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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Direct access to a personal god (via Christianity or Islam) freed the poor bastards from the oppression of their Lemarckian existence and many of it's omnipresent social obligations. Can you blame them for wanting relief? On a somewhat related note, I suspect the Meme Brothers--aka Prole/j_b--are actually ex members of the John Frum Cult and are just pissed off that their cargo never arrived.
  2. Careful there! Off White gets upset when people who don't share his values and world view use that word to imply insult. So, um, carry on I guess.
  3. Examples please. Or stuff an oiled rag down your hole and STFU.
  4. Fairweather


    Not to worry! OB's printed another $1.6Tn just this year alone--to take care of his political supporters and assorted union thugs.
  5. Holy shit, this guy is YOU.
  6. Does anyone (who hasn't been indoctrinated by the left) really talk like this? Never mind they can't even spell it correctly.
  7. Careful there, Bill! Left&Co will brand you a racist for comments like that. Oh, wait, I guess they pulled that card out long ago...
  8. By this, of course, you mean when Israel grants "right of return", Jews are voted off their land, subsequently imprisoned, and later deported and/or exterminated? Yes, this is exactly what you mean. Again, I'll point you toward yesterday's Hamas attack on the eve of peace talks.
  9. Palestinians vs Israelis are not the main event for US policy makers IMO. The main event is that according to some in the US - Muslims are living over there right on top of our oil wells and crimping our unquenchable thirst for same. When a billion car-driving Chinese with near empty gas tanks come winging down the road head on towards our 300 million large SUV drivers (numbers approximated) - it's going to be quite the spectacle when they crash.....probably appropo that it would be in the middle east I suppose. Certainly getting a few straws in the ground, even if you are selling some of it to the Chinese as it is a world market, is the goal. You're a lot closer to the root of the problem than our paranoid Joseph. Only problem I see with your statement is that there are still one billion rural Chinese who are not enjoying China's new-found prosperity. The other .3Bn who live in the cities should understand that Mao still lurks in the countryside.
  10. Of course. The Jewish conspiracy. A cornerstone of the unstable left. (Never mind the $$ we give Egypt, Jordan, etc, etc... that's all well and good. ) Not sure how tools like Joseph and j_b/Prole walk past mirrors these days.
  11. I see you've graciously added Palestinians to your slate of "issues". A nice touch, but you're not really fooling anyone here. Your past rhetoric shows clearly your hatred for Israel in general, and Jews in particular no-matter said issue has less to do with Islam than it does Arab nationalism. If you look in today's news you'll find the latest Hamas response to Israeli (and Obama's) peace overtures. MOTS.
  12. Damn straight... http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/08/20/tea-party-crasher-resigns-getting-ax/?test=latestnews The Oregon teacher who declared his mission to “dismantle and demolish” the Tea Party movement resigned before getting the ax, a school spokeswoman told FoxNews.com. “He resigned earlier this week, on Monday,” Maureen Wheeler of the Beaverton School District said. “He resigned in lieu of termination.” Wheeler said Levin learned the results of the district’s investigation and resigned. She would not comment on those investigative results. Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher Jason Levin became national news back in April when he announced his intention to bring down the Tea Party on his “Crash the Tea Party” website and in media interviews. The now-ex Conestoga Middle School media lab teacher said in April that he would seek to embarrass Tea Partiers by attending their rallies dressed as Adolf Hitler, carrying signs bearing racist, sexist and anti-gay epithets and acting as offensively as possible -- anything short of throwing punches. In a post on his now defunct website, Levin once called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers—among other personal identifying information—about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at rallies taking place across the country on Tax Day."Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!" he wrote. In an April interview with Talking Points Memo, Levin said of his plans, "Our goal is that whenever a Tea Partier says 'Barack Obama was not born in America,' we're going be right there next to them saying, 'Yeah, in fact he wasn't born on Earth! He's an alien!'" Complaints from around the nation flooded the school district’s office and Levin was suspended in April as the school district investigated whether he had used school time or resources to engage in political activism. The state’s licensing board also launched its own investigation. On Friday, the Oregonian reported that the teacher’s state licensing board is still conducting their own investigation into Levin.
  13. Liar! Jackass! Neanderthal! Racist! Corporate shill! Um, do any of these sound familiar, junior?
  14. Dennis Kucinich Hillary Clinton
  16. Libtards on NPR preaching religious tolerance. Gotta love it!
  17. Neanderthals. Oligarchy. Plutocracy. Regressives. Corporate shills. Southern strategy. Like a wind-up doll that repeats itself oblivious to any and all inputs, you're too fucking dumb to know when you're being mocked. This is beyond sad.
  18. I have a picture of j_b that may help you understand:
  19. I don't have any idea what "satisfied" stands for. Do you? It's also suspect that your graph is compiled by the very organization that is providing the services. It is kind of amusing that medicaid "customers" are only 51% satisfied with their coverage; but, then again, I guess I'm not happy with every Christmas or birthday gift I receive either...
  20. I suppose claim denial could be considered an "efficiency", but the humanity of Medicare's denial rate should give pause to those on your side of the fence who think single-payer will be some kind of panacea.
  21. It's quite possible. After all, they're more than willing to take food stamps away from the poor in order to avoid the horror of contributing so much as a dime to their medical premiums--or giving up that boat/RV combo they've had parked in the driveway for years.
  22. ...if only the average public-sector employee earned a mere "living wage" and was given only "average benefits". But then, in any event, I'm not really sure what an unemployed sloth like you is so concerned about.
  23. Well done, KK. I hear you want to join me on my CNMtAdiOD?
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