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Everything posted by G-spotter

  1. You started a trend http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/floatdown-sarnia-americans-wash-ashore-1.3730792
  2. jeez, not even 5.9+, must be a cake walk.
  3. There' still a fair bit of snow on Clarke and nearby. Don't underestimate the time required to find your way from Upper Statlu up to the climb and back down. There's a good reason most people do it in 3.
  4. I heard that as of yesterday it was much smaller and what was left was lower down on the slab.
  5. https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/08/11/rob-ford-crack-video-released-after-charges-dropped-against-sandro-lisi.html
  6. It's specific to this year because of an aggro bear. If the bear goes somewhere else, then they will likely lift these restrictions.
  7. Also here's a side view of the Pocket Gl that I took from Rexford area on Sunday July 31.
  8. The North Slesse (access to North Rib) looks really good right now. The Pocket Glacier has seracs at the bottom and otherwise isn't too broken but could slide off at any time. Frankly I'd choose the North Rib over the Buttress right now.
  9. Here's a photo link from July 25 that I found on FB https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOV7v_KMLVifYOF4_-GF0aJnAHI1c1bKZd20MCSaXZVsIr4AAFkgunXzb0XeTfN0g/photo/AF1QipPox_6XF29ugD8rWvykYClpSWCE41u4lc33TghH?key=NHk3TEQ2OFY3UHZ5XzhhbmtqWmpwSTVoSFRleEln
  10. G-spotter


    The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose.
  11. G-spotter


    Vote Sobchak 2016
  12. There was a rockfall that blocked the Chilliwack Lake FSR at 2 km (just past the end of pavement) this spring. I did the assessment for MoF to open it up but I don't know if they've done the work yet. If they have, I think there's a timber sale in lower Depot Creek so the road might get fixed up to nice non-potholed shape to there.
  13. The only "explorers" nowadays are robots on other planets. Everything else is in the first trans one-legged midget on Everest category
  14. There's still snow at the propellor, as well as ice.
  15. Still some water bars but 2wd/hc. Not sure about Rexford TH but it's only a km past Slesse TH.
  16. I am told that the road is now fixed up and driveable to the Slesse Memorial trailhead.
  17. It's a pretty awesome route alright. How were the bugs around the lakes?
  18. http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/hiker-vanishes-over-edge-in-alpine-lakes-wilderness/
  19. So did this burning oil tanker derailment make Beacon into Crispy Bacon?
  20. Frankly, you can call shit feces, or wastes, but the smell doesn't change. Dressing up the dirtbag climber lifestyle that Fred pioneered with some euphemism won't make it any more glamorous or publicly acceptable. Voluntary poverty, homelessness, borderline petty theft, and lack of regular hygiene: if those are the tradeoffs for 600 alpine FAs, then that's a choice that was made willingly.
  21. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1148733#Post1148733
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