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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. btw, this post doesn't require any comment about goat love from you sicko bastards out there.
  2. Yep, you just can't win with this crowd.
  3. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    jb's just jealous cause he has a short dick and halitosis
  4. allthumbs


    shut the hell up. I'm trying to sleep in here
  5. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    who fucking cares? thirty some pages of the same argument. give it a rest you goddamn TOOL
  6. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I see this thread is still alive. Anybody winning? What's the score?
  7. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    is it just me or are the smilies and images and shit fucked up today?
  8. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Yep, and they bark like a dog.
  9. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    People that disagree with me are fucked up and not living in reality. Some of you choads have ugly old ladies.
  10. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    erik = hugh heffner
  11. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Did anyone ever read them? The problem w/ Mtn. Goat's posts is that they're incomprehensible.
  12. bring it on, my farts will kill anything
  13. goddamn, I can't have any fun anymore
  14. Holy shit we've invaded Syria.
  15. Especially if it hits you in the eye. But that's only if the hairy palms don't catch it first. "damn that steak looks good...let's see now, screw it or eat it, screw it or eat it, decisions decisions."
  16. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Hey, 32 pages of this crap.
  17. I climbed in the rain once. Caught cold. Now when it rains I stay inside and drink.
  18. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    My truck gets shitty mileage, pollutes like a bastard, intimidates small cars due to it's height, is noisy as hell with glass packs, takes a push in the ass to help a chica into the seat, has cum stains on the seat cover, beer stains throughout and has enough seeds on the floor to start a grow operation. What's not to like? I'm proud to be in the NRA, and a card carrying Redneck Sumbitch. Anybody don't like it can kiss my ass.
  19. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Maybe you decked scot'mammut? No, but Scott sold me some shit. He's shorter than I figured he be. we all are pernis. ever light your hare on fire accidentally? i did onece. dont' be so smug just cause your tall. i got just the truck for brocno, its a dualie too! I caught my nutsac in my zipper once. Now that fucking hurt.
  20. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Maybe you decked scot'mammut? No, but Scott sold me some shit. He's shorter than I figured. He didn't believe me when I told him who I was.
  21. allthumbs

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I caught a guy stickering my car today while I was buying some shit at cascade crags. He now has what appears to be a broken nose.
  22. goddamn Matt, you hurt my feelings-I thought we were pals.
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