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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. There will never be an end to the Israeli-Palestine conflict. It will continue till the end of time, or until the nukes fly and end the world as we know it. The Middle East likewise will forever be a hotbed of unrest. To think we can make a lasting difference is naive. The sooner we say "fuck it" and give up on the whole region, the better. Actually all we're accomplishing now is to stall the inevitable nuclear war. I'll guarantee you, sooner or later one of these third world countries is going to let the nukes fly and all hell's going to bust loose. Just watch.
  2. Fuck Israel - We should pull the fuck out of the Middle East (Including Israel) ASAP. Fuck Em!!! Let them have their eternal Holy War without us.
  3. VIETNAM II It's going to get REAL ugly soon!
  4. Not only is Catturd a feltch farmer, but he's also quite a connoisseur of lanolin.
  5. When I had horses (to ride, not fuck) I had a German Shepard that enjoyed biting at the horse's hocks. I wasted the fucking dog after he drew blood on a young colt.
  6. I remember when Americans first started getting news media reporting from inside the Soviet Union. There was one report that I will never forget. It was a 'man on the street' interview, and the news crew was asking several gentlemen some questions when a Russian militiaman came up and demanded the men stop answering questions and also demanded their identification papers. They laughed at him. They told him to get lost. He continued to make demands of them and one of them just punched him in the face and laughed again and continued answering the reporter's questions. The reporter asked them why they were not afraid of the militiaman and they said he didn't know who they were and that they would keep it that way. As long as they refused to identify themselves there was nothing he can do. Today we have made it an arrestable offense to refuse to identify ourselves in the U.S. America is on the wrong path in my opinion.
  7. check out the rack on the picnic table
  8. thanks minx, I didn't want to say anything, but since you did .... so fuck off Erik and quit bustin my balls this early in the mornin
  9. that's odd, I've never heard you complain before
  10. I'm sure you'll find you one soon. who asked YOU?...you fucking bung sucker
  11. Ya Mike, be sure to take the advice of Cairns (who the fuck is he anyway?) as opposed to that of an MD.
  12. 100% prime grade A - American male
  13. was busy sending the Willis Wall - maybe the next time, beyotch
  14. allthumbs


    no worrys - your bung should heal within a week it is what it is
  15. Which raises the far more prescient question: what the fuck is a "packer"? Well flash, in your case, considering the fact that you're bi, you would be considered a packer...ya know, 'fudge packer...packin the fudge...tonguein the turd...'.
  16. A friend of mine slit his dog's throat for continually killing his chickens.
  17. I think the Vikings will kick the Packers ass tonight.
  18. I'd sure take another hard look at McCain.
  19. Gee Dru, that sounds like fun, you insensitive bastard.
  20. Thanks Ray, for putting it in perspective. It makes perfect sense that not all personnel need armor. Front line troops getting shot at, yes, cooks, no.
  21. Quit being a stubborn hard ass Mike. Let yourself heal totally as the Dr. says or you may well never be right again. BTW, a good friend of mine was over last night. He did the Pacific Crest Trail from Mex. to Can. back around 1999, and he JUST finished the Continental Divide Trail. He said the Con. Divide Trail is only marked about 10% of the way. He started in Glacier Natl. Park and headed south. Said he ran into a Grizz in the first 9 miles, thought about whether to proceed or not and said fuckit and went for it...bears be damned. I only mention this because I believe YOU did the AT? Is that right?
  22. allthumbs

    Madam Opal

    My eyesight is growing worse. Could it be from all this masturbation?
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