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Everything posted by Fairweather

  1. Meanwhile, here's a pretty good editorial: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8388485.stm
  2. You should take a look at Easterbrook's Mount Baker studies. But yes, I would miss our local glaciers terribly--not that this is relevant at all. As for soot/darkening vs CO2: The solutions are quite a bit different. Are you the least bit concerned that a scientist who feeds his data directly to the IPCC is admitting that there is a problem with the data--and has been trying to hide it? Ivan claimed he wanted a "conversation", but has yet to respond in-kind. At this point, I'll settle for an answer to the question in my last sentence.
  3. Guys like TTK have found a convenient lever for their agenda, and they won't let go easily:
  4. You sound kinda concerned. Been tested?
  5. You should take a look at Easterbrook's Mount Baker studies. But yes, I would miss our local glaciers terribly--not that this is relevant at all. As for soot/darkening vs CO2: The solutions are quite a bit different. Are you the least bit concerned that a scientist who feeds his data directly to the IPCC is admitting that there is a problem with the data--and has been trying to hide it?
  6. It's that last sentence which has us all concerned.
  7. Here ya go, my slobovian know-it-all: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070809172126.htm And here's the NASA study summary: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/04/050411135517.htm
  8. Ivan. You gonna ask me this again in a couple months? Where's the quid pro quo from cc.com's only libnontard?
  9. Not necessarily: http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~dbunny/research/global/co2_glochng.pdf
  10. Yes. Did you know Tvash completed two full quarters at South Seattle Community College?
  11. CO2 may, in fact, be the cause--but to claim the science is settled to the same degree as, say, evolution or plate tectonics is ridiculous. Easterbrook thinks that solar output and natural decadal oscillations are largely to blame. I wouldn't be surprised if diminished albedo due to (anthropogenic)soot is a factor in glacial recession as well. There is a NASA study underway right now investigating this--which, of course, begs the question: Is this really settled?
  12. Oh dear. Now you're upset again. Was it the ego comment? :kisss:
  13. Actually, I did. You quit after that.
  14. Read his articles. He's no veterinarian.
  15. Avanti does offer a layaway plan, but neither Avanti or Pratt accept downpayments. I love it when you get all serious about your ego n' shit...
  16. I know as much about LaRouche as you know about Ron Paul. Nice try though, TTK.
  17. Maybe if you're really nice to them they'll put two bucks down on a piece of your art.
  18. You CO2 nut jobs remind me of evangelicals trying to hold on to your faith even while staring at dinosaur bones. Uh, um yea, but...
  19. Nice find. johndavidjr (Jersey j_b) can use that for his next big adventure.
  20. http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~dbunny/research/global/glocool_summary.pdf
  21. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/21/science/earth/21climate.html “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t,” Dr. Trenberth wrote.
  22. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article6936328.ece
  23. Fairweather


    Here's how one of my bros handled a similar situation: Buy an old cheap used lawn mower for $25. Kick the rusty muffler off of it with your boot. Fill mower with gas. Roll it to the property line. Pull cord. Walk away. When gas runs out; repeat.
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