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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Well Done!

    why is it that some men are just more attractive than others? speaking as a pretty boy, I've asked myself this very question often. LOL
  2. allthumbs

    Well Done!

    oh fuck, lighten up, rob knows he's a special boy
  3. hell no. you are abusive enough without power. Surely you jest...I'm a cupcake.
  4. If that's the case, then make me a mod and I won't abuse the power.
  5. retaining power without use is bullshit all or nuthin baby
  6. then why's the mod symbol "M" still over his avatar? I say he needs to put his money where his mouth is.
  7. allthumbs

    Well Done!

    you look like a dork
  8. I hear it's a turn on for some folks. Wouldn't know, ain't been there....Yet....
  9. naw, that'd be unethical, even for dirtbags
  10. allthumbs

    Penis Trivia

    Let's check out some sad, but true facts: 1. The average penis size when erect is only 6 inches, 90% of men (Trask not included) posses this size. 2. Holy shit!! Some of you guys are fucked.... By the age of 27, 95% of men cannot have erections 1/5 as much as when they were 20.
  11. between classes, Necro?
  12. allthumbs


    I just don't want my balls cut off.
  13. allthumbs


    Alas, I'm afraid I must end this game. My friend pm'd me again, threatening to cut off my balls if I disclosed his/her identity. Because I value a good friend over all else, I'll respect those wishes. Fuck off bitches!!!
  14. allthumbs


    ehmmic for the total pkg of a man, type in "trask"
  15. catturd's on the loose - bring in miama vice
  16. allthumbs


    nupe next hint - good lookin' (not that minx isn't, mind you)
  17. allthumbs


    seriously why won't flash player load? I got more firewalls and anti-virus than Carter's got pills. suck a cock, dru
  18. allthumbs


    fuck no - who'd marry that goat licker? 10 demerits and no soup for you!
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