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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. j_b ALERT!! OCD-sequenced posts, similar verbiage, misspells, and lax punctuation. Where is our libtard friend while "Kimmo" is holding up the fort?
  2. I like trickle-down economics better than trickle-up poverty.
  3. Even the act of saving it has some societal value--unless he's just stuffin' it in a mattress or something. Or in an offshore account.
  4. All the shit that fat cat man buys has to get built, modified, value-added, and sold. That yacht, mansion, and sports car provide jobs--and tax revenue.
  5. indeed, but if government exists to level the playing field, to re-distribute wealth so that all live in relative prosperity, taxing the ceo then hiring & overpaying some ticket-taker w/ the ceo's tax money doesn't seem so outlandish of course, i suspect a basic disagreement exists over wether government should in fact be doing the redistribution, and of course anyhow who thinks it shouldn't will of course want tax cuts for the rich and public unions to be shit-canned. You're confusing a level playing field with equal outcomes. Never. Gonna. Happen.
  6. Fairweather

    9/11 faked?

    I think it's really sad that an otherwise intelligent guy like yourself would fall in for this kind of BS. C'mon Bill, don't let a very small pile of hand-picked contaminated seeds grow into a poisoned tree that wraps itself around your lobes and chokes out reason. 9/11 happened pretty much exactly as depicted on...9/11/2001.
  7. That's a neat trick you're trying Kimmo, but it won't work here. We're talking about state/govt employees--not what the state mandates for the unionized private sector vis-a-vis the contracts they award.
  8. Read JayB's list again, Kimmo. It clearly states that these are "base salaries". http://www.thenewstribune.com/soundinfo/statesalaries/
  9. I suppose you could look at student achievement as one metric. My guess is that an inverse correlation exists.
  10. It's prognostication, not a smorgasbord. You don't get to choose the ones you like. "Can I get seconds on the union busting?" "No, shut up and pay for Tacoma's bankruptcy you tool." Not union busting--public employee union busting. If your big gummint daddy is as benevolent as you believe, there should be no reason for public sector unions to hold the rest of us (read: the private sector) over a barrel for extravagant pensions and benefits--or to even exist.
  11. I like #4. It has gotta happen soon.
  12. My point is this: you are the epitome of the willing dupe.
  13. 10 years later: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12046975 Snow strands Christmas travellers across north Europe...
  14. Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past By Charles Onians Monday, 20 March 2000 Hello...j_b?...anybody in there??
  15. Pope near the top of The Zipper in late June:
  16. j_b isn't the brightest lantern in the shed. Maybe we're just expecting too much.
  17. Since you do, in fact, take the bait without fail, it is probably safe to assume we regressives are using the correct bait. Fillet of Commie, anyone?
  18. I read it, but perhaps you'd like apologize for your thuggish behavior? Did you miss the date on that piece, Trotsky?
  19. j_b : "Free speech should be taxed! and the proceeds used to pay for speech I prefer..."
  20. Tales of a Western Mountaineer - Claude E Rusk Mountain Fever - Aubrey Haines Breaking Point - Glen Randall
  21. j_b: Wikipedia expert. What an embarrassment.
  22. In Spain, the popular front, a coalition of the left and republicans, was overwhelmingly elected by popular support in 1936. The fascists militias became very active after that and the cycle of violence led to a fascist regime. I love the way you commies bandy about "popularly elected" like it absolves later transgressions. A popularly elected leader ceases to be legitimate when he usurps electoral mechanisms within the constitution he swore to uphold, abolishes a legislature, ignores rulings of the judiciary in this regard, or when he fails to submit to subsequent scheduled elections. Adolph Hitler comes to mind of course--so does Allende, Zalaya, and your buddy Chavez. Spain's 1936 election, in the midst of the Red Terror, means nothing in light of the subsequent property and human rights violations which took place under their regime. The communist morons from here and elsewhere who fought in International Brigades on behalf of Republican Spain deserved what they got: 70% dead.
  23. You live in a secular republic, dumbshit--and you're still not happy. (Because you're a fucking commie.)
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