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Everything posted by RURP

  1. This is RURP: Dwayner wrote this: "Ain't it Eatonville's turn? Maybe Big Lou will show up! This is Mary-Lou. I don't care where the rest of you are going but me and Snow-Lovely are going to Eatonville! Ya. That is how this pub thing actually works. The two girls who show up can change the location at the last minute and everybody will follow. So Miss Mary Lou and Snow Lovely: here is a Big Wall style challange: show us your power and move the site to SeaTac or some other such place. I will not be there but I just like to watch the power. RURP has spoken
  2. This is RURP: I'm posting this twice because I'm really tired of hearing abou ti. This is RURP. I'm not Pope. He's apparently so intimidated by the fact that some people think we are the same person because he does not like my attitude or comments. Fine. I'm not Pope. And if he thinks he knows me, and wants to "out" me, then he is a fool who does not respect privacy. I use the name RURP for the same reason other people use "avatars" on this discussion...because we value privacy and the right to choose who we let into our personal lives. Are you happy now, Pope? RURP has spoken
  3. RURP

    High Winds

    This is RURP. I'm not Pope. He's apparently so intimidated by the fact that some people think we are the same person because he does not like my attitude or comments. Fine. I'm not Pope. And if he thinks he knows me, and wants to "out" me, then he is a fool who does not respect privacy. I use the name RURP for the same reason other people use "avatars" on this discussion...because we value privacy and the right to choose who we let into our personal lives. Are you happy now, Pope? RURP has spoken
  4. RURP

    kick ass site

    This is RURP: "the sweet female pie, not a thing that is bad." O.K. I think I understand this now. So why don't you tell them to stop calling me an "asshole" and a "prick". Do you use those words? RURP has spoken.
  5. RURP

