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Everything posted by lizard_brain

  1. Avalanche on Mount Rainier buries climber 09:05 AM PST on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 KING5.com Staff MOUNT RAINIER, Wash. - A rescue operation is under way after a climber was buried by an avalanche. Kevin Bacher of Mount Raininer National Park says two young men left for a day hike at Tuesday morning but turned back due to poor visibility and high winds. At about 1:30 p.m., while leading the way down, one of the men triggered an avalanche and was swept down the slope. "His friend searched for him for several hours and then came out at dusk last night and reported his friend missing," said Bacher. Six rangers from Mount Rainier National Park, four members from mountain rescue and two people with avalanche search dogs are headed to the area. "We'll be going out today with the reporting party to try to pinpoint more exactly where that happened," aid Bacher. Bacher said searchers will be proceeding with caution due to weather conditions. "There's a lot of snow at Paradise right at the moment and pretty good wind so conditions are ripe for further avalanches," he said. Bacher said the two climbers were not wearing an avalanche beacon.
  2. Just shut up and give me the presents.
  3. Heh - last year I was climbing with some Canadians, and one of them said "Why is it that whenever I go out with Americans, the conversation always gets around to bestiality?"
  4. Does god watch me while I am choking my chicken?
  5. Dude, that is SO HAWT!
  6. dear, you need to get out to Enumclaw more often. Would you please stop beating that dead horse? Christan-necro-bestiality?
  7. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country. To obey the scout law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight. Tell me, what is so bad about this? An organization that will help lead boys become men. I don’t get your hatred of Boy Scouts? They won't let anyone join that claims to be an atheist. Hey, don't ask, don't tell.
  8. On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country. To obey the scout law; to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally straight. Tell me, what is so bad about this? An organization that will help lead boys become men. I don’t get your hatred of Boy Scouts? They won't let anyone join that claims to be an atheist.
  9. Pics?
  10. At about 3% of the population, I wouldn't feel too threatened. Pontif, when are going out to worship the powdery white god on the holy long shoes? Richard Dawkins says that there are probably more atheists than there are Jews in the world, but they tend to be so independent and such freethinkers that they don't tend to organize and form lobbying groups like religious groups as the Jews have. Just sayin'. great! maybe all of us atheist should get together, pick a really cool spot, and declare it our homeland. We just need a lobbying group. Someone to lean on the govenrnment for us. Show our numbers. $$$
  11. At about 3% of the population, I wouldn't feel too threatened. Pontif, when are going out to worship the powdery white god on the holy long shoes? Richard Dawkins says that there are probably more atheists than there are Jews in the world, but they tend to be so independent and such freethinkers that they don't tend to organize and form lobbying groups like religious groups as the Jews have. Just sayin'.
  12. I'll sleep with christians OR atheists.
  13. Praying: "Doing nothing while still thinking you're helping."
  14. You give and I'll take.
  15. Isn't that the same as Cafe Ghey?
  16. Just follow the frozen stiffs.
  17. tight and vibrating. sounds like you'd be a keeper bend over boyfriend! It's from the vibrating butt-plug. Totally artificial.
  18. I had a roommate in college that was punching the clown every morning and every night. Those cheap metal bedframes would bang on the walls - you could hear it all over the floor. This guy had no social skills either. This was the only guy I have ever seen go to a party, and without thinking about it, in front of a room full of people, PICK his NOSE a EAT IT.
  19. *shudders*
  20. Another note - this may be a no-brainer, but always pull your poles apart into individual pieces when you get back from a trip to let them dry. If you leave them collapsed or even just put toghether all the time, especially wet, they tend to corrode over time, and even a little corrosion on them makes them tend to stick more when you try to get them apart or adjust them.
  21. Step 6: Buy a CC.Com T-Shirt
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