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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. Mr Puget, I could care less if Allison gives you an erection. She does nothing but give me gas. Trask
  2. allthumbs

    Hey Caveman

    My pards and I were shaggin' a few at the Vancouver Beef and Brew last weekend and I ran into some bimbo that claims she knew you. Seems you "deflowed" her in a drunken' stupor sometime last year. .... incidentally, she was pleasantly smiling and had a glazed look in her eye as she recounted the story. I'll spare the masses the details. Tally-Ho!!!!
  3. That whole thread was disgusting and those people should be ashamed of themselves.
  4. Forrest, I wonder if the Bimbo's were doin' the thunder thigh shake 'n bake? bwahahaha
  5. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: dude, this is the sweetest pic. I've ever seen. outstanding!
  6. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Stick it up your poop-chute, trask! quit asking me for a date, you tool. I don't swing that way.
  7. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Looks cold, slabby, and horribly runout. DFA will stick to lurking at Smith, basking on rocks like a lizard and giving head. Oh, and page top, bitches! figures
  8. quote: Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing: Hmmm ... the soon-to-be Mrs. Flash Amazing shares the same sentiment. Must be something to it ... hmmm, and what's the soon-to-be Mrs. Flush Amazings name?? Bob, Dick, Peter??? hehehe
  9. Yep, and if you can stomach that shit, you probably eat head cheese and mountain oysters too.
  10. Oh brother -- I'd buy ya a beer just cause you're a goofball.
  11. Looks like a strip mining operation.
  12. I'm not mean, you sporty glo-worm. I just think that was a stupid joke and that I expect better from you.
  13. bwahahah timmy your new handle suits you how's the taste? jon sucks snaffle balls too
  14. A woman meets a stud muffin in a bar. They talk, they connect, they leave together. They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment, she sees that his bedroom is completely packed with sweet cuddly teddy bears. Hundreds of cute small bears on a shelf all the way along the floor, cuddly medium-sized ones on a shelf a little higher, and huge enormous bears on the top shelf along the wall. The woman is surprised that this guy would have a collection of teddy bears, especially one that's so extensive, but she decides not to mention this to him, and actually is quite impressed by his sensitive side. It makes her feel quite enamored of him. She turns to him... they kiss... and then they rip each other's clothes off and make hot steamy love. After an intense night of passion with this sensitive guy, they are lying there together in the afterglow, the woman rolls over and asks, smiling, "Well, how was it?" The guy says, "Help yourself to any prize from the bottom shelf."
  15. that pilgrim looks like he never gets any ..... could it be jon? bwak bwak bwahahaha
  16. quote: Originally posted by sk: Despite the chill in the air, school, soccer practice and the changing of the leaves I am firmly in denial. WINTER IS NOT COMMING! SO THERE (I obviously need to take up somekind of winter sport) If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times .... neighborhood sprot fucking.
  17. Trask has tried them all. He prefers midget trim with flat heads and false teeth.
  18. I claim no skill in money matters but I have always understood the first rule of commerce to be "Buy low! Sell high!" This is often attributed to Heinlein but it is so obvious that it is not likely that he invented it. The stock market people seem not to hold with it, however, but those are very mysterious people. Jeff Cooper [ 09-09-2002, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: trask ]
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