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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. It seems like a nasty pitch to rope solo with one rope. The lower half is at least 50' and I'd guess the upper half is ca. 20' longer. Falling from the halfway anchors is an awful scenario, it's a big fall and the landing below Thin Fingers is very broken and nasty. When you say the rope was found dangling at that level, do you mean it was attached at that level or the ends were at that level?
  2. Yes, you're right, and the micros are pretty small. They're quite nice for body weight though. I shouldn't have said very well, it's more like reasonably well.
  3. Erik, I think you're only talking about the first half, up to about 50-60' off the deck, right? The last 10-15' of that takes the worst gear, but takes microstoppers very well. The upper part of the pitch, the second half, is a hand crack. There are many other pitches at the Lower Wall that are more fun for aiding that that. Was Dino aid-soloing or free climbing rope-solo? Could he have been lowering himself using an upward-pull anchor at the bottom of the pitch?
  4. I have been using the lower half of the first pitch of Thin Fingers to learn about aiding. This is about 50' of thin crack, takes small stoppers in bomber placements, and ends at a two bolt rap anchor on a ledge. I haven't climbed the second half myself, although I belayed a buddy up there (we have lots of rain showers here in spring, sometimes plans don't work out ). I think it's another 50-70'. It starts with thin, difficult (5.11) slab climbing for 10-15', up to a hand crack that goes all the way to the anchor at the top. As far as I know the anchor is another two bolts, with chains, but I haven't used it. It's not likely Dino was using two ropes to rappel from the first, halfway-up rap anchor, and it is also not likely he was using one rope to rappel from the anchor at the top of the pitch. The bolts at the halfway anchor are solid, no spinning hangers or such. There will be a number of people looking at this thread tomorrow that are far more familiar with Index than I am and should be able to answer any question about Thin Fingers.
  5. fleblebleb


    Ya how bout that? Oh, wait, can't happen, can it, since you're the notorious recluse? Dangitt, eh?
  6. Just a typo. The edited post is the first one Erik makes that doesn't have a typo So many fractures can hardly be called luck, but escaping spinal/head injury is definitely fortunate. to Dino. Was the rap from the top of the first pitch of Thin Fingers, or from the two bolt rap anchors about 50' up? Did a knot joining two ropes unravel? I realize all of this is still unclear, I don't mean any disrespect by asking, but quite a few people here climb, aid, aid-solo at Index. I aided that pitch or half of it three times during the last month myself.
  7. fleblebleb


    Hmm. Better not make trask moderator. "DFA, you commie traitor, you're banned. Muffy, massage my pulled groin muscle, or you're banned." The fun would never end.
  8. fleblebleb


    So when do we get free massage at rope-up Muffy? You'll have no shortage of belay slaves. I bet even Trask will show up, prolly with a pulled muscle in the groin
  9. fleblebleb


    Guess that rules Muffy out too.
  10. fleblebleb


    I for one am not touching Trish unless it's with a hammer.
  11. Folding in different ways each time is really the safest way to go. I remember there was a site with directions for something like a couple of hundred different ways to fold an i-tent, I just can't remember where it was.
  12. fleblebleb


    Will you get to touch people before you get to hit them with hammers, or after?
  13. You know, I'm so sure you'd win that I'll just give you the address right away - it's, enjoy. I'll bet your address climbing grrl is still around tho.
  14. Yeah, heh, so much for BD looking out for REI by not selling stuff to FF just across the street. Uh, or something like that. Whatever. I've heard that minimum inventory thing before (did it get posted in this thread sometime back in antiquity perhaps) and it sounds like it might ring true...
  15. By the way, since this thread is spray now climbing grrl's avatarness must be considered that much more likely
  16. Crackhead is actually a whole lot bigger than me, and has the ape index to match. Does that make you the only little guy around?
  17. Ya you're on shaky ground here glasgowshiz. Leave Wayne and Jeff Hansel and those other freaks out of it for now - I'm usually somewhere around 6-8%, the funny thing is that a good few of the spraylords at 25% are still a whole lot better climbers than me...
  18. Heehee, that's certainly more novel than "aw but I can't walk there from home"
  19. The missus and I like Boca. Cheap is good. Trask, why are you worried about Allison's fertility? Tend to your sheep man. Might want to keep them from Marlboros and cheap red wine, I heard that's a bad combo
  20. Woo-hooo! 800! Err, I mean, 801!
  21. Actually, officially there is a couple of signs that say "this climbing facility is only for UW students and faculty/staff" and anyone else is "subject to prosecution for criminal trespass" or some such. Can't believe they left the safety inspectors off the signs The UW climbing club had a bbq/slackline party down there last fall, we're probably going to do it again this spring, but somebody actually came over from the WAC to check whether we had permission when we were there. It all worked out tho'...
  22. I'll post it any damn way I please. If you don't like it, you can kiss my ass If we don't like it, we'll just make fun of you, like tomcat.
  23. I RESENT THAT! Damn funny
  24. That's not a bad idea. Ya you guys can join the safety inspector crowd, just remember to share
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