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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. your feat pales by the moron that went over Niagara Falls with no protection the other day grow some balls and do something dangerous, wimp on edit, that goddamn goat licker klenke just beat me to it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. allthumbs

    how do they feel?

  3. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

  4. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    klenke, you are a goofy looking, fucked up, goiter licking fucker of little animals.
  5. I'll discuss this: Dave Shuldtz is a fucking drunken moron.
  6. allthumbs

    how do they feel?

    j_b sucks donkey dicks, just look here -----> http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=you+are+a+moron
  7. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

  8. allthumbs

    how do they feel?

    Bush is a fucking ass-clown. I'm lookin' to vote for another conservative, but would consider a moderate if one is available around votin' time.
  9. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    I don't believe you. Bwahahahaha!!! You're right...I lied!
  10. allthumbs


    sometimes I just want to grab you by your ankles and shake you senseless
  11. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    I watched Vertical Limit on TV last night.
  12. allthumbs

    Real EXTREME sport

    HOW'S THIS FOR EXTREME SPORTS? Man in wheelchair run over and killed during rush hour in Detroit Wednesday, October 22, 2003 ASSOCIATED PRESS A wheelchair-bound man was struck and killed by a car while crossing a busy road in Roseville during rush hour Wednesday morning. Roseville police said a man in his mid-30s was moving across seven-lane Groesbeck Highway with his father, also in a wheelchair, around 7:30 a.m. when a car hit him.
  13. Will they let you bring your firearm and carry/use it if necessary? (I wouldn't consider going if not)
  14. gonna be in Hankridge next week, Will?
  15. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    I'm the biggest fucking liar in the world.
  16. who's the fat fucker with the short dick? is that baby orca?
  17. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

  18. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    erik eats turds - how's that minx?
  19. It seemed when we entered into the war in Iraq the Administration at least allowed people to think that the effort would be "self funding" since Iraq sits on top of the second largest oil reserves in the world. As the cost ledger has been exposed--one page at a time--the concept of "self funding" seems to have been replaced with "future funding" on the part of the US. The current proposal---obviously not the last page in the ledger--calls for the US to fund not only the cost of restoring what was destroyed during the war but building a new Iraq. Obviously these funds come from what amounts to a re-mortgaging of the US. I would be interested in knowing your the thoughts regarding this proposal. Please include such things as: 1. Can the US reasonably absorb these costs. 2. Is this a good investment in the future. 3. Do we set a precedent for any future "preemptive strikes".
  20. what happened to my picture of J-b?
  21. Listen you piece of shit, as far as I'm concerned you're stalking me. I'm not going to report you because I'm not a ratfink bitch like you. You want to put on the gloves anytime, just let me know. I really think you have a crush on me or something...what a sick fuck you are.
  22. Fuck you bitch. I've popped in and out all day and if you've been in front of me I could care less. Happenstance, is all.
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