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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. <insert brown turd with corn here> ...eat it FDA
  2. you can team up with vern fonk
  3. you're right
  4. Iraqis' wipe with their fingers...niiiiice
  5. Hey! Did you guys hear the latest newz? Saddam admitted he is responsible for the 9/11 incident.
  6. doncha mean ambulance chaser
  7. I'll be there at 8:00, and I'm bringing the Hooter honeys.
  8. what the hell do you expect from morons that wear diapers on their heads?
  9. Chestbeaters suck dick and die
  10. Cavey You're funny as hell, you fucker
  11. cpt. smell this, it's special just for U U know U want it who's got some heroin?
  12. the bitch is jealous of the one on the left
  13. My hand wants new lipstick
  14. How fucking childish has this fucked up thread turned into. Let's all be friends, get drunk and chase our sexretaries around the desk.
  15. quit locking the threads we don't need another hall monitor
  16. "I think America has no experience with terrorism or even with war. In Europe, we know a little bit more about these things." --Peter Gabriel
  17. So much for the vaunted Canadian politesse, eh? she's the soul of uptown refinement
  18. When I was younger and had some property, I raised a couple beef just for my own use. No chemicals or funky feed. The meat tasted so different from store-bought or restaurant beef it took me a couple weeks to get used to it. Much better though, I might add.
  19. "Have we gone to war yet? We fucking deserve to get bombed. Bring it on." "Let's get rid of all the economic bullshit this country represents! Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win!" --Chrissie Hynde
  20. “I think that people like the Howard Sterns, the Bill O'Reillys and to a lesser degree the bin Ladens of the world are making a horrible contribution [to society]. I'd like to trade O'Reilly for bin Laden. [O'Reilly] is a grumpy, self-loathing joke," Penn told the magazine.”
  21. On the Late Night with Conan O’Brien show, Conan wrapped up his interview with Alec Baldwin by asking about Clinton’s impeachment ordeal. Here is Baldwin’s reply: "And I have come back from Africa to stained dressed and cigars and this and impeachment. I am thinking to myself, in other countries they are laughing at us 24 hours a day and I’m thinking to myself, if we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, [starts to shout] all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families. [stands up, yelling] What is happening in this country? What is happening? UGHHH!"
  22. allthumbs

    JTree suggestions

  23. pork, the other white meat
  24. just say no to drugs
  25. I've got the sirrus and the bird's heavier theta or beta or some hardman coat. I like the 10oz. sirrus for 90% of what I do. If I want to get towed behind a car by a rope on a gravel rode for fun, I'd use the heavier fucker.
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