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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. One in 3 UK scientists feel political pressure to alter their work... http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v403/n6771/full/403689b0.html
  2. [video:youtube]
  3. Absolutely. I'm just here to spice up your hit-count. Even libtards get tired of vanilla from time to time. I think.
  4. Next stop: Siberia.
  5. climatologists and glen beck are "functionally similar" I must say, KK old boy; I never realized New Jersey was quite so gnatty. Pardon my asking, but would you have any spare Deet kicking about your kit?
  6. the rich n' powerful appear to be dipshits on both sides of the spectrum (seem to recall the same story last year re: auto bailouts) Exactly what I was thinking too. Man, they absolutely roasted those beggars. But now, nary a raised eyebrow.
  7. Ah yes. The relocation camp strategy made famous in the FDR days. Let Spray be the Manzanaar of the offenders who have not offended in the least.
  8. Great story: http://www.forbes.com/2009/12/03/climate-science-gore-intelligent-technology-sutton.html
  9. Copenhagen is off to a great start. I guess change is only for the little people... http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,579666,00.html
  10. No. If they did, you'd probably be making excuses for me. The sad truth is that I often see HCGW women imprisoned in Subaru's and hybrids by effeminate males like you. Most of them are barren for reasons upon which I can only speculate. No doubt some are secretly lusting after that guy who just passed them in the SUV.
  11. Nice job. I love that trip--but I never have figured which one of those little humps on the ridge is the true summit. Where do you think the snowline is right now? I'm thinking about Mount Washington and wondering if the 3700' TH is drivable--or at least close.
  12. Does the HCGW (Holy Church of Global Warming) hold services on Saturday or Sunday?
  13. I think your history is a little off re Germany's status on 11-11-18. I would also point you toward the Ruhr Valley in March of 1921 if you need additional examples of French arrogance. Better revisit you Hitler thesis too while you're at it--after all, he declared war on us. As for the rest of it, well, it sounds like typical everything's-our-fault lefty mouth diarrhea.
  14. I thought you preferred boys? In any event, I'll bet she's just aching for a balding middle-aged perv with BO and a gut like yours.
  15. Fairweather

    Damn gobment

    Nope. I was for it after 9/11, and I think we should remain a while longer. Honestly don't know what to make of Obama's escalation.
  16. More proof that the mentally numb erupt rage when their religion is questioned. 10 pages and counting...
  17. No wonder he can't hold down a real job.
  18. Fairweather

    Damn gobment

    Tools pulling levers in November.
  19. Fairweather

    Damn gobment

    Hope and Change.
  20. ...cc.com's dullest tool speaks! At least TTK thinks. I honestly don't know what to make of a dim bulb like you. A really really angry version of Kevbone, I suppose.
  21. Right. So how does one of the most reputable universities in the world simply "lose" their baseline data? Why would they fear a freedom of information disclosure?
  22. Unless, say, it's swollen shut. is that a threat, tough-guy? I figure if Chaoda can toss around death threats here with impunity, then what's a little poke in the jaw, eh?
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