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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. who fucking cares? they're all homosexual pedophiles
  2. screw you, brain dead turd burgler
  3. Shoot yourself in the head with a .12 gauge shotgun, loser.
  4. GW is responsible for Houston's lousy air, so says Catturd. Whatever you say, chief.
  5. allthumbs

    Baghdad Jim

    Roll another one
  6. Clinton set it all in motion. Bush inherited this cluster-fuck.
  7. allthumbs

    I fucking hate

    Nah, Ehmmic, I think old people just always get up early... No soup for you two!!!
  8. allthumbs

    I fucking hate

    dru, he's right you hoser. crop that bitch.
  9. allthumbs

    I fucking hate

    E-cock, you are a cesspool of reeking cheap pus sucking diarrhea. Glad I could help. trask
  10. those pants have man spooge on 'em
  11. allthumbs

    I fucking hate

    kill yourself bitch your life is meaningless
  12. allthumbs

    oops I broke it

    tie me up and slap my ass
  13. Anytime Harry, you goiter licking nasty bung sucker.
  14. Harry, you are a pile of fur covered, mealy, fucked up ass cheese. Carry on.
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