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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Cheap ass. Don't you know $10 is the minimum for Birthdays?? oh yeah, well how much did you send, hooker?
  2. a large crowd amasses at AlpineKurt's bar where people come to watch from near and far twenty or thirty devoted fans gather near and when it begins they all shout and cheer Caveman is a loud-mouth bother and we were freaked to find his mother was really his father much to our dismay his friend's advice he didn't take when he decided to start bulking up with BEEFCAKE! Catturd is a bulimic who can never keep things down when Marylouser is around he seemes to be the most level headed of the bunch except on his quest to be a lesbian, when on carpet he started to munch
  3. Happy B'Day Ehmmic I sent you $5 and a card.
  4. allthumbs

    Spider Freshiez!

    too bad that image is old and overused
  5. does that make a fucking difference?
  6. I was in a gas station the other day doing my part to fight terrorism by filling my sedan with regular unleaded, when I decided to go inside and get a snack . When I walked down the aisle I noticed that the snack I usually get, Corn Nuts, was missing, and in its place were CORN NUTS: CORN GONE WRONG. I was confused. It looked like my regular Corn Nuts, but the packaging had X-TREME attitude, it was more OUTRAGEOUS and/or TOTALLY AWESOME. There was even a new mascot: a corn on the cob with a fist clenched in defiance, which I can relate to because I too am rebellious and angst-filled. Marketing this powerful grabs me by the dick and forces me to buy this product. On the back of the package you might expect to find a product description, but no. You get more BAD ATTITUDE: The packaging asks a simple rhetorical question: "THINK THIS IS JUST SOME ORDINARY CORN SNACK?" Before you can even say "yes" to yourself, you get slammed with: "WRONG!" In your face! Corn Nuts marketing: 1, your judgement: 0. I can't argue with the packaging, Corn Nuts are indeed hardcore--as hardcore as fried vegetables can be. This package was so inspiring that I decided to create my own packaging for a fictitious brand of banana chips using the same formula: Little by little, advertisers are moving towards the "X-TREME" marketing school of thought (or lack of thought, as the case may be). Everything from Jello to health bars are being plastered with the "X-TREME" eye sore: I bought the X-TREME Soynut bar and took it home to try it out, because I bet people who snowboard and bungee jump live off of X-TREME Soynut bars and Mountain Dew (Mountain Dew is by far the most X-TREME brand of sugar water). When I got home, I anxiously opened the package, stepped back a few feet, and waited for the bar to back flip off of the table and jump into my mouth. The bar just sat there. I couldn't understand: the packaging said "X-TREME" but the Soynut bar seemed incapable of mountain biking. Thinking that I got a defective bar, I moved onto the Jello. I opened the package and waited for the jello to kick me in the face and force its way down my throat. Alas, nothing. It just sat there, almost as if I bought a non-X-TREME brand of product: the plain old nerdy kind of food that you can eat without cruising on a skateboard. Damndest thing, because the package clearly indicates a significant amount of TOTALLY AWESOME attitude. I felt ripped off, so in an effort to salvage the money I wasted on this bullshit, I ate six cups of jello, one bag of corn nuts, a Soynut bar, and a bag of jelly beans for dinner. The only thing X-TREME about this experience was the X-TREME dump I took later that night: I finally realized that the real spirit of X-TREME sports lies not in the food you eat, but in the shit you take afterwards. I learned a valuable lesson: X-TREME marketing isn't just a ploy to get gullible teens to waste their money on crappy products, but it's a way of life that rewards patient and faithful consumers with diarrhea that contains magical X-TREME Sports fairies who can grant you wishes. Either that, or stomach cancer and high blood pressure.
  7. thanks for the advice and also the use of your wife, little oral Annie last wkend.
  8. thanks scrambler, I'll check it out. i've had flash for years and all of a sudden it's fucked up.
  9. I wish I could see it, but I can't get fucking Flash player to download. Any of you rocket scientists know wazzup with that shit?
  10. Catturd, get yourself a good man. He could well be the best girlfriend you ever had. You can hit the thrift stores and buy up every sequin in sight. Then after a few minutes with a glue gun and a sewing machine, and a few hours putting on make-up, you'll be ready to hit the town.
  11. thank you Catturd for your insightful analysis of the M1 as always...
  12. and lovin' every minute oh, btw j-b, would you like to buy some pictures of your wife naked?
  13. This really pisses me off. I have bitched about this within Army circles ever since I found out about it a couple of years ago - and bitched about the Bradley since 84 - Why did those two soldiers die in an M1 that ran over a mine? Because the Army decided to save money ($110,000 per copy) and weight on the M1 by eliminating the anti-mine skid plate. Yet what the Army will now have to pay in life insurance for those two soldiers, could have outfitted the entire platoon with skid plates. And the two soldiers would still be alive. And yeah - a 72 ton tank would be a little heavier - like 1500 pounds is going to make a difference......
  14. how are those klootch's anyway?
  15. wonder what b_j tool's gotta say about this?
  16. Sheriff Joe Arpaio for President This fucker's got it goin' on!!!
  17. Bush truly HAS the economy rockin' now. You hippies that still are unemployed are probably useless bitches anyway. Go get a job at the local Honk & Holler and quit bleeding the Unenjoyment System dry. WooHoo!!!! Bush in 04
  18. from what I hear the stock market is seeing record highs now like the highest in 30 yrs or some shit
  19. and some just can't let go
  20. thank y'all - I feel better now
  21. You people are boring cubeaholics.
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