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Everything posted by hakioawa

  1. PP, The truth hurts. Don't it!
  2. Damn you right wingers have a Clinton fettish! Get over it. No matter what you think he presided over perhaps the most prosperous time in US history. I know you can't bare to see the peasants happy, but now we have "Bush the Lessor" and the working classes will once again be surpressed. CLINTON RETIRED YEARS AGO! GET OVER IT
  3. I'm in for Easter of 2004. He'll kick the bucket and it will be viewed as a miracle!
  4. Don't stop now scott. You've got dru on the ropes!!
  5. What does Bhudda have to say about JC? Howabout Moses? Abraham? bhudda, abraham and moses would have never heard of him. obviously... where is you edumacation there cheif? Who has heard of Moses or Abraham anyway? No major religions rocognize them right?
  6. In other words . . . . Religion is not the problem, YOUR RELIGION is the problem cause its different than mine. If power tends to corrupt, and absloute power tends to corrupt absolutly, doesn't this mean the god is corrupt?
  7. What does Bhudda have to say about JC? Howabout Moses? Abraham?
  8. the fact that you had to use a qualifyer in your statement proves my point. the radical islam is not islam. any cleric of any reputation at all would agree with this. it is against the koran to commit suicide, but radical islamist endore this as divine. hard to believe that this is the same religion. Yes, but your suicide is my martyrdom. There are any number of muslin clerics who will tell you it is your duty as a good moslem to fight the infidels. You cannot define away "radical islam". To some this is islam. Defame it and you defame devout pious Koram following muslims. Perhaps not in your opioion, but in others. A US general may make the distinction for himself, but in wearing the uniform he is making the statment for the US this is a bad idea for may reasons.
  9. from cnn: .snip. Boykin said Islamic extremists hate the United States "because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christians. ... And the enemy is a guy named Satan." . . . Discussing a U.S. Army battle against a Muslim warlord in Somalia in 1993, Boykin told one audience, "I knew my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol." Sounds like he thinks the "muslims extreamists'" god is satan.
  10. this is a problem- a surgeon will do a surgery and this is a wrong turn of events. with body work modalities like pt, chiro, acupuncture or massage the side effects are minimal and you can't un-do suregery. so try everything else before. in 1996 i suffered shoulder dislocation. dx was "multi- directional instability". orthopedic surgeon recommended surgery after 1 visit. i started checking out other options and reading about this pathology. according to many medical publications surgery was not recommended for this condition and final outcomes were usually bad. so if i went with his recommendation i would be most likely fucked now. try as many things as you can, find someone who works with athletes and try everything else before you go under the knife. Glasgow, Yes I agree. Surgery is a last resort. I have dislocated my shoulders probably 20 times. I know I am susspeptable to it. I tried may PT regimes. They all failed. I do not beileve in chiro, its voodoo in my opioion as is accupuncture. On my left shoulder there was obvious (even I could see it in the XRays) damage to the glenoid (shoulder socket). Massage would not help, infact it made things worse. After several years, and a dislocation that nearly caused me to drown, I relented and had a second surgery. It worked, like nothing else. It literally changed my life. In my research I found that my first surgery probably should not have been performed. I was too young at the time. Every case is different. Surgons like to cut. Get a second and third opinion, but do not be afraid of the surgery. Yes it sucks, but you will heal. Erik
  11. True, but in wearing a military uniform he is speaking in part for the military and the government. He is basically saying that the US government equates islam with satan. Moveover US policy is directed from religious doctrine.
  12. I feel your pain. Though in my case its is a man from Bombay locked in the battlecage in my head! Hmm, banana and alkaseltzer? Hmm I wonder what a gin and alkastetzer tonic tastes like?
