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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. hehe... ya, we wonder too... Hmm.... if we get to keep Alki Crab and Fish, maybe i can lobby for a climbing wall, yanno, since they was climber support and all Would make for some awesome photo ops... a trick climbing wall with city skyline in background
  2. hehehe... puget sound... underwater! flying along the most amazing rock walls you can imagine... weightless! but the club near me has a rock pinnacle, and despite my SO's indifference to diving, he has a passing curiosity in climbing so... coming to a cheesy little rock pinnacle near luna park cafe... thats where i'll be i knew the climbing crew would be a hard sell, since its not only a petition, but a petition with nothing to do about climbing, but... 25... all i need is 25 more (actually counting pen and paper sigs, we have maybe 1300 or so...) Enough to make City Council at least shift in their seats and look up from their twitter feeds when i make my heart felt appeal. LOL... maybe i best wear some Lady GAGA outfit
  3. we are petitioning to get the city of parks and recreation to reconsider their decision regarding the lease for Alki Crab and Fish Co. (they gave it to Marination) This is the fish and chips place that you see at the passenger ferry dock in west seattle that is always over-run by climbers. A bit like "Good food" or other random dirtbag climber hangouts (but better food) http://signon.org/sign/save-alki-fish-and-crab anyhow, sorry for the random post, and i know i have not been here forever.. but thats what spray is for, right?! (and yes, i actually do still climb, albeit in the gym but am totally lame, but i dragged my boyfriend into it, so thats good, right?)
  4. we call them deathsicles for a reason. They always seem like a great opportunity for target practice (the ice, not the dumb arse climbers)
  5. Since climbers are generally eco-friendly... though y'all might like to see this This is a video about Pacific Marine Research, Marine Science Afloat field trip!! I've been one of their 'underwater' diver scientists since 1991. They are a bit of a shoestring operation that has been around since 1985. This is an awesome promo video, they finally got some angel investor to donate money for a real production company to make a promotional video for them (the previous one was done in 1987 or thereabouts) Three cheers for PMR!!!!!
  6. click on your link... they are 39 bucks on that site now...
  7. Sounds fun, pub club celebrating summers last gasp... the evil twin and I will try to make it...
  8. owowoowowowowoow! hope you get it up to snuff quickly!
  9. There are indeed bio-absorbable materials being used in surgical repairs Used mostly in non-load bearing/torsional applications. They have been used in craniofacial surgery for some time. Good in peds where bone is still growing and solid plates cause some 'issues'. More and more are being used every day as the formulations get better and FDA approval opens up the market. Did a single level cervical fusion the other day with one of the neurosurgeons where we used bio-absorbable plate and screws. There are anchor systems in use now for rotator cuff and ACL repairs. So are they still using metal these days? I thought they now have screws that disolve over several years and are replace by bone as they disolve. Maybe they are not used for breaks?
  10. uh. I'm in dissent. Broken talus or calc can hose you big-time according to the doc's I work with. Get a good orthopedist who specializes in feet to at very least look at the x-ray. The talus is very important for angles and support in the foot. Kind of like the 'cornerstone' in a bridge.
  11. Welcome home Kurt! Welcome home Feck! Kurt! Feck... uh... both of you!
  12. w00t! Way to go Distel! Congrats!
  13. yeah, it's longer than you think to get in 40+min easy... and the cairn is not hard to miss. along the way you may see: piles of shotgun shells, a redneck stream with old TVs, dead microwaves etc.. in it. Also, I vaguely remember more than just one big culvert before the one with the cairn...
  14. maybe we can either move it to the following week, or have a SECOND one and make sure y'all who couldn't make it the first time get to join in the entertainment!!! this is awesome!!!!
  15. Awesome! thanks for posting the info!
  16. mikey's jealous, and trying to figure out how to get his parents to write a note saying the same thing...
  17. can we please move all this to spray...
  18. is he getting well enough for some of us "others" to start filtering in? thanks for the updates! It is great to hear how he's improving!
  19. Okay, so are you all afraid to use paypal? or just waiting for the official account to open... Or perhaps just waiting to see if he gets well really fast and doesn't need any help from us (that would be outstanding!) 1052 topic views. Come on boys and girls, we can do better! If each of you donated just $5... if you'd prefer to do it in person, maybe we can have a slideshow or shultzys thing, and pass the hat around... If you want to send a get well soon card, (with a bill or check inside), I'm sure oly or someone can give us an addy to send it to.. If we help Kurt out now, when he's all better down the road, maybe he'll toss in a complementary hedge trimming or something next time he's surgically removing a tree from your powerlines... What goes around comes around... How about another picnic and TG can donate beer, and we each donate $10 to live it up! That's less than a pitcher at a pub...
  20. Thank you for the update... It means a lot that you are all taking the time to write.. Although many people care about him and want to visit, it is good that the we "the outside circle" (so to speak) can be kept up to date without stampeding his hospital room... We'll save that for when he really needs us, when he's out of the hospital but not yet readily up and about... off to light a candle... -Laura
  21. I own a kitchenaid mixer (pro-600 model) and a sewing machine with 140 stitches. I spend weeks on end perfecting pizza doughs and pasta... I make fuzzy fleece blankets for my friends pets.. and of course... photography..
  22. Who's yer alpine buddy! putting this here cause I didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea... But also to give an idea of how integral a member of the "family" our boy Kurt is, and how much we want him back... His chair will remain empty until he's all better! Donate to the Kurt Recovery Fund!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. As has been done for some of my diving friends when they've suffered devastating injuries, I was thinking perhaps we could band together and set up a recovery fund for Kurt. Having worked at Harborview for 7 years, specializing in neurosurgery, I know the ramifications of such an injury. I understand not only the immediate costs (of which insurance will pay a reasonable bit of in theory) but also the continued cost of not only Physical Therapy, but keeping Kurts belongings (house, business, etc...) intact. Bottom line, as we all know, paying a morgage, etc.. can be pricey, even more so if one is waylaid in an ICU, and not able to bring in income. Knowing Kurt (though mainly from pub club and the site) I imagine he has savings, but recovery from an injury like this often takes some time. What I'm thinking of is this, one of his close friends or family (someone who has access to his bank account and bills) set up a paypal account where we can all donate a few bucks. CC.com has a HUGE readership, and if each CC.com member donates just $5, less than the cost of two latte's, it could help give Kurt the time to recover and keep his business and home... I'll make the first donation! Other things we can do... If you have used gear laying around to sell, we can pool it and sell it, all proceeds going to the recovery fund. If any businesses who find this cause appealing, they can always pick a day and donate a percentage of the day's sales to the fund... If we want to get really fancy, we can make green bracelets saying "arborist = tree surgeon"... (sorry, I'm just brainstorming here... ) what do people think?! Can we make this happen? If he recovers really quick, and doesn't need it, then I am quite sure he'd donate the money to some climbing cause... but at least he'd have it to fall back on, and that is the important thing... -Laura
  24. you are just jealous...
  25. crap crap crap! Kurt! why did you wait till I was no longer working there and could come visit/pester you on company time!!! What were you thinking!
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