judged on your knowledge or ability. We are not going to require you to pass any tests. Consider it like a Stone Gardens climbing party. Unless you want to do more (or have the skillset to do more) all you are gonna do is climb climb climb... Although we are not going to the "coolest" places in washington, we are attempting to go to places that have a good number of climbs in the 5.6-5.9 range, so that everyone can get in more than one or two climbs. Bring: climbing shoes, harness, chalkbag, water munchies, helmet would be nice, Good shoes to do the short hike up in (sandles don't quite cut it). Mosq repellent Some warmer clothes, as the sun goes down rather quick when it goes down there. Here are our options:
  5. http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum46.html
  6. Twas a rip roaring success! All in all I think we had 9 women show up! All I can say it WOW! Thank you all so much for such a great time! I think at one time we had 4 or 5 ropes up, it was a hoot! Pictures here: http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum46.html Already making plans for next wednesday!
  7. lol
  8. if you are not fly fishing you are wasting you time
  9. Today today today!! the weather looks awesome! Show up ya lurkers!!!!
  10. LOL! that's why no one ever "steals" my spare harness... The the metoleus version of the alpine bod. Somehow that harness ALWAY comes home...
  11. another vote for the Grivel...
  12. lol Thanks, I needed that
  13. icegirl

    wierdest booty

    my climbing partner and I were on our way to the Tooth one fine day, and god only knows how he saw it, but suddenly he was off trail and climbing a tree... came back with a velvet sachet with a little glass bong in it... Comment something like "damn, it's empty" while holding up a little plastic baggy...
  14. hah. I actually had a BF ask that same question when I bought my first rope and draws. Didn't stop me either. That rope sat around (or got drivin around) more than it was used for the first year (well, I guess it did go cragging a few times, everyone laughing at me while they used my rope, sure, we'll use YOU'RE rope)... It got me thinking tho, and exaclty what carolyn described happened to me, I became less dependant on others for the "pre-packaged climbing experience" ..
  15. climbed my first 6 years with a two daisys, then switched to a knotted double length spectra runner X 2 (one for each anchor bolt - in case the leader is planning to stretch the pitch and needs all the rope he can get) 1. for weight, 2. versatiliity 3. makes sense (no one had explained them to me, I _thought_ daisies were the end all) I still use my daisys for ground anchors when cragging (belaying those big boys) and hopefully will use them again when I try my hand at aid climbing (why I got them in the first place) Runners are my favorite so far. Keeping it simple seems the best course of action, especially when anchors and tying in are concerned.
  16. there is a joke there somewhere... JUMP! music running through head....
  17. bDubyaH is correct. Hang, hang, hang. You will know. Look at all the harnesses too, don't limit yourself to womens specific. fiddle with the gear loops, ask the person selling it to you for some quickdraws to clip onto them, after hanging (or at least not just standing there), so you get a feel for where the loops are going to ride in real life. You'll find some are up front, some have the loops up, some have the loops down, etc... And, yes, you will know right away if a harness is uncomfey. Sometimes is just needs a little adjustment, but personally, I'd shy away from anything that is painful I don't think I've ever owned a girl specific harness. The last piece of girl specific gear I owned (other than my shell bibs I think) was a pair of 5.10 shoes, long since vanished...
  18. Best wishes to your friend... Can we sign a card for him or anything at Pub Club tonight? If he's at harborview, he's got the best taking care of him..
  19. Sounds like a great idea... I'll let you gals sort that all out
  20. no, it just got too full of randomness. Discussions on this subject need to be taken to the thread in newbies or spray.
  21. Okay, I'm gonna try this again... No SPRAY please.. Wednesday, July 21, meeting at the trailhead sometime between 3:30-4pm, Exit 38... Starting at Write Off Rock, moving on to We Did Rock... http://www.northbendrock.com/Deception/index.htm this was last week.... http://homepage.mac.com/ljjames/PhotoAlbum44.html All experience levels welcome! (newbies encouraged!!)
  22. yeah, no shit!
  23. muff, nowhere did I say I am giving any lessons... Keep in mind, I worked as a scuba diving instructor for years, so I am quite familiar with liability insurance et al. Thanks for your concern though (or am I reading something in to your post) Brianna PM'd me asking if she could hang out and watch (even if she had not taken a formal climbing class) I said sure... Please, all you "experienced" folk, don't read more into this than it is. It is a group of women of varying skill levels getting together to have some fun. I am trying to make it newbie friendly, yes, and an environment where experience people can pass on information to the less experienced. An environment where a woman can ask another woman about how her harness fits or what is a female urinary director (AKA funnel) without snickers from they guys... Many people helped me "learn" to climb (beyond my formal instructor - thanks Dale) This is just my way to "Pay it Forward".
  24. So there is like one good climb in the range I'm looking for, but it's multipitch... right? Or am I mistaken. I've climbed at Erie, it's nice, but well, we are looking for places that are close and good for after work... Knock it off with the "for us girls" stuff. Either be of help, or not. I don't mind either way.
  25. http://www.northbendrock.com/Deception/index.htm Park at the Deception Crags trailhead, follow the trail up (it's not too far, about 8 min or so) pass the "Substation" area (the first climbing area next to the trestle), continue on to the top of the trail, where it meets Iron Horse trail (gravel road)look immediately to your left, and there is "Write Off Rock" if we are not there, then we will be to the East, on "We Did Rock"
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