  13. Do you know precisely what kind of injury you had? Since you doc said a bone injury it sounds similar to mine. I've had 3 surgeries. One right, 2 left. The first when I was quite young. They the other two in the last 5 years. See link below. . . . http://www.orthop.washington.edu/faculty/Matsen/dislocation/05 This is my docs web site. He is great and understands climbers, he's done a bit himself. This is his sub specialty and really know's whats up. As to exercise. I tried a lot of things. After the first surgery failed I really didn't want to go through it again. So I tried a lot of things. None worked. So my opinion is get it checked out. Some of these things will show up on an Xray, but an expert can feel the injury too. It will hurt a bit, and the recovery will take a while. But now is a good time. I had my last surgery in April of 2002 and skied off Rainier summit 7 week later. Be agressive in recovery. He had me doing exercises even before all the anethesia had completely worn off. Good luck.
  14. Where is the choice "3 surgeries cured it?". What kind of pain?
  15. If you like jam bands . . . . http://www.nugs.net/
  16. You can blame your ass hole of a president for that one. He and his "evil doer" cronies have split this country once again. Bush thinks compromise is having a little war and only taking away a few rights.
  17. What if the Canadians and Mexicans, in a corrdinated effort, began drilling deep oil wells (with saudi equipment no doubt) near the borders, on to the San Andreas fault and the juan defuca ridge? Then they began pumping water (H2O is capable of head on flooding!!!!!) into the holes? It would cause huge earthquakes and massive descruction! What if they suceeded in putting thier climbing sleeper cells (Isn't sadams middle name Dru?) on the summits of Rainier, Hood and Shasta while the earthquakes were happening to divert the mud slides toward major population centers! UNTOLD DESTRUCTION!!! Clearly we cannot let this happen!!!
  18. My partner left her purple patagonia fleece and hat at the base of the Becky route on Liberty bell this weekend. If found could you please let me know. Thanks.
  19. 4 your olds do!!!! Father says 4-year-old shooter understands Charges may be filed against parents, others Monday, September 29, 2003 Posted: 11:03 AM EDT (1503 GMT) A hole shows where a bullet fired by 4-year-old Da'Joun Brice pierced through. Story Tools RELATED 4-year-old fatally shoots sister LANDOVER, Maryland (AP) -- A 4-year-old boy who shot and killed his sister and wounded his brother understands what he has done, his father said. "He knows," Gregory Thigpen Sr. told The Washington Post for a story in Monday's editions. "He's very remorseful. He was apologizing to me." Da'Joun Brice was crying when police arrived Saturday after the boy picked up a .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun and pulled the trigger, shooting 5-year-old Kimberly Brice and 7-year-old Gregory Thigpen Jr. "He kept asking if everybody was okay," said spokeswoman Cpl. Diane Richardson. An older sister, 10-year-old Katina Brice, had gotten Kimberly and Gregory out of the home when she saw Da'Joun with the gun, but the bullet pierced the front door and tore through Gregory's back and hit Kimberly's upper body, police said. The 4-year-old cannot be held criminally responsible, but charges may be filed against the parents or others who left the gun within reach, police said. The mother, Jennifer Brice, also could face charges for leaving the children at home without adult supervision. Thigpen said he was working when the shooting occurred. He declined to say where Brice was. Brice is not married to Thigpen but lives with him and his brother. Thigpen and Brice spent most of Sunday at the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Hospital, where Gregory was recovering from surgery on his stomach and upper torso. Relatives said the boy was expected to survive. "I'm not worried" about the possible charges, Thigpen said. "I'm worried about the situation at hand. My daughter is gone, and my son is hurt." Kimberly was pronounced dead Saturday. "She was a quiet, innocent little girl," Thigpen said. "She was everybody's favorite." A neighbor said she remembers the young girl's good manners and infectious smile. "Kim is going to be real missed around here," neighbor Lisa Travis said. "She was always saying, 'Hi, Miss Lisa' and 'I love you.' "
  20. One note. Its easy. Soloable if you like (maybe 1 5.6 move). But PUT IN LOTS OF PRO for directionals!!! I didn't, which forced my folower to take a much harder. She fell becuase of it. No hard done, but I learned a lesson.
  21. hakioawa

