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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Last Ascent

    not worth it if that's the way it's gonna be hasta phuckers
  2. that you think we care?
  3. allthumbs

    Last Ascent

    i know i took a 12" shit today does that count?
  4. i used a $3 space blanket once, but by the time i finally unfolded the bitch i near froze to death oh, and don't fart or you'll like as blow a hole in the phuker
  5. allthumbs

    That's it?

    charmin sux did the willis wall today it was a bitch, but i think we set a new speed record i don't know, i'll get some dudes to put some statements together
  6. WASHINGTON -- In the past two weeks, the government has revealed that 57 companies and organizations have been fined for doing business with terrorists, despots and tyrants. http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/042403A.shtml http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/civpen/penalties/index.html My question to you is, what should be done about it? I am sure that a $14k fine of Chevron will have little effect in dissuading them from future activities of such nature if, as could reasonably be assumed, the profits of the venture are many multiples of that sum. A boycott seems a poor choice as such companies are off the screen, or too large and amorphous as to present a target. Also, the article points out that several of these companies are foreign controlled. One tactic that might work to some extent is better public exposure, and that exposure aimed at a personal level. By that I mean, aimed at the executive(s) at the top. Public condemnation of your company is one thing, but public condemnation of you is another. People looking askance at you at "the club," at church, or asking the wife at brunch "what the hell is going on with your husband dealing with Saddam," may have an effect where mention of the company would not. Also, a little help from the media might further the above approach, at least with those not in line to be advertisers. How about O'Reilly and his like showing some photos of Mr. Bill Jones, the CEO of Humbug Corp that was caught selling missile guidance systems to the North Koreans, so Mr. Jones' neighbors can finish the rebuke. Personal public pillorying will not work in all situations, but could be of some justified benefit in the most egregious of cases. Anybody have any bright ideas? trask
  7. I couldn't agree more Bone. Stay the fuck off till you're able.
  8. allthumbs


    this place sux without cavey and his 'tude
  9. allthumbs

    Joke for the Day

    Q: What do you get when you put 50 lesbians and 50 politicians in a room together? A: 100 people who don't do dick.
  10. allthumbs

    Joke for the Day

    Q: What does it mean when the flag at the Post Office is flying at half-mast? A: They're hiring.
  11. allthumbs


    in case you're wondering, this could be Minx's twin - no shit
  12. allthumbs


    I couldn't agree more.
  13. allthumbs


    I don't think so. I think you guys neutered him by taking away Capt. Caveman. It's a sorry state of affairs when good old death threats and killings aren't allowed anymore. What the hell is the country coming to anyway?
  14. Hyway 9 Arlington to Lk. Stevens Been on that stretch at over 150 MPH when I had my Porsche
  15. allthumbs


    Cavey is pulling strong. 53% and gaining. I say if he hits 65% his avatar can come back. Go Ray!!!!
  16. Well I went to district court this morning. The judge went real easy on me and gave me a $50.00 fine and costs. All tolled it cost me $108.50 total. Not bad for doing 113 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.
  17. the girls say he has a small dink
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