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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Hey Dennis, I've got $50 says you've never been laid. Uptight, pursed-cheeked ass pirates like you define the term: Stool
  2. quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: - Dwayner...just crackin' open the first Mickey's of the day. drunkun'lush mama.
  3. I find myself in agreement with Allison once again. Geez, twice in one week. Harmon, I am so sick of listening to your holier-than-thou attitude. You are a pretentious, self-righteous, small-cocked, over-bearing, insecure braggart. Why not spend less time burping the worm and more time getting over yourself. You uptight belligerent prick!
  4. brain- good to know as I'm getting a costco card, finally.
  5. jon's mamma is so nasty, when she did the splits, she stuck to the floor. loose stool
  6. jon's mamma is so stupid, her idea of safe sex is locking the car doors. trollop
  7. Hey SK, I've got a tastless riddle for you. Q. Why do women have breasts? A. So men will talk to them.
  8. jon's mama is so stupid, her shirt says TGIF- tits go in first. tramp [ 06-14-2002, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  9. Oh lighten up mama, we was just funnin' ya. Everyone knows women are the center of our universe. Just don't let it go to your head.
  10. No one beat you down. Women just need to understand the pecking order.
  11. Ah, but this is where the trusty mistress comes in handy.
  12. Jon's Mamma is so stupid, I saw her walking down the street yelling into an envelope, asked what she was doing, and she said sending a voice mail.
  13. Good work JK. I see you've trained the wench well. Cheers to ya!
  14. Right On! Throw the old blister in the penalty box whenever she says "NO".
  15. Erik, Yo Mamma is so fat, when she wears a yellow raincoat, people shout "Taxi!"
  16. quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: She also came with a warning label , but you'll have to public message me if you want to know what that one said... No thanks. Some things are best left in the bedroom.
  17. quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: quote:Originally posted by trask: Hey jkrueger, this one's for you -- ... "There's a picture of my wife in there, and when she starts looking good, I'm heading home!" She came with a label that said "no beer-goggles required." To date, the manufacturer's claim has proved true... What a sweet talker you are...liar! We all know you just said that to get laid.
  18. quote: Originally posted by sk: TRASK! Bite me Bare it baby!
  19. Yo Mamma is so fat, that after sex I rolled over twice and I was still on the bitch.
  20. Hey jkrueger, this one's for you -- A man stopped at his favorite watering hole after a hard day's work to relax. He noticed a man next to him ordered a shot and a beer. The man drank the shot, chased it with the beer and then looked into his shirt pocket. This continued several times before the man's curiosity got the best of him. He leaned over to the guy and said, "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice your little ritual, why in the world do you look into your shirt pocket every time you drink your shot & beer?" The man replied, "There's a picture of my wife in there, and when she starts looking good, I'm heading home!"
  21. So I see we've agreed to agree on nothing in particular. But that's okay, as long as we're out there chuggin'it.
  22. Boy, do I agree with Ray on that one. The older I get (49) the more I like hanging out with younger folks. Not trying to recapture my youth...just find most (not all) people my age to be stiffling and dead. They seem more concerned with what brand of fertilizer to put on the yard than getting out and living a little. [ 06-14-2002, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
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