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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. I called the NPS station in Talkeetna and spoke to one of the rangers there (I'll withhold the name for now). I was told that they haven't received any information on a fee increase for 2011, and that they begin accepting registrations on Oct 1 for next season--the increase will definitely NOT hit the 2011 season. But here's the kicker: the proposed fee for 2012 may actually be $1000.00. Keep an ear out--and your keyboard ready. Unlike MRNP where its easy to just skip registration and climb, Denali has the access points pretty well locked up.
  2. Looks like a NPS jobs program. Just what we feared from the start: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2010/09/12/1337950/climbers-decry-fee-hike.html
  3. For JoshK: [video:youtube]
  4. Not at all. It's just that your mumbling idiot somehow managed to become president--thanks largely to his fellow mumbling idiots.
  5. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of61E1FesPU
  6. Republicans good? Not so much. Democrats bad? Almost universally.
  7. Fairweather

    God vs. Allah

    If that preacher would just submerge those korans in a big jar of human urine, libtards would call it art and immediately stop all their carping.
  8. Self-righteous indignation with a pinch of W. Predictable, but I love it!
  9. Gotta love the way Ivan always steps in when his fellow libtards cross the line: "Mmmmkaaay, nothing to see here. Let's move along everyone..."
  10. I'd hate to hear what they say in private. Pretty ugly, no doubt.
  11. Hey, check it out: Xenophobia on the left looks just like xenophobia on the right!
  12. 24 BD Oval Wire Gates - Lightly used - $75 12 BD Light Ds - Lightly used - $35 Or $100 for all of 'em.
  13. Fairweather

    God vs. Allah

    Never forget, KK: We are the racists.
  14. Fairweather

    God vs. Allah

    Wow. Unbelievable. Where da PC mods be?
  15. f a i r b e n e f i t s Um, if you say so.
  16. And yet you recently boasted about how you were able to tell your boss to fuck off while you spent the better part of the summer in Bolivia? I smell denial--with a dash of hypocrisy. Sticking to the facts as well as Fox news I see. I would have gladly subjected myself to the whims of the marketplace if my employer said they couldn't afford to let me go. Would have been my choice. But I'm in a profession and decently educated. I see a big difference between professional jobs and trade jobs. How this morphs in your tweaky head to an argument for a non-regulatory utopia is part of the continued mystery you show us every day. Amazing really. You proposed that corporations are interested only in their share price, yet your sabbatical represents exhibit A to the contrary. Thanks again for making my point.
  17. ...and then they got greedy and drove their employers across the Pacific.
  18. And yet you recently boasted about how you were able to tell your boss to fuck off while you spent the better part of the summer in Bolivia? I smell denial--with a dash of hypocrisy.
  19. Fairweather

    Bend over

    When I saw your thread title I began to think that maybe you had put up a new route down at Smith or something. Then I remembered how you're much too, um, aristocratic to share your climbing exploits with we commoners here...
  20. Thanks for the heads up. We're going up there next June, but $500 is absolutely outrageous--as is the lack of transparency in the government that supposedly works for us. This is what happens when NPS staff in a particular unit are allowed to cultivate a "country club" mentality. Sounds like maybe some transfers are in order.
  21. Trip: Ingalls Peak - East Ridge Date: 9/3/2010 Trip Report: With my little brother Steve, Pope, and his buddy Keith, I hiked to Ingalls Lake and climbed the East Ridge of Ingalls Peak on Friday. A very enjoyable climb on fairly solid rock--once you're above the approach gully scramble. All fourth or low-5th class with one or two 5.7 moves on the last pitch. Loads of non-epic fun.
  22. Just the opposite, bitch. No HFCS or refined sugar for 6mos now. After 30 days I almost roundhouse kicked a Mike&Ike dispenser and feasted on the supermarket floor.
  23. Phew, thank god google images can't find any images of Christians being violent... I'm sure you can, although not to anywhere near the scale of the current islamic spasm of violence. In any event, there is no shortage of "christianophobia" (or antisemitism) here on this site. Strange how silent you and the Meme brothers are when a post titled "fuck baby jesus" pops up, or when the latter posts an picture of Bebe & Co. gathered around a map of the Middle East and dressed as Nazis.
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