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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. did he bark like a dog?
  2. Where is the report? I might have been drunk, but I could swear I heard it on the news the other night. Just thought someone else might have heard the same thing. Dude, check out my arsenal...
  3. Nah, that cuts into my post time...
  4. what's this shit I hear that returning GI's are flown into some fucking airport on the East Coast, and then have to foot the bill out their own wallets to fly home from there? is this for real?
  5. Necro- Whenever you are feeling down and looking just like poo just cheer right up because you know your mom's a dirty ho.
  6. This is all so insane. We shouldn't be there anymore. Fuckin' cut our losses and get the hell outta Dodge. There's no joy here.
  7. I wonder how long the Iraqi people are going to take terrorist attacks against them by foreign Muslims and Iraqi Sunni Muslims in their country until they get fed up? As long as I live I will never understand fundamentalist Muslims (or any other religious zealot for that matter) and their penchant for wanting to maintain everything around them at the 750AD time line... Having said that, I soundly believe fundamentalism in ANY RELIGION is an extremely dangerous thing. Be it Muslim, Jewish, or even CHRISTIAN. It doesn't matter what kind of label you put on it, any extremist using the word of God as their battle cry or shield should be immediately removed from any political influence. Even our own political parties have gone to the realm of extremes. One to the left and the other to the right. The problem is, those of us in the middle, have for the most part, given up trying to bring about change. That view, unfortunately, has brought out the extremists like j_b who feel our political arena is now "their" playground. I do recognize the privilege this country affords me in making a choice in not getting involved in picking a side for my economic and physical well being, but I truly fear that day is not far away, for the winds of political change bring about new leaders and new "favorites". Those who don't adapt quickly enough are stripped of their savings and worse yet, are imprisoned for their past allegiances. If we continue to propagate issues that galvanize people to one side or the other, we will be heading down that same path. Fuck, I’m bored today.
  8. WOW - Necro's post made me hard
  9. I think j_b is akin to a urinary tract infection.
  10. I find I'm becoming more moderate as time goes on. Well maybe a right-leaning moderate. I happened to catch a segment of Hannity and Colmes when they had Fl Congresswoman Katherine Harris ® on. Congresswoman Harris recently returned from a FOUR day visit to Iraq and with her she had videos of men being tortured under the regime of Saddam Hussein. The outrage was palpable from all--but most vocal was Mr. Hannity--and this horrible torture was loudly touted as high justification for the war in Iraq. I have to wonder if these people think everyone else is brain dead and lives in some kind of a vacuum. Simply groveling as we wait to be fed their propaganda nectar and swallow their distorted half truths. Or is it that they are truly ignorant of what goes on all over that part of the world--I think not. It is certainly no secret that our dear friends in Saudi Arabia have standard punishments that are the same--in fact there are any number countries that we count as our dear friends where these tapes could have been made as well. It doesn't take a whole lot to lose ones head in SA--rather slowly as well so that you can reflect on your sins one last time. Public flogging is a mainstay--for minor crimes you can get 100 lashes (publicly applied) with a long leather whip--complete with a lead weight on the end--and if you pass out in the process they will mercifully stop and help you to recover your senses before they continue. Steal something and you will lose your right hand---steal something on the highway and you lose your right hand and left foot. I could go on--but I'm calming down now. The Administration apparently had Ms Rice out today touting the same stuff--they insult me as well. I guess that if I could comfortably suckle at the tit of the propaganda sow I would have far less concerns---but damn I wish they would not be so insulting about it. Go easy on me, my conservative brothers - Peace trask-
  11. fuck it, you're not worth arguing with. go drink some piss, Ghandi
  12. Montana threatens to thin it's forests - a formidable task to say the least.
  13. I posted a link yesterday, you tool
  14. allthumbs

    Hmmm ???

    Why does j_b always lie? Why is Catturd’s mom a guy? Why is Marylou so fat? What is up with Mr. Matt? Why is Crackhead posting here? Why did Sisu shoot that bear? Why is E-Cock fucking gay? What does Muffy really say? I hope you think this poem’s phat, I really want that cc hat.
  15. just take my word for it - I have my sources
  16. j-b tool, doesn't it bother you to defend an asshole that is loathed by 95% of the population? Why take a stand with a communist dicksmoker like moore? You suck.
  17. Mr. Hankey is smelly and brown, Mr. Hankey is oh-so-cool. Mr. Hankey don't make me frown, In fact, it makes me drool. Mr. Hankey, he is my buddy. He comforts me at night. He's a poor man's silly putty, But he can sure put up a fight. A toilet-clogging dump, Sure lifts my spirits high. Just seeing each lil lump, Brings a joyful tear to my eye. I like to eat Mr. Hankey in a box, And in a house, at that. I would eat the Mr. Hankey of a fox, But not a coyote's spicy scat. I also like to date my crap, And lavish it with gifts. I stroke it while it's in my lap, 'Til off to sleep it drifts. The moral of my lovely ode, Is simply: Love your waste. Before you flush your steaming load, Be sure to get a taste!
  18. gapertimmy and jon two choads that don't have a clue let alone a life
  19. and you are full of more se(a)men than an aircraft carrier. CBS swallows! ROFLMAO
  20. allthumbs


    Muffin, can I bang you 12 times first?
  21. allthumbs


    Uncle Trask is crushed I'm inviting y'all to my 5th marriage soon as my new Russian bride arrives.
  22. It's been a tough haul cleaning up Clinton's mess. Finally we see some light at the end of the tunnel.
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