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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Email sent to me by a savvy buddy of mine Trask, I just sent the following email to CNN. They just did a survey that showed that in excess of 80% of the respondents believe that the media is filtering the news from Iraq. My note follows: Since my office is in my home I turn on CNN while I have lunch. Today the entire time that I ate lunch was consumed by discussions regarding Mr. Bryant. I have to confess to having never heard of Mr. Bryant prior to this incident and while not wanting to sound insensitive have little interest in either Mr. Bryant or his legal problems. I cannot help but note the difference in programming between CNN in the US and the International Edition which I watch regularly in Europe. The International Edition is much more focused on “real” news stories and less so on ones that I would characterize as “sensational reports”, i.e. Mr. Bryant, Mr. Peterson et al. Differentiate yourselves from your “newtainment” (my word) colleagues and report on the real news. I suggest the results of your filtering poll might change in your favor if your time were spent on objective reporting of the real news issues. -Dave
  2. Dustin, I'm built like you (same size and weight anyway) and the chicas say they can't get enough of my beer belly. Actually it's not too big, but they like to stroke it and kiss it and shit. A little beef's a good thang.
  3. Dave for Minister of the Keg (town drunk?)
  4. fuck minx, I had to look that one up. I don't think anyone here hates women, least of all me. nice post - appreciate you taking it on the cuff and in the spirit intended. we're all just big kids
  5. Yeah, come on Dru...apologize to Marylou, you nasty bastard. We're all waiting.
  6. The truth of the matter is that 95% of Marylow's remarks in Spray are derogatory and downers. She spends all her time chastising me for ruining a thread. If she wants to fuck me so bad, why doesn't she just pay for me, like most girls do? I'd give her the October special - $200 for around the world.
  7. hope so, I've missed the old goat
  8. fuck off j-b, I wasn't talking to you, or was I?
  9. Dru has a point marylow - instead of always being a downer, why not embrace the thread in the spirit it was intended? quit being a gasbag and have some fun.
  10. It's in spray marylou - so fucking what? You want a serious thread put it in one of the twenty other legit forums. I don't go there anymore.
  11. I don't hate women, asseyes. Unlike you, I have many female friends. I dislike you, because you embody everything I loathe in a man (assuming you are a man). To summarize - you suck.
  12. no shit dude, that fucker is a plague
  13. In my own experiences I have met a number of very wealthy people and while I haven't taken a poll, I can't help but notice that about half of these people have never attended college. One fellow that I know didn't even finish the eight grade but yet he started a huge trucking company and became very wealthy. I am curious what are your thoughts on wealth in this country? Can anyone make it here if they try?
  14. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with getting rich in this country. Except that the socialist democrats want us to believe that it is something to be ashamed of and something to deplore. We all have the chance to get rich in life. Why begrudge someone for actually obtaining it? Losers get off the bus.
  15. no shit, and I'm fucking tired of paying for useless lazy motherfuckers that won't work- nuke the bitches
  16. thanks eric for that thoughtful retort have a cigar
  17. allthumbs


    from the traskmobile
  18. what about "Muffy does CC.com"?
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