    kick ass site

    This is RURP: She said "calling someone a 'pussy' is not acceptable". I thought it means "cat". You don't like cats? Probably not, especially with all of this talk about bringing dogs to Joshua Tree. RURP has spoken.
  6. This is RURP: Mr. Trask writes "Why don't you guys go climb Everest, K2, or some of the other great climbs, before you @#$% down the neck of the people that are." (I use a Big Wall plastic tube myself.) "Maybe these people are pricks, but at least they're out doing it. All I see here, with a few exceptions, is a bunch of PNW locals that love to put down the guys that really do the gnarly @#$%. It must be awesome to be so all knowing and spectacular. Put your money where your mouths are." Mr.Trask, since you probably do not know most of the people on this list, or what they have done, then I would say that your comments are weak. Many people are out "doing it" in ways they have no need to publicly display. What would you like?: every gnarly-man to have his own web-site or otherwise report directly to you with his resume before offering an opinion on the subject? By your standards, 20 million American football fans should shut the hell up because they are not out there on the field playing with the brutes. You are starting to sound like Rodchester, but thanks for climbing down from that box of soap. And while you are at it, have a drink with RURP: And we'll give another one to Rodchester because it might help him settle down. RURP has spoken.
  7. This is RURP: Mr. Rodchester: I stick to my belief that I could run a better guide business on Mt. Rainier. I am aware of all of the factors you describe but I have neither the time or interest in pursuing this with you. Really: I have neither the time nor interest, but having been a professional in the guiding business for many years, and having knowledge (including direct observation) of how they conduct things, I believe I could do a much better service overall including staffing, pricing, attitude and safety. The RMI has been successful, but they are still unfortunately the only real game in town. A few others are allowed to guide on the East side but RMI is de facto THE big business there. No, Mr. Rodchester, you'll have to settle for the fact that my opinion in this matter is informed, because frankly, I feel that I have already wasted enough words responding to your taunt. Go drink some beer with your friend Carlos and enjoy the big weekend. And have another one from RURP: RURP has spoken.
  8. This is RURP: Tomaz is good but his web-site says this: "First echoes from around the world are all very positive, fortifying him as the best climber in the world in modern mountain climbing history." Ya, maybe in Slovenia's little world. That is quite a claim for a 30 year old! And you can click on a button and send your congratulations to him for his excellent climbing! RURP has spoken.
  9. This is RURP: The explorer of Texas said: "As for me I will climb with anyone but a hot girl on the sharp end of the rope". Why do you not like the hot girls? RURP has spoken.
  10. This is RURP:Ya, and this is my friend's web-page. Take a look at it when you become bored with motivational speakers: King of Climbers RURP has spoken.
  11. This is RURP: ":survey question 100a) are you female 100b) do you like wearing sport bras" I have never heard of a "sport bra". Is this Jamaican slang? Is this something sport climbers wear on their heads? Can you buy these from Barrabes? Just more climbing jargon I suppose? RURP has spoken.
  12. This is RURP: You laugh at that little guy in the picture...yes you do...but he looks BIG WALL READY and EAGER to me! RURP has spoken.
  13. This is RURP. RURP has a joke. Hillary Clinton and Bill are walking in the woods. Hillary has to pee so she heads over to the edge of a bluff overlooking the water. Bill says hurry up. Hillary squats and after a minute of contemplation, Hillary she says can't do it because there is canoe down below in the water. Bill says: "Nonsense...that's not a canoe, that's your reflection in the water!" RURP has spoken.
  14. . Are you? a. Male b. femaleI am all male. How about you, Lambone?. 2. What age group are you in?a. under 10 b.10 – 15 c.16 – 20 d.21 – 25 e.26 – 30 f.31 – 35 g.36 – 40 h.40+ "H" as in "hardman". 3. How many years have you been rock climbing?a. 1 – 2 b. 3 – 4 c. 5 – 6 d. 7 – 8 e. 9 – 10 f. 11 – 12 g. 13 – 14 f. 15+ longer than you have been alive = f.. 4. What type of rock climbing do you participate in most often? a. top roping b. bouldering c. lead – traditional d. lead – sporttrad/big wall. bouldering and sport-climbing are for losers.. 5. What is your maximum difficulty level?a.under 5.9 b.5.10a–b c.5.10c–d d.5.11a–b e.5.11c–d f.5.12a–b g.5.12c-d h.13+ A-6. Nobody really climbs 13+ without practicing many times.. 6. What is your favorite climbing area near Seattle?a. Exit 38 b. Little Si c. Vantage d. Leavenworth e. Index Choices a) b) and c) are not climbing areas. So I guess that I am stuck with d. and e.. 7. Why is this your favorite?a. type of rock b. difficulty of climbs c. setting d. alldefault.. 8. What area do you climb at most often?a. Exit 38 b. Little Si c. Vantage d. Leavenworth e. Indexf. Yosemite. 9. Why do you climb at this area most often?a. it is your favorite b. closest to home c. less crowded d. better weathere) no sport climbers and only sporadic boulderers.. 10. Are you a member of the Access Fund? a. yes b. no c. what is the Access Fund???d) I have no access problems.. 11.Have you ever participated in any type of organized restoration, clean up, or maintenance of a rock climbing area? a. yes b. noa) Yes, but I had nothing to do with the restoration taking place at Vantage.. 12. Do you always stay on established trails at the climbing area? a. yes b. noDon't you?.. 13. Do you pick up trash at the climbing area? a. always b. sometimes c. neverI do not leave trash.. 14. How many people do you usually climb with? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. larger groupsOne, or two.. 15. Do you purchase any products in the town nearest the climbing area (gas, food, etc)?a. always b. sometimes c. neverYou do not eat food? Maybe that is why you are so skinny and work in a rock gym!. 16. Do you relieve yourself (pee, poop) other than in a designated waste site (porta-potty, etc.) at the climbing area? a. never b. sometimes c. usually d. alwaysI go discretely. I do not spray my manhood in public nor display my ass. You did not list puking which is common among many climbers. RURP does not puke.. 17. Do you discard food waste such as apple cores, banana peels, nut shells, Doritos, etc., at the climbing area? a. yes b. noYes. In little plastic bags in which I carry them. Doritos are bad luck on big walls.. 18. Do you use a hammer to pound pitons at the climbing area? a. yes b. noOnly when necessary.. 19. Have you ever placed a bolt at a climbing area? a. yes b. noYes. Rarely, shamefully and only when necessary. O.K., now that I have answered your questions, I require a big thank you. What kind of stupid school do you go to anyway?And that Chuck guy is right.= RURP has spoken
  15. This is RURP: So now that you are all done whining and complaining and you are going to have your little drinking party in that poor excuse for a neighborhood called Tacoma, where will this pub club be held. First I hear about the Swiss place (where maybe they speak real German, right pope?) and then I hear about that ridiculous teapot place, the Java Jive. Where is it? Who is in charge. Maybe I will show up so that I can call some of you "loser", especially Dwayner and his fruity buddy pope. And that Lambone and all of the others. I will help you with your European language skills and will give you Big Walls tips...the tips of my Big Wall boots. Yes...where is this party and who is going to be there? RURP wants to know! RURP has spoken.
  16. RURP