    Murphy's Law

    Guess this explains how Bush got elected!
  22. Whatever you think about "typical liberals" we sure can build a military. Clinton's army did a fine job in Iraq.
  23. hakioawa

    Bush quits!

    Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders by Greg Palast September 11, 2003 [Washington] The surprise resignation of the forty-third President of the United States, George W. Bush, on the second anniversary of the terrorist attack on America, was hailed by chiefs of state throughout the world. Mr. Bush announced that after, "two years of bloodshed, economic devastation, and spreading fear in America and abroad," he saw no choice but to accept that, "I have held a title which I did not win, and for which I have proven unqualified." The text of the former President's September 11 address to the nation follows: "My fellow Americans: I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. Two years ago today, thousands of innocent Americans were murdered by terrorist maniacs. In the script I've been handed, I'm now supposed to tell you that America is safer today, and that the world is kinder and nicer and happier, because of I'm such a brilliant general in the War on Terror. But who are we kidding? Yesterday, Osama released his new hit video. The terrorists are having a picnic ever since I turned over our foreign policy to Saudi Arabia and Exxon-Mobil. And here's the point in my speech where my handlers would have me tell you about how I've been praying hard, making it sound like I just got off the phone with the Lord. I don't know about you, but I find it pretty darn offensive, downright blasphemous, to drag the Lord's name into every cheap campaign speech and chest-pounding war threat. Osama says he talks to God too. Let's leave Him out of the politics from now on, OK? Look, in my speech this past Sunday, I used the word "democracy" about 11 times when talking about Iraq. It's democracy Florida-style, I suppose. Except we're not fixing the vote this time we aren't letting these people vote at all. "Iraqis aren't prepared for democracy." That's what Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein told me. So we're blowing 100 billion bucks we don't have to colonize a country we don't want. Rummy tries to explain it to me each morning -- oil this and oil that -- but I just don't see it. And one of our kids dying there every day - where are their parents, anyway? My dad didn't let that happen - he got me out of the service. Didn't I look neat in that fly-boy suit? And, let me tell you, I just looked at our nation's piggy bank. Uh-oh. When I arrived, the last guy left me $4 trillion and said, "Be careful with all that cash in this neighborhood." Well, I have to level with you, America: it's all gone. The cupboard's bare and this year alone we blew half a trillion more dollars than we have in our bank account. Man, I can't believe I went through all that dough stone sober. And what did we get for it? A Fatherland Security Department that's trying to read the labels on everyone's underpants. Think about it, all this Total Information Awareness KGB stuff: two years ago Americans were the victims - but my government has made Americans the suspects. I don't know about you, but this guy Ashcroft scares the bejeezus out of me. And today I'm told that over nine million Americans are out of work. That's not so bad: I haven't done much work in my lifetime either. But my mama explained to me that not everyone's daddy can lend them an oil well to tide them over. It's like I can't get anything right. The lights are going out in Ohio and the North Pole is melting. I don't get it. I appointed all those regulators that Ken Lay told me to, and I got rid of all the rules that got in the way of patriotic Polluter-Americans . and what's the upshot? America the Beautiful is looking like she's had a pretty rough night. Won't be long before the whole country smells like Houston. And now the stock market's floating face down in the swimming pool -- despite everything I've done for those guys on Wall Street. Even my plan to give every millionaire an extra million seems to have backfired. Greenspam says I've created "business risk." Says I spook investors. But when I asked Greenspam for a solution, all he did was hand me a bag of pretzels. Hey, I can take a hint. OK, I'm over my head on this one. I look back over these last years, and what have I got to show you for it: two years of bloodshed, economic devastation, and spreading fear in America and abroad. When I ran for this office, I said the issue was, "character." And just look at the characters around me. I've gotten all their resignations today. And while I've got some character left, here's my own good-bye note too. Let's face it: I have held a title which I did not win, and for which I have proven unqualified. You know it. And I know it. It's at this point in the speech where I'm supposed to say, "And may God bless America." God better, because Dick Cheney won't. Don't panic: I'm not turning over this sacred office to Mr. Contracts-R-Us. Instead, I've petitioned the United States Supreme Court to pick a President for us. Those guys picked the last one, why not the next one? And so, my fellow Americans, you can take this job and ." Here, Mr. Bush's words became unintelligible. As usual.
  24. M2. It has the best range. I've got a tracker too. From what I've seen the range totally outweighs the digital aspect. EVERY beacon takes practive to use. With practice analog vs. digital is not even a real issue.
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