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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. first thing you've ever posted that was mildly interesting give the man a cupie doll
  2. allthumbs

    am i an asshole

    I don't much give a shit when someone I know dies. Shit happens, we get old, sick, whatever. Fuck it, life goes on. Erik, you're a fucking bung sucker.
  3. allthumbs

    Baghdad Jim

    nuke the middle east it's a worthless chossheap with no redeaming value
  4. These bitch teachers that strike like they did in Marysville are loser motherfuckers and can go to hell, eat shit and die for all I care. Cunt motherfuckers
  5. Let the kids out at normal end of school year. Not their fault. No makeup bullshit. I don't brake for teachers or school board fuckers.
  6. Locke is a fucking communist turd. All parties involved with the Marysville cluster-fuck should be fired or shot.
  7. they don't like it, shoot the fuckers
  8. makes ya wonder, doesn't it?
  9. ....it may be slow but I'm secure with the knowledge that I'm in good hands with my commander and chief
  10. no comment carry on
  11. allthumbs

    Baghdad Jim

    "who's that behind those Foster Grants.....?"
  12. A Canadian, a goat, and a dog were survivors of a terrible shipwreck. They found themselves stranded on a desert island. After being there a while, they got into the habit of going to the beach every evening to watch the sun set. One particular evening, the sky was a fiery red with beautiful cirrus clouds, the breeze was warm and gentle, a perfect night for romance. As they sat there, the goat started looking better and better to the Canadian. Soon, he leaned over to the goat and put his arm around it. But the dog got jealous, growling fiercely until the Canadian took his arm from around the goat. After that, the three of them continued to enjoy the sunsets together, but there was no more cuddling. A few weeks passed by and, lo and behold, there was another shipwreck. The only survivor was a beautiful young woman, the most beautiful woman the Canadian had ever seen. She was in a pretty bad way when they rescued her, and they slowly nursed her back to health. When the young maiden was well enough, they introduced her to their evening beach ritual. It was another beautiful evening - red sky, cirrus clouds, a warm and gentle breeze perfect for a night of romance. Pretty soon, the Canadian started to get "those feelings" again. He fought them as long as he could, but he finally gave in and leaned over to the young woman, cautiously, and whispered in her ear ... "Would you mind taking the dog for a walk?"
  13. sure nice when you fire up the big shit though
  14. I'll take that as a yes. Still living in the same place?
  15. stupid fucker, this should be in the Climing forum
  16. I'll come over to your house and help you with your problem?
  17. poon & tang like it hot n' nasty say Greg, you still into scat games? hehehe
  18. how 'bout as a full-size fleshlite?
  19. how 'bout as a mistress?
  20. War is immoral? No shit. But, so is allowing pedophile priests to butt fuck little boys and destroy their lives. Did the Pope and his merry band of Cardinals say that was immoral and condemn the sick fucking pervert priests who committed these "sins" (also known as felonies in all 50 states)? Hell no! They lied, they denied, they hired lawyers to intimidate or pay off the families who complained. These 2-faced hypocritical "Men of God" are self-serving pompous child molesters who abused thousands of children and then worried more about the "bad pr" affecting collections than they did about victims whose lives they ruined. fuck the pope!
  21. "I glance at the headlines just to kind of get a flavor for what's moving. I rarely read the stories, and get briefed by people who are probably read the news themselves." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2003
  22. As soon as I finish my "hooked on phonics" course, I'll give 'er a spin.
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