    This is RURP: Mr. Dwayner says: "last week, the Alpine Kitty sent me on a mission that must have taken me half a day, including loads of alcohol, "chimichangas", and a fistful of phone numbers and business cards. When I finally snapped out of it, I was seated in front of the computer as I am now, with my pants on backwards, scratch marks on my back and a black eye. ....Beware the Alpine Kitty. Also, a bag full of my climbing gear was found 2 pitches up on City Park at Index. The Kitty is powerful!" Lay off the Mickey's, Dwayner; you are having blackouts. Hopefully your problem with the receipts, the pants and injuries were not from visiting pope at his "meat market" in Leavenworth. That bag of your gear at Index that you left there last week. It was not full of climbing gear, it was full of empty beer bottles. And by the way, that stupid cat is not very funny. RURP has spoken.
  17. RURP

    More spray!

    This is RURP. Zenolith: Du er en tosk and your Norsk sucks! RURP has spoken.
  18. This is RURP: Schlangensmecker is a fool whose German is so poor that I suspect that he is an aging burned-out writer for Hogan's Heroes. If Mr. Happy likes this guy, he needs to visit Mr. Counseling. Pope: I am not a "meat inspector" in Leavenworth but I suspect that you should inspect your own "meat" for signs of disease as you seem obsessed with male strippers. Trask: I called one of your "girlfriends" and she told me that "Mr. Happy" is better known as "Limpy the Clown." RURP has spoken.
  19. This is RURP: pope you are an idiot. I hope this gets you excited: http://www.nudecelebrity4free.com/Julie_Andrews_nude.shtml RURP has spoken.
  20. This is RURP: Hey Vegetable: How about instead of being a brocolli for the first time in your life, how about answering my question about the food? RURP has spoken.
  21. This is RURP: Hey Alex: How about instead of being a smart-alex for the first time in your life, how about answering my question about the food? RURP has spoken.
  22. This is RURP: RURP is not for sale. RURP has spoken.
  23. This is RURP: I think that maybe pope hopes that the girl will read this and that she will think he is sensitive and he thinks that he can GET INTO HER TABLE-WAITING PANTIES. Yes, pope, you are SO SENSITIVE! I would be more impressed if she had climbed the real Annapurna. RURP has spoken.
  24. RURP: I did not go to this lecture. How was the food and the drinks that they promised? RURP has spoken.
  25. This is RURP: Schlangesauger: Why do you lie so much. I do not know you, I do not want to know you, and you sound like a giant girlie-boy. I hope your English is better than your phony German, or maybe that is how you attract your high quality girlfriends in the strip club. RURP has spoken.
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