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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. allthumbs

    Anybody said...

    song for baby jesus click
  2. allthumbs

    Anybody said...

    that's what I figured you'd say been huffin any smoked sausage lately?
  3. allthumbs

    Anybody said...

    minx, your avatar makes you look like a disgusting whore
  4. allthumbs


    hope you're enjoyin your new job. now get back to work and send me some more titty pictures.
  5. allthumbs


    how goes it muffy?
  6. allthumbs

    How about...

    catturd you shithead, you're in the wrong forum
  7. "give me the enchilada wrapped in pickle sauce shoved in and out the donkey's ass until he can't cum anymore"
  8. allthumbs

    How about...

    some of us gotta make a livin' Playboy
  9. allthumbs

    How about...

  10. Necro, you belong in prison, pedophile stalker
  11. allthumbs

    Anybody said...

    I want to FUCK minx
  12. allthumbs


    fucker better start washin' his own towell
  13. I'm starting to think you're a disaster waiting to happen...you related to that retard Allison?
  14. minx, did you manage to chip your tooth?
  15. allthumbs


    Yeah, he's REALLY into it. He's on his third deck in a year. Slams those fukkas. He's starting to scrimmage for football already...fullback. A couple years and he'll be ready to take on Caveman. hahaha
  16. You definitely have the wrong person in mind. Maybe DFA?? Oh look everybody!!! Necro learned how to change a quote. Good Monkey
  17. allthumbs


    hey fuckstick, my kid (who's 12, btw) could kick your scrawny ass three ways from sunday. stfu
  18. Man who drop watch in toilet have shitty time.
  19. Eh Necro, do that trick again; the one where you spread your ass cheeks and your head disappears.
  20. I feel sorry for ya dude. If you've got a 10"er, you ain't getting much 'cept fat chicks with Heffer holes.
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