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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. I thought that meant they were made by the camera company.
  2. I would buy one if that damn site took my credit card number...
  3. it said "I'm a registered sex offender - $100 and I won't come near you ever again" I would buy that.
  4. The graph is % of light reflected versus reflection angle for pure s polarized light (the green line) and pure p polarized light (the red line). S polarized light is the surface reflection or "glare" that you would get from ice ("information" if you well). Polarized sunglasses are designed to reduce transmisison of s polarized light (unless you wear them at 90 degrees) giving you more (relative to before) p light transmission so you can do things like see rocks in the water. But you are losing some of the surface reflection information. "surface reflection information"...? I'm gonna barf.
  5. People need to quit this nonsense. Of course it's what he thinks. He wrote it. Not everything needs a disclaimer. People need to quit this nonsense. Not every comment on a comment needs to be commented on so that people don't comment on comments. Heh heh. No comment.
  6. Wear whatever looks cooler.
  7. If he cuts off his head...
  8. Wow, this thread is getting more boring by the minute... Out O here.
  9. What does your tattoo do for a living?
  10. It already is. I remember someone saying that a 15-year or so old girl was on Alki Beach last summer, saying of women in their 30's & 40's "I can't believe how many of these old skanks have tattoos!" About 25% of Americans under 50 have tattoos, 40% of Americans under 40. (2006 numbers.) An article in U.S. News & World Report ranked tattooing as the sixth fastest growing retail business of the 1990's, right behind the internet, paging services, bagels, computers, and cellular phone services. I'm just wondering what the next fad will be, and if or for how long tattooing will remain popular, and if it doesn't, well, goodbye to the jobs for the folks in the 20,000+ tattoo parlors in America right now. Not a criticism of tattooing, mind you. Just that it's been REAL popular in the U.S. for the last 20 years or so.
  11. You mean, after you forgot you told us twice already how you were a purchaser? No. I changed my mind.
  12. After much thought, I finally decided not to say what I do for a living.
  13. I just logged on to say that there's no fucking way I'm going to read this entire goddam thread. That is all. Do carry on.
  14. I'm confused. Are you saying that Lizard_Brain was, in fact, shat from Jesus? Does that mean I'm Holy Shit?
  15. God I miss the Kingdome!
  16. This question came up on a running forum I was on recently, but was nixed by the uptight mods. But I thought it was valid and intriguing. The mods were okay with the topic of farting until the subject of Our Savior came up along with it (I think someone said "Oh, Holy Jesus", and it went from there), and some PC tightass (no pun intended) got offended. The world wants to know. Did Jesus fart?
  17. Yeah - Is your life worth 40 bucks? Can I be in your will? PM me for personal info.
  18. My goal is to accumulate more expensive gear.
  19. -Solo all of the Tattoosh peaks (except Stevens) in a day. -Do Stuart again, possibly combined with a ridge-run and summit of Sherpa. (Not mountaineering related) -Run the North Olympic Discovery Marathon in under 4 hours.
  20. I'm all for religious premarital sex.
  21. Bob was ghey.
  22. Does make for fun reading, though. Better than the usual crap we've been getting here lately...
  23. Oh for christ's sake would you all just shut up.
  24. I tried to snowshoe to Pan Point on Sunday. We got to the base of it and said "No way." We could hear the WHUMP! of the layers shifting and could feel the ground move - even on the fairly flat ground at the base just before the rise to Pan Point. We turned around there. Sorry for them. It's really not a stable pace right now.
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