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Everything posted by hakioawa

  1. if (agree == true) { mailto:president@whitehouse.gov; } else { mailto:\dev\null } geek. But you forgot a line: if (agree == true) { translateToTwoSyllableWords(); mailto:president@whitehouse.gov; } else { mailto:\dev\null }
  2. Yeah, you are right. I wonder how high the shear forces would be? I would think a couple of goos 5"x0.5" stainless bolts and those large metolius hangers would stay put. Maybe not. I gotta say the decent was an adventure. Kinda fun actually. But we did a wee bit o' damage to the local foliage.
  3. Yeah, we did too. One pitch up on Blueberry hill and the skies opened up. Man that "granite sidewalk" can be interesting in the rain. We did about 6 double rope raps to get down. That area is beautiful though. I half wish somone would put in rap anchors down the sidewalk. Rapping off trees is pretty hard on them. Kinda weird to down climb a route then rap off the approach though.
  4. Are you actually suggesting that having an MBA from Yale makes you something other than a "mental lightweight"? I've yet to meet an MBA that has much to contribute. They basically teach you how to balance a check book the first year then how to banalce a drink while ass licking your way to a six figure salary the second. Oh and it help that "Bush the lessor's" daddy went Yale. Oh and as far as "liberal drones". The "Clinton is the anti-christ" drone that went on through 8 years of econimic growth got old too. I find it interesting that dubya accused Gore of being dishonest in the election. I guess he didn't learn how to lie as well as dubya did at Yale.
  5. Looks like some tourist who got worked on GNS.
  6. Where's ya goin' dancin' kittn'? i am going to go home and make 1,000 spray posts over the weekend because as everyone knows i never climb just spray about climbing on the net Does anyone have any proof dru exists? I for one think he is some automated program producted by the BC board of tourism to promote squish.
  7. hakioawa

    Da White House

    Yeah, it would be hard to argue Rumsfield is superior to anyone.
  8. Chain saws are aid
  9. Masturbating may protect against prostate cancer
  10. ME TOO *soulmates* Expect 30 horny Witnesses at you doorstep this evening
  11. What do you think is the toughest WA peak to bag? I mean overall, so things like techincal climbing, approach, altitude, season, route finding. The whole shebang. Some peaks look tough at first glacne, but have a walk up route around the back. Others are not too technical but have 20+ mile bushwacks. Thoughts?
  12. looks like a hoax
  13. Marriage may tame genius
  14. hakioawa


    It is an extension of your right to "Life" and "Liberty" in that only YOU have the ability to decide how best to guarantee and protect those rights. Notice, also, that it says "...among these rights..." This implies that there are others, legions of them, that the founders chose not to list and, therefore, left it open to the broad range of rights that we all truly do have. Then why was that right explicitly spelled out in the Bill of Rights (which it arguably wasn't . . . well regulated militia. . etc. etc. etc.) while the rights to "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness were not? Seem to me the drafters were pretty specific. No where does it say the right to bare arms is endowed by the creator.
  15. hakioawa


    Note that the "right to bare arms" is NOT listed amoung those rights "endowed by thier creator". So banning guns could not be considdered immoral. Sorry. My only creators are my parents.
  16. Here's to 'em . Wait that may not be appropriate.
  17. I fart therefore I am
  18. More light lunch time reading Charlton heston is my personal jesus
  19. Exactly. Srategicly place yourself with a half dozen or so 24 oz "king cans" of varying lousy quality, proudly display them as you shotgun a few while burning a rather large spleef. If they aren't gone yet, tie into your ratiest rope and follow up so close they're nearly stepping on you, shouting pointless beta the whole time. They'll get annoyed enough to leave. Of course it would be easier if Hakioawa wasn't so pompous and realized that it's a popular area that he has no more right to than the next guy. If you don't like the "atmosphere", move on. Hey Slaphappy, kiss my Of course I know its a popular place. But common courtesy says not to throw a TR down on a leader. I was a bit pissed and am just blowing off steam. And yeah thats what we did, we left.
  20. Water flows down HEAD!
  21. hakioawa

    climbing question

    Hey this is the SPRAY board! That was damn near a real post. No plab, or snaffles, , or even Track babbling about his inadequacies. I say climb on. I use the three strikes and you are out rule. Three falls, takes or grabbing of gear and I bail. Did that on an accidental attempt on a 5.11d this weekend, but had a blast anyway.
  22. Yeah I know thats what we get for climbing at the Smoke bluffs. But the thing is there are so many contrived bolted routes. Putting multiple ropes on 2 and 3 star cracks really pisses me off. Oh and I got no problem top roping I do it too. Just not on classic gear lines. I saw some guy practicing acending a rope on Flying Circus 5.10a at Neat and Cool.
  23. Some friends and I were at octopus's garden at the smoke bluffs this weekend. We got there early and had the whole place to ourselves. For about 10 minutes. A huge group of people quickly showed up and started putting up top ropes. A!@@ holes! This is perhaps one of the best moderate crack crags in Squamish. 5 of the 5 or up are ready willing and able to lead gear routes in the 5.6-5.9 range. But we got booted off. One guy threw a rope down the climb I was leading (5.9, can't remember the name) then was pissed cause I claimed I was crowding his route. I used to this it was cool to chop bolts but leave the anchors. Now I say, time to add a gorilla bar an a socket wrench to my crag pack. Chop the anchors and the top ropers will be SOL!
  24. So she told you you wern't the only one then?
  25. When was the last time you read the Constitution? Do you have a copy of it in your home? People do NOT define morals. Morals and values come from a strong system of standard beliefs, integity, and ethics. Men or people do not make these up - they live BY them. Why not bring God into the subject? Everyone seems so afraid to state thier religious beliefs. If it wasn't for men wanting to have freedom of religious practices - we wouldn't necessarily have our rights. Having faith in God, yourself, your family, your friends, and our country shouldn't be such a negative thing. Ok lets bring god into it. The problem is. I've never met such an animal. Where does he/she/it live? I'm sure it would be fun to have one over sometime for . I do not believe in such a beast. So how can morals be derived from a myth? As to the constitution. Yes, I have in fact read it. However I have read the Constitution of The United States of America. You may have heard of it. We just celibrated our birthday a fer days ago. The US constitution says a lot about establishment of a poilitical system. I can't seem to find the place where it establishes a moral system. Perhaps you could point it out to me? The admendments do say Congress may enact no law baring or establishing religion. The declaration of Independence does say somthing about a creator. In particular that we do have certain rights. But does not establish a moral code to live by. So if we live by a moral code. And god does not define it. Which for me he does not. Where does this moral code come from. For me it must be the case that morality is derived from people. But I'm open to other options.
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