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Everything posted by klenke

  1. On the way from the Darrington side, the Mountain Loop Highway is closed at Bedal. This means you can still get to the east side of Sloan, but not for things like Elliot Creek and Monte Cristo (unless you want to use foot or bike, I suppose). Also, FR-24 is closed 2.6 miles in from Sauk Prairie Road (ENE of Darrington), as is FR-22 down where the MLH crosses the Sauk River. Lastly, though not necessarily important as roads go, FR-2060 leading south from Clear Creek Campground is closed about 1.5 miles in. This road leads to the area around Helena Ridge.
  2. Jay: everything you say makes sense except "In economics, as in thermodynamics, there is no free lunch, and increased prosperity through destruction of property, health, etc is the economic equivalent of the perpetual motion machine." It doesn't make sense for two reasons: 1. In economics on a national or personal level, there is a such a thing as a free lunch: this would be thievery. Of course, there is a potential to get caught, so there is some risk. But, what is the risk for Saddam stealing from his own country? Overthrow by the U.S. for an entirely different matter all together? 2. The perpetual motion machine can't work for three reasons, one of which is entropy and the idea that no system is entirely frictionless. Therefore, there is always some irreversible loss of energy in the form of heat. The second reason that the perpetual motion machine can't work is that you can't create more energy than you use to create the energy. This doesn't really have a economic equivalent. If it does, it's a stretch. The third reason such a machine is not possible is that, on a thermodynamics level, you cannot achieve an infinite difference between sink and source temperatures. As long as there is a finite difference between the sink and the source there will be an inefficiency in the system that is defined (maximized) in the Carnot Cycle. This also has no economic equivalent. Lastly, your point about destruction is not applicable to the problems associated with a PMM. However, I do see what you mean nonetheless. However, you can create money from money (this is just sound investment strategy). The real problem is correlating the money factor to the social well-being factor. This is what is known as economics. The analogy to the perpetual motion machine I just don't see. Perhaps you can bullshit an answer to me so I can see.
  3. Okay, for vulcanology considerations: What lake in the North Cascades is believed to be the site of a former ancient stratovolcano long since eroded away? This volcano is associated with the Monte Cristo volcanics and was in its heyday between 36 and 25 million years ago. Harry: you can't respond right away because you know the answer first-hand.
  4. It's a nine-step program: Step 1: Get finger out of nose Step 2: Put hand on crotch Step 3: Unzip your fly Step 4: Pull out your toothpick Step 5: Stroke toothpick vigorously Step 6: Unload your mind, unload your toothpick Step 7: Wipe away mess with cotton swab Step 8: Zip back up fly Step 9: Re-insert finger into nose
  5. Damn, Scott, are you that much of a lurdane? How long did it take me? Geez! I've been in possession of that list for about 3 years, from when I was doing a lot of writing. It was a simple cut and paste job. Idiot.
  6. Oh yeah, trask, well you're a troglodyte and a.... ass airhead birdbrain buffoon buffo boob boor bozo bonehead blockhead blunderer blunderbuss bugger bumpkin hick halfwit hayseed hobbyhorse horse's ass harlequin hardhead hammerhead loggerhead lunkhead lurdane lunatic loony looby lout lowbrow laughingstock oaf oddity odd ball odd man out pantaloon philistine pinhead pilgarlic punchinello mome moper moron mug idiot imbecile ignoramus flunker fool fop flibbertigibbet fathead freak fruit fruitcake nincompoop nebbish nerd nitwit noddy nudnick numskull nut Neanderthal Cro-Magnon know-nothing knucklehead kook chump chucklehead chowderhead chawbacon churl ceorl cretin clod clodpoll clown cluck clunk jerk jester jackass dimwit dingleberry dingbat dodo dope dupe dullard dunce dummy dum-dum dumbass dumbell dummkopf dumbhead dunderhead dufus dipstick dipwad dolt dork dweeb galoot gander gaby gawk geek goober goof goofball gracioso retard rube rustic sad sack scaramouche scatterbrain schlemiel schmoe schmuck schnook screwball scoundrel shit for brains simp simpleton sod spaz sprat stock stupe stupido el stupido thickhead tomfool turkey tawpie twerp twit varlet vegetable wacko wanker wittol yahoo yokel zany zero
  7. klenke

    Poll of the day

    Hey, that looks a little like Gary_Yngve on the right. Is that you, Gary? Studying hard at the 'U' I see.
  8. Damn, scrambler, putting things that way, we all might as well kill ourselves now.
  9. The best way to avoid the daily traffic accordian is to be unemployed. My morning commute takes about zero minutes. In the afternoon, because I'm lazy, it takes twice as long.
  10. Yeah, I bet whiner Dave Schuldt gets beat up all the time. Probably that's why he doesn't come to more pub clubs. Too busy licking his wounds. Whaddya say, Dave?
  11. klenke

    Poll of the day

    Can the philosophical discussion, Porkins and 'Pine! {See end of last page, geez I'm slow to post.} This aint the Discovery Channel. This is Spray. Spray, man. D'ya Here? Now, let's get back to the put downs and ridicule and off-color toilet humor....
  12. Near the S. Cascade River Road is where a major fire occurred this summer (Marble Creek Fire, I think it was). The road might still be closed due to fire damage. I'd check with R.S. Weather is supposed to be super-duper this weekend. I doubt you'll be c-c-c-old...unless you plan on hiking in your underwear. In which case, be sure to tell us where you'll be going so we can avoid running in to you.
  13. Hey, Eric lives in Federal Way. Is rock-ice Eric Hoffman? Eric's site is okay but it's not the best I've seen for sure. I know my reasons for this.
  14. klenke

    Poll of the day

    Yep, page one of this thread is still funny as hell. Had a good laugh the second time through too. Page two is sorely lacking in the funny department though. Al Pine, you fucked it you fuck.
  15. klenke

    Poll of the day

    One of the funniest threads in a while. Thanks guys.
  16. Got ya. Thanks for the new word addition to my vocabulary: hypnopompic. So there is a word for that state!
  17. CB-seat: Did you really mean the Northwest Ridge? The Northeast Ridge (what I call the Northeast Buttress) is the rock buttress going down to the left in ChucK's picture. The Northwest Ridge is the sharp crest on the right.
  18. bungleboy said, "[The article about CC.com] was some kind of analysis of new ways of thinking in the 21st century or something..." I don't think you were paying attention during that part of the nightmare. More likely it was an analysis of new ways of not thinking in the 21st Century. Related word of the day: oneiromancy.
  19. I like climbing and stuff. A hu-hu a hu-hu-hu.
  20. Dude, take a look at just half of the thread titles on the main board. The climbing season is winding down and everyone doesn't know what to do with themselves until the winter climbing fun begins. In the meantime, they're all killing time on this website posting new thread topics seeking to answer those philosophical questions, etc. Losers. We're all losers. Is there nothing else in life? And why can't I edit my novel? Why do I never feel like it in the evening?
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