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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. As usual mimks, you're sooo wrong. St. Patrick's day is an important cultural event and easily holds it's own, if not surpasses Christmas and Thanksgiving.
  2. liberal hippie wanker
  3. It's all good. The U.S. will now have a strong presence in the Middle East. Lock and load gumbies and watch your sixes for ragheads bearing gifts.
  4. I'll give ya one solid hour of ass gas
  5. Nope, to tell you the truth, I drink very little these days. Drank heavy for about 20 years and then wised up before I seriously fucked up.
  6. I'll tell ya one thing Dru. I never wanted on the list. A masochist I'm not.
  7. goat, I drink Jameson's and coffee all the time. probably my all time favorite drink. I don't have the expense account to drink all the fancy $$$ shit like the rest of these rich climbers. I'm just a poor workin stiff.
  8. It's a long, sordid history of unpleasant events my friend. Trust me, ya don't want to hear about it. Happy St. Pats
  9. I'll second Greg on that one.
  10. fuck all you dawgs none of this shit is funny
  11. ban locked threads ban locked threads ban locked threads ban locked threads ad nauseum....
  12. how many times do I have to tell you smegma lickers that I never had a mom
  13. REI Seattle sells Superfeet and also has "the chair" to do the $$$ custom ones.
  14. I want to see it on america's funniest home movies to validate.
  15. that was rock hudson you flaming butt pirate
  16. you're rude dude clean it up
  17. right. is a frog's ass watertight?
  18. eric yo bad
  19. fuckin A, and they brought pizza bites instead of horsecock and toe jam
  20. knock it off you guys or this thread could get locked down
  21. you did too stupid, whatchu talkin bout willis?
  22. I lost 200 lbs. eating at subway
  23. and I watched - it was hot
  24. Speed records have to be documented. What's so hard to understand? For a person to claim a new unsubstantiated speed record up a mountain with no evidence other than his word is bullshit. I don't buy it. Prove your records and claim your prize; otherwise STFU.
  25. Cheers to y'all (almost looks like Beck in the middle)
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