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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. so I noticed it's all jon's fault
  2. [ 09-17-2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
  3. I'll meet you up top with a Toddie and warm fire.
  4. I spit on Britney. The only good Britney is a Britney Spaniel flushing a covey of Quail.
  5. WTF?? This thread is degenerating to the macabre.
  6. Hey, I saw that one! This was just a couple miles farther up the road.... [ 09-20-2002, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  7. that fucker looks syphilitic; you best have that checked out
  8. Let's just say the gals will be barkin' "gettiup big fella" real soon.
  9. No sweat. I slalom skied one summer with a cast on my leg. Cake.
  10. One thing at a time dude. The stitches come outta my twinkie next week.
  11. ...and last but not least REC.CLIMBERS: Sit at computers even though they have to piss real bad, lose control, piss on power strip, die of electrocution.
  12. GEN X (Dr. Flash Amazing) CLIMBER: Refuses to piss as silent protest, blows bladder, dies.
  13. Iain - hahaha you bad DRUNK BRITISH COLUMBIAN (Dru) CLIMBER: Holds left thumb in right hand, pisses in pants. [ 09-17-2002, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: trask ]
  14. ICE CLIMBER: Knows it's too cold outside to piss, slams finger with ice hammer so he'll forget the pain in his bladder.
  15. TRAD CLIMBER: Belches, farts, picks nose, pisses on floor, bitches about smelly urinal, stalks away.
  16. SPORT CLIMBER: Chalks up, pulls cock out, backs away, puts cock away, rechalks, breathes deep, checks cock, rechalks, reapproaches, goes for it, pisses down leg, blames belayer and poor conditions.
  17. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER: Pulls out wanker in blizzard, piss freezes to leg, weiner gets frostbitten, head has to be amputated but not until after drunken brawl in Banff and waiting 4 days for flight back to Seattle.
  18. Dr. Flash Unamazing is a dangerous wacko. Guys like him would put this country into the toilet.
  19. Let me rephrase...kneejerk, environmental wacko. BTW, I say that with no real malice and a big grin on my face.
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