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Everything posted by Uncle_Tricky

  1. " Charlie don't surf ! " " Never get out of the boat. Absolutely god damn right. Unless you were going all the way. Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fuckin' program. "
  2. Are you sure you're not thinking of the "private VIP room" where the Blue Star sat our group last time? It was a little dreary and not super spacious, but it certainly was an honor to have our own separate room!
  3. Sheeeit! That's like 50 years ago, eh?
  4. Hi, I'm looking for a fairly recent close-up and/or action photo for an article I'm writing. $ compensation possible. Thanks.
  5. If you like tree routes, try the Big Tree route at Darrington. 5.7, 4-5 pitches, a big tree and several small shubberies.
  6. --last pitch of the S. face of Prusik --flake/lieback pitch on NW corner of NEWS
  7. Anyone going to PC who has a copy of Beckey's Challenge of the N. Cascades I could borrow for a few days? My copy is currently awol and I need some info in there. PM me.
  8. When I saw the subject line I thought... But seriously, I don't think anyone would have a problem with someone upgrading existing old bolts--as long as they do it right.
  9. Last summer there was a fairly heated discussion about the possibility of a rap route on SCW...
  10. Quote from the article: "Saddam, probably accompanied by his demonic sons Uday and Qusay..." A nice example of editorial journalism mixed into a supposedly hard news story...
  11. Kinda looks like the chockstone on the cover of Beckey's "Challenge of the North Cascades" book?
  12. Uncle_Tricky


    True, true. Do think that was a goal of the administration, or just a side-effect of their determination to invade Iraq?
  13. Uncle_Tricky


    France became the strawman for the administration for disparaging and discrediting wide-spread worldwide political and popular sentiment against a US invasion of Iraq. Demonizing France (as opposed to Russia or China) was a choice intended to serve many of the same political purposes as demonizing Saddam or Osama: make the argument emotional, patriotic and personal. And let's face it--the French are an easy target. Everyone loves to laugh at--and now hate the whiny, perfidious, self-interested French. I think it worked domestically to rally support for war, because after all, what red blooded American wants to take the side of France?! Especially if then by W's definition since you're not for us, you're against us in the battle between good and evil? But I think the demonization of France backfired badly in the international realm. I think back to a couple months ago, when Rumsefeld was disparaging France "Old Europe, etc." Ultimately, despite our taunting (or maybe because of it), France lead the anti-US insurrection in the UN. And in the end, France basically won the battle for consensus in the UN, and that consensus was not supportive of US plans to invade Iraq.
  14. Hey, don't knock it. This piece has saved my butt twice! If you're climbing a wide crack or OW, they work just as well as a #4 camalot and are 1/3 the weight.
  15. Greg wrote: Not true. This disease has been found in wild deer in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico, and extends far beyond some small game farms. In Wisconsin, several hundred thousand wild deer are targeted for eradication.
  16. Uncle_Tricky


    Smith Rock is a dangerous haemorrhagic compulsion that is highly contagious and kills rapidly Smith Rock is distributed mainly in Central Oregon but has spread much further Smith Rock is thought to have crossed into Washington when a lycra-clad woman fled her infected village Smith Rock is the difference between awful apprehension and sickening realization Smith Rock is an extraordinary place that simultaneously indicts and explodes Smith Rock is a superior ventriloquist dummy for a maniacal master sport-climbing pupeteer like DFA
  17. Uncle_Tricky


    exit 38 is one of the most popular climbing areas by north bend because getting to exit 38 is easy exit 38 is one exit after exit 37 exit 38 is satan and he's coming to steal your soul exit 38 is the god of fuck exit 38 is eeeevil exit 38 is no friend of the sneaker pimps exit 38 is not believed to have killed anyone directly exit 38 is a huge phenomenon in american culture exit 38 is still treading on the dark side of things exit 38 is deeply offensive to christianity exit 38 is essentially trent reznor's vicious little fuck of a brother exit 38 is testament enough to Burdo's enduring iconic legacy as societal bogeyman
  18. Uncle_Tricky


    the tooth is out there the tooth is exposed the tooth is necessary the tooth is dirty the tooth is visibly broken the tooth is an epic adventure the tooth is left alone for a week or more to ensure that any remaining infective organisms are duly destroyed by the antibiotic the tooth is badly decayed and cannot be saved
  19. Uncle_Tricky


    tieton is a small state strip joint next to rimrock lake tieton is similar to Deja Vu but for it's larger size and firmer fruit tieton is extremely popular coupled with a short season tieton is only $1 tieton is just over the crest of white pass tieton is kicking now tieton is a good place to find great prices on mobile homes
  20. Uncle_Tricky


    index is the best? index is better for joint operations index is currently down for maintenance index is by prime sponsor only index is for the endangered index is all you need index is persistent index is by no means meant to predict the rapture index is arranged hierarchically index is a measure of the productive capacity of a forest stand index is in a free fall
  21. Uncle_Tricky


    darrington is somewhat of the blacksheep of rock climbing areas in washington darrington is quite flat darrington is populated by a proud group of migratory north carolinians darrington is mentioned in history as far back as the times of edward the confessor darrington is generally only moderate in steepness darrington is arguably the most borring place on the small blue/green planet called earth darrington is a logging town where people were still packing pistols twenty years ago darrington is training her so that she can be sold into "the system" darrington is concerned that there may be some children that fall through the cracks darrington is in a state of disrepair and may be torn down
  22. Uncle_Tricky


    vantage is basalt and the cliffs vantage is growing rapidly and across a number of client populations vantage is a swiss demogroup vantage is a flexible vantage is slick vantage is aimed at an intermediate level of competence and is intended for people working in business vantage is in operation but the home school is not in session due to bad weather conditions vantage is offering its customers a guaranteed delivery vantage is a no risk proposition vantage is working to deliver our message vantage is our preferred solution vantage is one of only eight built vantage is mainly targeted at private users and at individuals who wish to be reached anytime and control their mobile communications vantage is completely scalable
  23. Uncle_Tricky


    leavenworth is a great place to climb when it's raining in the icicle creek canyon leavenworth is a testament to the determination of the human spirit leavenworth is "the bavarian village" leavenworth is a piece of unabashed fantasy leavenworth is probably nationally best known for its prisons leavenworth is home to about 2000 head of wild horses
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